2011-12-27 Michael Granger * Merged with f8d66e32b9a8 [f72b14d349bf] [tip] 2011-12-14 Michael Granger * History.rdoc, ext/pg.c: Bumped patch version, updated History. [f8d66e32b9a8] 2011-12-27 Michael Granger * .tm_properties: Adding my TextMate2 project settings [daa6f202c54a] * ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.h: Explicitly include the st.h file for interpreters that need it (fixes #95) [448cccfe5bbb] * Rakefile.cross: Allow native compiles without Mingw tools present [f15ac13b396b] * Rakefile, Rakefile.cross: Whitespace consistency fixes [784c6c5cbea9] 2011-12-14 Michael Granger * Rakefile: Made rake-compiler a dev dependency. Thanks to eolamey@bitbucket and Jeremy Evans for pointing out that it isn't needed for gem installation. (Fixes #93) [af645318f239] 2011-12-07 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag v0.12.0 for changeset b767401684d8 [1060487e7621] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 19b551f972e2 [b767401684d8] [v0.12.0] * Contributors.rdoc, History.rdoc, Manifest.txt, README.rdoc: Updated some metadata files in preparation for release. [19b551f972e2] 2011-10-31 Lars Kanis * README.windows.rdoc, Rakefile, Rakefile.cross: re-add mingw32 cross compilation tasks, updated to current pg,openssl,ruby versions [a8b505d430d0] 2011-12-07 Michael Granger * Rakefile: Fix for the 'clobber' rake task under 1.9.x. [c4952fd07cc0] * .hgignore: Adding binary build dir to the ignorefile [12ae62d666cb] 2011-12-05 Michael Granger * Manifest.txt, Rakefile, ext/pg.c, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Fixes for PGresult#error_field - Return +nil+ for unset PQresultErrorField() results instead of a String wrapped around a NULL pointer - Rename PGresult#result_error_field -> #error_field and #result_error_message -> #error_message; aliases for backward compatibility - Add an example of how to COPY asynchronously - Make the 'clobber' task clobber the spec tmpdir - Log the command being run during test database setup/teardown [6cece559d01c] 2011-11-28 Michael Granger * sample/async_copyto.rb: Adding an example of how to use COPY asynchronously [9ebcdc3394fb] * sample/copyto.rb, sample/cursor.rb: Fixing some comments [13cd5d7e1307] 2011-10-31 Michael Granger * Manifest.txt, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, spec/m17n_spec.rb: Encdb fix for Ruby 1.9.3-rc1; thanks to wishdev@bitbucket for the patch (fixes #88). [31ff2758248a] 2011-10-10 Michael Granger * sample/cursor.rb: Adding an example of using a cursor with PGconn#exec [0639e0040af1] 2011-10-07 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Contributors, Contributors.rdoc, History.md, History.rdoc, Manifest.txt, README.OS_X.md, README.OS_X.rdoc, README.ja.md, README.ja.rdoc, README.md, README.rdoc, README.windows.md, README.windows.rdoc, Rakefile, lib/pg.rb, misc/openssl-1.0.0a.mingw-nocapi.patch: Documentation update [d8eea3141983] * ext/pg.c: Ensure values returned from #wait_for_notify are tainted and encoded [6d565a8c3670] * .hgtags: Added tag v0.8.0 for changeset 7fbe4187e9e5 [6f043966cbe4] * .hgtags: Added tag v0.9.0 for changeset da726282493c [ee09cf2d34ee] * ext/pg.c: Bumping minor version. [5acdaac61975] * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Make PGconn#wait_for_notify send nil as the payload argument if the NOTIFY didn't have one. [e47aa3bf402a] * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Making #wait_for_notify accept a nil argument for no timeout (Sequel support) [2d2e977241e4] * sample/async_api.rb, sample/copyfrom.rb, sample/losample.rb, sample/psql.rb, sample/psqlHelp.rb, sample/test1.rb, sample/test2.rb, sample/test4.rb: Made all the samples executable [7bc74288b271] * .gemtest, .hgsub, .hgsubstate, Contributors, History.md, Manifest.txt, README, README.OS_X, README.OS_X.md, README.ja, README.ja.md, README.md, README.windows, README.windows.md, Rakefile, Rakefile.local, doc/postgres.html, doc/postgres.jp.html, ext/extconf.rb, ext/mingw/Rakefile, ext/mingw/build.rake, project.yml: Converted to Hoe [30bd5229899d] 2011-09-18 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c: Handle errors while rb_thread_select()ing in PGconn#block. Thanks to Brian Weaver for the patch. [adb5bb3175a4] 2011-10-06 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c: Added docs for the payload argument to the block from PGconn#wait_for_notify [3623caf38391] 2011-09-16 Michael Granger * sample/copyto.rb: Added an example of PGconn#get_copy_data. [857ec5164f03] 2011-09-01 Michael Granger * misc/openssl-pg-segfault.rb: Adding a test file for duplicating the OpenSSL linking problem [a810901bff03] 2011-07-31 cwgem * sample/test1.rb: Fixing an issue with out of data properties and constants in the sample file. [44b5f65d0abe] 2011-06-17 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c: Split out pgconn_block #ifdef madness into three functions; added error-checking that will hopefully help with #75 [3d744d9776c3] 2011-06-07 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c: Fix #ifdef for Ruby 1.9.2 under non-windows platform. [88f7f11fe764] * ext/pg.c: