module Eco module API class MicroCases # If defined, it sets the default usergroup, only when the `policy_group_ids` was not part of the input data. # @param entry [PersonEntry] the input entry with the data we should set on person. # @param person [Ecoportal::API::V1::Person] the person we want to update, carrying the changes to be done. # @param options [Hash] the options. def fix_default_group(entry, person, options) return if options.dig(:exclude, :account) return if options.dig(:exclude, :policy_groups) && ! end_pg_ids = person.account.policy_group_ids if person.account_added? && __def_usergroup_id && !entry.policy_group_ids? # on account creation, if missing policy_group_ids column in the input # use default_usergroup, if it's defined end_pg_ids = [__def_usergroup_id] end person.account.policy_group_ids = end_pg_ids end private def __def_usergroup_id @__def_usergroup_id ||= if session.config.people.default_usergroup? session.policy_groups.to_id(session.config.people.default_usergroup) end end end end end