Merged Rafał Bigaj's fixes for Win32 async queries [315a497006a3] 2011-05-13 rafal * ext/pg.c: Memory leak fixed: Closing opened WSA event. [2bc78e46c1b6] 2011-05-04 rafal * ext/pg.c: Fixes for #66 Win32 asynchronous queries hang on connection error. Using Winsock events and rb_w32_wait_events() on WIN32 and Ruby 1.9 instead of rb_thread_select(). [fc4109b2ddba] 2011-04-14 rafal * ext/pg.c: Fixes #66 Win32 asynchronous queries hang on connection error [17a6a01c1725] 2011-05-30 Michael Granger * spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Fixed executable name in spec shebangs (refs #74) [70bf05114369] 2011-05-18 Michael Granger * sample/async_api.rb: Added a few more comments to the results part of the async example [b5361e087db3] * sample/async_api.rb: Adding an asynchronous API example [cf4c3a05a380] * ext/pg.c: Fixed a typo in PGconn#error_message's documentation [34fc8e167542] 2011-05-04 Michael Granger * ext/extconf.rb: Quote the path to pg_config, since now we're using backticks instead of pipe+exec. Closes #65. [3ec32bb496b9] 2011-04-22 Aaron Patterson * lib/pg.rb: fixing unused variable warnings for ruby 1.9.3 [37d40754ae58] 2011-04-18 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag v0.11.0 for changeset 3cb8e57c6c80 [9e8896275efa] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 24aa7899c696 [3cb8e57c6c80] [v0.11.0] * ext/pg.c, lib/pg.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Move connection-parameter parsing into Ruby, and make option- handling more flexible. No longer segfaults on no-option, <7-option array, and other combinations of arguments to ::connect and ::connect_start. Fixes #67. [24aa7899c696] 2011-03-30 Michael Granger * Automated merge with ssh://bitbucket.org/larskanis/ruby-pg [b477174160c8] 2011-03-15 Lars Kanis * README.windows, Rakefile.local: Update cross compilation tasks to use Ruby 1.8.7 instead of 1.8.6, since pg.gem requires at least 1.8.7 to get installed [cc3a7476465c] 2011-03-12 Lars Kanis * README.windows: Update readme for cross compile [b90f74cb11a5] * Rakefile.local: Use RUBY_CC_VERSION from command line, if set [780650f201e3] 2011-03-11 Lars Kanis * Rakefile.local: update PG and OpenSSL version for cross compile [31089d6c9dde] * Rakefile.local: always run "make libpq.a" for cross compilation [dfe3e7c1ea27] * Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb: re-add required libs for cross compilation add ws2_32.dll because libpq of PostgreSQL 9.0 makes use of it to determine host IP addresses [06e17573b133] 2011-03-30 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c: Comment the WIN32 console FD stuff so I remember what it does. [56098b479a23] 2011-02-23 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c: Whitespace/line-ending fixes [1baa7a8e673e] * ext/pg.c: Merged with 1c3a1ca9f0cd [fb7d22101adf] 2011-01-22 Greg Hazel * ext/pg.c: for windows support, duplicate the sockets from libpq and create temporary CRT fds [1c3a1ca9f0cd] 2011-01-22 Michael Granger * Pulling fixes for Windows from ghazel on Github [c3f163bf1ecd] 2011-02-10 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c: Bump minor version. [18f413081e0c] 2011-01-31 Michael Granger * Contributors, ext/pg.c, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Reformatting fixes for PGresult#[] and PGresult#values [739692aa8dd1] 2011-01-31 Jason Yanowitz * ext/pg.c, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: added PGresult#values to get an array of arrays [59679aee98ee] 2011-01-19 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag v0.10.1 for changeset de10b5d8e442 [8ab3dd3c757b] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 230ea3e68db2 [de10b5d8e442] [v0.10.1] * ext/pg.h: Add an include guard for pg.h [230ea3e68db2] * lib/pg.rb: Simplify the common case require of the ext [f877d2d399cc] * ext/compat.h: Include the extconf header [8e1707a90330] 2010-12-06 Michael Granger * ext/extconf.rb: Experimenting with a greatly-simplified extconf, since the complex one isn't solving any problems [89348c8bb6d1] * ext/pg.c: Bumping version to 0.10.1. [aea173eec98a] * ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c: Fixing compatibility with versions of PostgreSQL without PQgetCancel. (fixes #36) [d61e3310ea3d] * .hgsubstate, lib/pg.rb: Fix require for natively-compiled extension under Windows. (fixes #55) [89979f184b22] * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Change rb_yield_splat() to rb_yield_values() for compatibility with Rubinius. (fixes #54) [9e11be78bfe4] 2010-12-01 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Removed tag 0.10.0 [eb0d4b1df418] * .hgtags: Added tag v0.10.0 for changeset 1822a169c4fe [78a63dce1491] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Fix deprecated expectation. [469211f606ea] * .hgpatchinfo/pg90_notify_payload.dep, .hgpatchinfo/pg90_notify_payload.desc: Merged in Mahlon's wait_for_notify update for PostgreSQL 9's notification payload [857722663a6f] * Closing pg90_notify_payload pbranch for merge into default [8ffb67a23f45] * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Finished the merge of default; fixed specs under 1.9.2. [de86dca00ad2] * .hgpatchinfo/pg90_notify_payload.dep, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: merge of default [60664b2495cf] * .hgtags: Added tag 0.10.0 for changeset 1822a169c4fe [148d0cc3db4a] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 3993015a841e [1822a169c4fe] [v0.10.0] * .hgignore, Rakefile.local: Ignore the yard cache, handle missing rake-compiler for non-compile- related tasks. [3993015a841e] 2010-11-11 Michael Granger * .hgsubstate, Rakefile, ext/pg.c, project.yml: Build/gem updates * Updated the build system with Rubygems suggestions from RubyConf 2010 * Bumped version to 0.10.0 to follow the Semantic Versioning spec (http://semver.org/) [71786704391b] * README, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Added a spec for collapsed notifications. [899329ce1b4e] 2010-11-01 Michael Granger * Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb: More work trying to get the Windows-native gem to compile. No luck, but it's closer. * Revert the 1.8 build back to 1.8.6 on the advice of Louis Lavena's blog: http://bit.ly/bFs4hj * Undo the ARCHLIBDIR change * Don't depend on the static-build option for the cross-compilation section of extconf.rb to facilitate easy testing while the static build parts are commented out. [413f9e81e3ea] 2010-10-31 Michael Granger * ext/compat.c, ext/pg.c, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Fixed issue with PGconn#wait_for_notify that caused it to miss notifications that happened after the LISTEN but before the wait_for_notify. [3402babf2cdf] 2010-10-29 Michael Granger * .hgsubstate, Rakefile, project.yml, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Updated to RSpec 2.0 [9d8f82721f69] 2010-10-11 Michael Granger * Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb, misc/openssl-1.0.0a.mingw- nocapi.patch: Fixes for windows static build. * Disable capi engine in OpenSSL build until it's fixed (http://rt.openssl.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=1747) * Rearrange some stuff in Rakefile.local to make the logic more obvious [b2df89600d95] 2010-10-08 Michael Granger * ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Added support for the payload of NOTIFY events (w/Mahlon E. Smith) [193043bf2244] * .hgpatchinfo/pg90_notify_payload.dep, .hgpatchinfo/pg90_notify_payload.desc: start new patch on default [ce9b893ff824] * Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb: Fixes to get the static windows build to work with PostgreSQL 9.0 and OpenSSL 1.0.0a [49ff3442c2ee] 2010-09-28 Michael Granger * Rakefile.local: More work trying to get the native windows gem to compile under PostgreSQL 9.0 [1fa5cd6851e3] * sample/copyfrom.rb: Adding a sample of how to use COPY FROM [c9fb855a7d50] 2010-09-24 Michael Granger * .hgsubstate, Rakefile, Rakefile.local, project.yml, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Fixes for Ruby 1.9.2. [d85ff87e5949] * Rakefile, ext/pg.c, lib/pg.rb, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Version bump, updates for PostgreSQL 9. * Bump version to 0.9.1. * Fixed the specs for JRuby (and other no-fork Ruby interpreters) [5dbc24f596c8] 2010-08-03 Michael Granger * .hgsubstate, Rakefile: Merged JRuby fix into the build system, pulled down other build- system updates. Thanks to timfel for the fix. [1f8dd92ca16c] 2010-08-03 Tim Felgentreff * Rakefile: Fix to allow Rakefile to work on JRuby [4f705f605e51] 2010-08-02 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c, spec/m17n_spec.rb: Honor Ruby's default_internal encoding when connecting via the synchronous interface; fixes #33 [92cc211ef553] * ext/extconf.rb: Don't treat the installed pg_config not having archflags as an error; fixes #39 [a2237e39d399] * Rakefile.local, lib/pg.rb: Install extension under arch-specific directory (RPS fix) [14b882b7b88c] 2010-07-26 Michael Granger * .hgsub, .hgsubstate: Adding rake tasklibs as a sub-repo [b0a5ae858569] 2010-07-21 Michael Granger * spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Removed spec for issue #22, as the library is behaving the same as the underlying library; closes #22 [37835e3b8701] * Merged with 168:dfaa59767b2e [86f238c12fa3] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Reworded an example's description and added a specific transaction- abort spec [dfaa59767b2e] 2010-06-22 Michael Granger * Rakefile.local: Merged with 170:5418a1d86d91 [e756f8fb15d8] * Rakefile.local, ext/pg.c, sample/test_binary_values.rb: Adding example of invalid binary data issue (refs #22), fixing EXT_SO path [8922f0a8ee44] 2010-02-25 Michael Granger * spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Adding a spec to test bug #12 [cb92aa4b6599] * project.yml: Adding rake-compiler to the dev dependencies [86026f5ecf70] 2010-06-22 Michael Granger * Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb: Cross-compile tasks cleanup, extconf diagnostic improvement. * Cleaned up the cross-compilation task, factored stuff up into constants, used pure-ruby download, untar, etc. * Improved diagnostics of failed extconf runs (refs #32, #24) [5418a1d86d91] * .hgignore: Adding some more stuff to the ignorefile [07502a793f3a] * sample/losample.rb: Modified the large-object sample script to reflect the pg library's API (refs #35) [873867122e80] 2010-06-21 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Rakefile: Updating build system, adding .orig files to ignore list. [ea6eae59e917] 2010-06-14 Michael Granger * spec/m17n_spec.rb: Whitespace fix [bb8a3baad96e] 2010-05-26 Michael Granger * ext/extconf.rb: Actually, just use the cflags from pg_config, which should resolve both the -Wall and the -lsocket issue (refs #30) [45e6518b780d] * ext/extconf.rb: Fixing compilation for non-GCC platforms (fixes #30) [730fb885ce08] 2010-03-16 Michael Granger * ext/extconf.rb: Fixed typo in ext/extconf.rb -- thanks to Keith Cascio for spotting this. Closes #27. [a47ffe890970] 2010-02-28 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag 0.9.0 for changeset da726282493c [9a296096f7e9] * .hgsigs: Added signature for changeset 872063e42b12 [da726282493c] [0.9.0, v0.9.0] 2010-02-19 Michael Granger * Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h, lib/pg.rb: Adding "fat gem" compatible loader, set the default RUBY_CC_VERSION. [872063e42b12] * Rakefile, Rakefile.local: Updated the Rakefile so it includes itself in gems. (closes #15) Thanks to flameeyes@bitbucket for noticing this. [ab525ca90531] 2010-02-18 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Applied patch for PGconn#async_exec to make it have the same semantics as PGconn#exec (closes #19). Thanks again to Lars Kanis for the patch. [9c65eb905416] 2010-02-17 Michael Granger * Rakefile: Updated the Rakefile to always default the package version even if a version can't be read from the VERSION_FILE. [b0017ac0ecb5] * spec/lib/helpers.rb: Improving spec database setup function (closes #18). Thanks to Lars Kanis for another fine patch. [c7d5458af696] * spec/m17n_spec.rb: Ack! Removing typo [39b11474d035] * spec/m17n_spec.rb: Adding a test to ensure the result encoding remains the same even when client_encoding in the connection changes. [9d54bbc98488] 2010-01-18 Michael Granger * ext/extconf.rb: Made the 'make_header' in the extconf more clear. [31afece7c203] 2010-01-13 Jeff Davis * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Merged [d9c920068712] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: In rspec tests, replace the pattern: CREATE TABLE ... INSERT ... SELECT ... with: VALUES ... [294eb6d5530b] 2010-01-11 Michael Granger * ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: A better fix for the PGconn#block weirdness on Win32 (closes #16). * Replaced the WIN32 conditionals in PGconn#block with a much simpler solution. * Added a few specs to test PGconn#block based on Lars Kanis's proposed one. Thanks to both Lars and Shun for all their help with this issue. [74fab32c2687] 2010-01-06 Michael Granger * README: Rearranged the sections of the README. [f8dfc1b6c51c] 2010-01-05 Michael Granger * README.OS_X: Updating MacOS X README. [0df792de2a19] 2010-01-04 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c: Work around broken rb_thread_select() on win32; thanks to Lars Kanis for the patch! [2894973bc63f] * ext/pg.c, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Reverted removal of PGresult::InvalidOid, fixed broken spec. [88dacdb9c97d] * .hgignore, README, Rakefile, ext/pg.c, project.yml: Ignore some generated files, documentation work, removed type OID constants. * Updated the various READMEs with more up-to-date info. * Updated build system (rdoc fixes, packaged files) * Fixed some RDoc problems and formatting glitches * Removed the type OID constants from PGresult; I was including them so they could be used for comparison with PGresult#ftype return values. RhodiumToad on #postgresql@freenode showed me the format_type() SQL function, so I added an example of how to get the same information via that function instead, which is guaranteed to be correct even if src/include/catalog/pg_type.h changes. [739cec560448] * README.windows, Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb: Applied patch for static cross-compilation of win32 gem from Lars Kanis with a few changes to support MacOS X as a host as well. Closes #13. Thanks Lars! [38a0d2a90664] 2010-01-03 Michael Granger * .irbrc, COPYING.txt, ChangeLog, MANIFEST, README, README.OS_X, Rakefile, Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.h, ext_helper.rb: Updated build system * Backed out the experimental arch-specific subdir of lib * Removed second copy of GPL; one is more than enough. * Removed the ChangeLog -- this should be built on demand instead of checked in. * Removed the out-of-date and now-superfluous MANIFEST * Started updating the remaining documentation to reflect the current state of the library/build instructions/people. * Pass options to 'rake' through to extconf.rb, allowing 'rake -- --with-pg-dir=/path/to/pg' * Updated the handling of compilation on MacOS X to use the architectures common to both libpq and Ruby. * Use an extconf.h for configuration * Removed the now-unused ext_helper.rb Still more work to be done, but I'm checkpointing this so it's not too huge. [f31202539234] 2010-01-02 Michael Granger * .hgtags: Added tag 0.8.0 for changeset 7fbe4187e9e5 [cc09390cb0a8] 2009-12-31 Michael Granger * Closing branch [d5fa3e079a55] * ext/pg.c: Bumped version to 0.9.0 [05834d47aac3] * ext/mkrf_config.rb: Merged i17n-19-patches branch [0997a0aa7624] 2009-12-28 Michael Granger * .hgignore, ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Make PGconn.connect_start use PQconnectStart instead of PQconnectdb so asynchronous connection works. Fixes #14; thanks to 'ibc' @bitbucket for submitting the test case that brought this to my attention. [f5af71167dea] * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Added column-selection methods to PGresult (#field_values and #column_values). Closes #12. Thanks to Sugano Yoshihisa for the patch on which these methods were based. [42919e2a4ef8] 2009-12-23 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Fixed #11: encrypt_arguments doesn't receive password, thanks to Yuki Miyauchi for the patch. [39fdb2552163] * .hgignore, ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Fixed infinite loop in async_exec("COPY"), thanks to Mike Pomraning for the patch. Closes #9. [df770b6ad237] 2009-12-16 Michael Granger * .hgignore, Contributors, Rakefile, Rakefile.local, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, project.yml, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: New build system, build with rake-compiler, added PGconn::VERSION. * Replaced the existing Rakefile with a small core set of tasks and task libraries under rake/. * Added a PGconn::VERSION constant (closes #4). * Replaced the ARCHFLAGS warning under Darwin with code to duplicate the archflags Postgres was compiled with. [4cbcf197cb82] 2009-12-15 Michael Granger * Rakefile, ext/pg.c, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Applied Rubyforge patch 26282; fixes #1. Thanks to Nikolai Lugovoi for the patch. [6ba661bbdb28] 2009-12-11 Michael Granger * Rakefile, ext/pg.c, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Notify spec fixes, cleanup, Rakefile clean task adjustments. * Made PGconn#wait_for_notify do more error-checking to track down a problem with running it in transactions. * Moved PGconn#wait_for_notify source closer to PGconn#notifies * Split some stuff that used to get removed by 'clean' into the 'clobber' task instead. [3e42badc15de] * .hgignore, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Simplified the spec for PGconn#notify, still segfaulting. [659d80221a45] * Merged Mahlon's examples-directory patch from default. [26b614a7ece8] * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Merged Mahlon's notify patch from default. [66234afab283] 2009-12-10 Mahlon E. Smith * sample/notify_wait.rb: Add a sample (usage example) for wait_for_notify(). [1e6349a799c3] * ext/pg.c, sample/psql.rb, sample/psqlHelp.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: * Small documentation fix for conn.notifies() * Add wait_for_notify(), a method to do a blocking select() for a NOTIFY event. [a3434e641f6a] 2009-10-29 Michael Granger * ext/mkrf_config.rb: Remove old mkrf config file to avoid confusion [59549227d7c3] 2009-10-28 Michael Granger * .hgignore, ext/pg.c, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Write specs for and applied patch #26283; thanks to Nikolai Lugovoi. [f30139fb0587] * .hgignore, spec/data/expected_trace.out, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Fixups after conversion to Mercurial, fixing tests broken by the changes in the previous commit. * Fixed differences in expected trace output caused by every test being wrapped in a transaction. * Fixed require-order bug in two of the specs * Corrected a mis-paste in the m17n spec before:all block [a41d4291ffbb] * Rakefile, spec/lib/helpers.rb, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: * Made spec output elide output from the command line by default, and log everything for diagnostics. * Factored out the database setup and teardown functions into helpers, added a collection of other helper functions for specs. * Added specs to cover behavior around Nikolai Lugovoi's patch (#26283) for PGresult#fmod, #ftable, and #ftablecol prior to applying it. [91ee1ac36a54] 2009-10-17 Michael Granger * .irbrc, Rakefile, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Applied patch #26277; thanks to Nikolai Lugovoi. * fixed number of parameters in definition of PGresult#paramtype -- expected 1 but was declared 0 * minor consistency update for range checks of column/tuple indices * PGconn#lo_read : fixed to return string with length of really read data, not provided length I also added: * Constants for paramtype Oids. * A couple of additional rake tasks * Append PQerrorMessage to some exception messages * Specs for the above patch [0b28f9bd8935] 2009-10-16 Michael Granger * Rakefile, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Build and warnings cleanup. * Added a :default task * Made spec execution quieter * Silenced warning about 'dup()' by including unistd.h if we have it. * Silenced warnings about generated exception messages by adding a format. [cb5335861c5d] 2009-08-28 Michael Granger * ext/pg.c, spec/m17n_spec.rb: Applied patch #26116; thanks to Nikolai Lugovoi. * apply client encoding to result of @conn.escape(string) * set ASCII_8BIT for results returned in binary format * fixed memory leak on exception in @conn.escape(string) for truncated multibyte [1d001b550715] * ext/pg.c, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: * Use pg_ctl -w instead of sleep for specs * Fix up the specs to use #external_encoding, #internal_encoding, and #internal_encoding= * Added a pending spec for Johab (I can't figure out how to return JOHAB-encoded results from Postgres) [d67c62945540] 2009-08-25 Michael Granger * Rakefile, ext/pg.c, ext_helper.rb, spec/m17n_spec.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: * Applied patch from (rubyforge:25931), fixes (rubyforge:22925). * Normalized indentation * Create all databases without locale to ensure consistency. * Fixed the gemspec to make copying of the .so to lib/ unnecessary. Extensions belong in ext/. [0524dd20fb0f] 2009-07-30 Michael Granger * Making a branch for merging the patches and new specs to test them. [d0267176eb61] 2009-03-28 Jeff Davis * Rakefile, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Bump version to 0.8.0 Update tests. [7fbe4187e9e5] [0.8.0, v0.8.0] 2009-03-28 Charlie Savage * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Don't call file trace on windows. [39a19c65b0a0] * Updated VC2008 project [c4598eee6d1b] * ext/vc/pg.sln, ext/vc/pg_18/pg.vcproj, ext/vc/pg_19/pg_19.vcproj: Updated VC2008 project [c75883fb5979] 2009-03-28 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: Fix socket leak when connection error occurs. Thanks to: Andrea Barisani Rob Holland [4192e6d1ccc0] * ext/pg.c: PGconn#lo_close was calling lo_unlink. [03d6ef0de9ef] * ext/pg.h: Change header so it builds correctly on 1.8 and 1.9. [b27b4b4a54eb] 2009-03-14 Charlie Savage * ext/pg.c: Oops - use ALLOC_N not ALLOC, fixes compile error with VC2008. [f7b97416c101] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Ignore rdoc directory, pkg directory, nbproject directory. [c0fd7531850f] * ext/mingw/Rakefile: This rakefile is just used for installing the windows gem. [c675c7534c4d] * ext/mingw/build.rake: Split out building on mingw to a separate rake file. [c3329724ef5b] * ext/vc/pg.sln, ext/vc/pg.vcproj, ext/vc/pg_18/pg.vcproj, ext/vc/pg_19/pg_19.vcproj: Updated VC2008 projects for Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9 (1.9 not quite setup yet). [01e1dbb950c8] * Rakefile: Added rdoc task so you can type rake rdoc. Makes it easier to debug rdoc documentation. [677d3eae5b16] * spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Windows compatibility - use tcp/ip sockets, use full path names, read files in binary mode. [c33a73c14126] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Ripple port change through text. Always full path to open spec file. [241d3410b875] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: First stab at getting test to work on Windows. Windows does not support unix-sockets, so have to use tcp/ip sockets. Also windows requires that command line parameters are quoted with " and not '. [1bf29d30c16c] * ext/pg.h: Export Init_pg in windows shared library. [4dae2cabb5ae] * ext/pg.c: Fix up memory handling for Windows (match ALLOC with xfree). [4e9b028c55cd] 2009-03-06 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: 1.9 compatibility fixes. [4a9ffd0aa913] 2008-12-03 Jeff Davis * Rakefile, ext/compat.c, ext/mingw/Rakefile, ext/mingw/build.rake, ext/mkrf_config.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/vc/pg.sln, ext/vc/pg.vcproj: Add better support for windows build. Big thanks to Charlie Savage. [7178d13749b7] 2008-10-14 Jeff Davis * ext/extconf.rb: Merged revisions 175 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://jdavis@rubyforge.org/var/svn/ruby-pg/ruby-pg/trunk ........ r175 | jdavis | 2008-10-13 22:25:00 -0700 (Mon, 13 Oct 2008) | 4 lines Revert r172. ........ [4c2ea65f2eb9] * ext/extconf.rb: Revert r172. [3bf9ef75bae5] 2008-10-05 Jeff Davis * ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Merged revisions 169-173 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://jdavis@rubyforge.org/var/svn/ruby-pg/ruby-pg/trunk ........ r169 | jdavis | 2008-08-20 19:48:10 -0700 (Wed, 20 Aug 2008) | 6 lines Fixed option connection argument in the case of using 7 arguments. Thanks Erik Hollensbe (erikh) for the bug report. ........ r170 | jdavis | 2008-10-05 11:01:40 -0700 (Sun, 05 Oct 2008) | 4 lines Throw correct exception when result is NULL. ........ r171 | jdavis | 2008-10-05 11:47:01 -0700 (Sun, 05 Oct 2008) | 12 lines Fix PGconn#async_exec and PGconn#get_last_result to properly clear all results when an exception is raised. Before, the connection could be left in a state that is not ready for new commands. Also, change PGconn#get_result to not raise an exception when the result is in an error state. You can still check the result object for an error, but it's not appropriate to raise an exception, because that could prevent the caller from properly clearing all results. Thanks to Tarmo Tänav. ........ r172 | jdavis | 2008-10-05 12:04:45 -0700 (Sun, 05 Oct 2008) | 6 lines Include all libraries listed in "pg_config --libs" in the build. Thanks Hans-Thomas Mueller. ........ r173 | jdavis | 2008-10-05 12:18:58 -0700 (Sun, 05 Oct 2008) | 4 lines Update spec tests. ........ [7e7c22be0302] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: Update spec tests. [cdf306d84adf] * ext/extconf.rb: Include all libraries listed in "pg_config --libs" in the build. Thanks Hans-Thomas Mueller. [0386537bd139] * ext/pg.c: Fix PGconn#async_exec and PGconn#get_last_result to properly clear all results when an exception is raised. Before, the connection could be left in a state that is not ready for new commands. Also, change PGconn#get_result to not raise an exception when the result is in an error state. You can still check the result object for an error, but it's not appropriate to raise an exception, because that could prevent the caller from properly clearing all results. Thanks to Tarmo Tänav. [68473ee45e28] * ext/pg.c: Throw correct exception when result is NULL. [622eec9c6b0b] 2008-08-21 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: Fixed option connection argument in the case of using 7 arguments. Thanks Erik Hollensbe (erikh) for the bug report. [8e8045947a9c] 2008-08-17 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: Merged revisions 166 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://jdavis@rubyforge.org/var/svn/ruby-pg/ruby-pg/trunk ........ r166 | jdavis | 2008-08-17 13:35:51 -0700 (Sun, 17 Aug 2008) | 4 lines Typo fix. ........ [3e9dda291ef3] * ext/pg.c: Typo fix. [c5c44a6267f7] * ext_helper.rb: Add ext_helper.rb [3686c9944fe1] * Rakefile, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, pg.gemspec, spec/data/expected_trace.out, spec/data/random_binary_data, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: Merged revisions 149-160 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://jdavis@rubyforge.org/var/svn/ruby-pg/ruby-pg/trunk ........ r149 | jdavis | 2008-03-19 14:17:20 -0700 (Wed, 19 Mar 2008) | 5 lines This commmit just cleans up indenting and coding conventions. It's a big patch, but does nothing meaningful. ........ r150 | jdavis | 2008-03-19 14:19:53 -0700 (Wed, 19 Mar 2008) | 5 lines * forgot to add the expected output to the repository, so one test was failing. Corrected now. ........ r151 | jdavis | 2008-03-20 11:20:25 -0700 (Thu, 20 Mar 2008) | 12 lines * added PGconn.connect_start(...) -> PGconn * added test for PGconn.connect_start() * refactored to separate the complexity of parsing the connection arguments * Removed some superfluous code for old versions of Ruby that don't support rb_define_alloc_func(). Those versions of Ruby most likely don't work anyway, and I'm not testing them. ........ r152 | jdavis | 2008-03-20 12:16:06 -0700 (Thu, 20 Mar 2008) | 5 lines * added PGconn#cancel() -> String * added test for PGconn#cancel() ........ r153 | jdavis | 2008-04-21 10:13:39 -0700 (Mon, 21 Apr 2008) | 4 lines * added some tests for binary data ........ r154 | jdavis | 2008-04-21 10:24:05 -0700 (Mon, 21 Apr 2008) | 5 lines * applied patch from Louis Lavena to improve the build process (particularly for windows). ........ r155 | jdavis | 2008-04-21 10:41:04 -0700 (Mon, 21 Apr 2008) | 6 lines * backtracked a small piece of the patch, to catch the condition where pg_config is not in the PATH on posix platforms. ........ r156 | jdavis | 2008-07-07 23:21:07 -0700 (Mon, 07 Jul 2008) | 6 lines Fix oversight in connect arguments for options and connect_timeout when passed in a hash. (Thanks Rob Holland for the bug report). ........ r157 | jdavis | 2008-07-23 22:33:26 -0700 (Wed, 23 Jul 2008) | 10 lines Changed all temporary allocations to use ALLOC_N (heap allocation) rather than ALLOCA_N (stack allocation). In particular, this allows PGconn#escape_string to accept larger input strings without fear of exceeding the stack size. Thanks to Brett Neumeier. ........ r158 | jdavis | 2008-07-23 22:46:34 -0700 (Wed, 23 Jul 2008) | 6 lines Fixed PGconn#setnonblocking Thanks to Mohammad Ali (oldmoe) for the report. ........ r159 | jdavis | 2008-08-17 11:19:09 -0700 (Sun, 17 Aug 2008) | 4 lines Applied build patch from Brett Neumeier. Thanks! ........ r160 | jdavis | 2008-08-17 12:26:33 -0700 (Sun, 17 Aug 2008) | 7 lines Properly protect variables from garbage collection, preventing possible memory corruption. Big thanks to Peter Seebach for reporting and clearly diagnosing the problem. ........ [ed3294b76bf7] * Initialized merge tracking via "svnmerge" with revisions "1-146" from svn+ssh://jdavis@rubyforge.org/var/svn/ruby-pg/ruby-pg/trunk [ff6af5fc4dc3] * Initialized merge tracking via "svnmerge" with revisions "1-146" from svn+ssh://jdavis@rubyforge.org/var/svn/ruby-pg/ruby- pg/trunk@146 [1a7b63bacfee] * ext/pg.c: Properly protect variables from garbage collection, preventing possible memory corruption. Big thanks to Peter Seebach for reporting and clearly diagnosing the problem. [ed8927d7f45d] * Rakefile: Applied build patch from Brett Neumeier. Thanks! [c7c5d25c851c] 2008-07-24 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: Fixed PGconn#setnonblocking Thanks to Mohammad Ali (oldmoe) for the report. [48d2bdfcc630] * ext/pg.c: Changed all temporary allocations to use ALLOC_N (heap allocation) rather than ALLOCA_N (stack allocation). In particular, this allows PGconn#escape_string to accept larger input strings without fear of exceeding the stack size. Thanks to Brett Neumeier. [b2e1bc03aca5] 2008-07-08 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: Fix oversight in connect arguments for options and connect_timeout when passed in a hash. (Thanks Rob Holland for the bug report). [c775c24a75f9] 2008-04-21 Jeff Davis * ext/extconf.rb, pg.gemspec: * backtracked a small piece of the patch, to catch the condition where pg_config is not in the PATH on posix platforms. [b86f0f75181e] * Rakefile, ext/extconf.rb, ext_helper.rb, pg.gemspec: * applied patch from Louis Lavena to improve the build process (particularly for windows). [b3a05d09fb27] * spec/data/random_binary_data, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: * added some tests for binary data [7579885aff18] 2008-03-20 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: * added PGconn#cancel() -> String * added test for PGconn#cancel() [de58e242dd99] * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb: * added PGconn.connect_start(...) -> PGconn * added test for PGconn.connect_start() * refactored to separate the complexity of parsing the connection arguments * Removed some superfluous code for old versions of Ruby that don't support rb_define_alloc_func(). Those versions of Ruby most likely don't work anyway, and I'm not testing them. [778892302876] 2008-03-19 Jeff Davis * spec/data/expected_trace.out: * forgot to add the expected output to the repository, so one test was failing. Corrected now. [630cca5e74c1] * ext/pg.c: This commmit just cleans up indenting and coding conventions. It's a big patch, but does nothing meaningful. [661ed2fea9e2] 2008-03-18 Jeff Davis * BSD, README, ext/compat.c, ext/compat.h, ext/extconf.rb, ext/mkrf_config.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h, pg.gemspec, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: merged ruby-pg/trunk rev 123:146 with ruby-pg/branches/stable [f9cd915ea427] 2008-03-17 Jeff Davis * ext/mkrf_config.rb: re-adding mkrf_config.rb [d821d50b7d95] * ext/mkrf_config.rb: temporarily removing mkrf_config.rb and will re-add it in the next revision. This is an attempt to fix what may be a repository problem. [a66f44648857] * COPYING, README.windows, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: merged ruby-pg/trunk rev 123:125 with ruby-pg/branches/stable [bae01401c92b] * ext/compat.c, ext/compat.h, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, pg.gemspec: * 7.3 compatibility fixes * cleanup [c8752b1a33cd] * ext/pg.c: * Added PGconn#reset_start * Added PGconn#reset_poll * Added PGconn#socket * Added PGconn#connect_poll (needs docs) [4aa1190e1873] 2008-03-12 Jeff Davis * spec/pgconn_spec.rb: * added SQLSTATE test * added binary format test [1224350cdcb6] * README: * updated the README to reflect the fact that the pg module is supported by ActiveRecord now. [639f8bf03621] 2008-03-11 Jeff Davis * BSD, COPYING, README, ext/pg.c: * tried to make it easier to find the license information [1fd6244025c5] 2008-03-10 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: * add better checking to make sure that PGconn#trace is passed a stream that can provide a valid and writable file descriptor * added test case for PGconn#trace [1c4f58ec2264] * ext/pg.c: * corrected handling of bytea when passed in binary format * corrected handling of +nil+ values passed as type or format specifiers when using the array-of-hashes form of parameterization for PGconn#exec [e94ce7f92a06] * ext/pg.c: * make PGconn#trace accept any object that provides a writable file descriptor via the method "fileno". [221e68f16f2d] * ext/pg.c: * Added PGconn#trace(filename) [2e722b22b4bc] 2008-03-07 Jeff Davis * ext/extconf.rb, ext/mkrf_config.rb: * Added check to find pg_config. If not found, throw an error. This should make it more obvious when pg_config is not in your path. * Added proper check on MAC OS X so that it gives the correct warning on ppc when ARCHFLAGS isn't set. [9b1308e85390] 2008-02-22 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h: * fixed PGconn#trace [480eae4733ff] 2008-02-21 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: * added PGconn#set_notice_receiver{ |result| ... } - This is a more powerful form of PGconn#set_notice_processor * cleaned up PGconn#set_notice_processor * removed superfluous debugging from PGconn#transaction * fixed PGresult#result_error_field [a6a1c8613b31] 2008-02-19 Jeff Davis * ext/mkrf_config.rb: quick change [8a6e663a70f7] * ext/mkrf_config.rb: fix escaping of paths on windows (another try) [5fc41a8f71f0] 2008-02-18 Jeff Davis * ext/mkrf_config.rb, ext/pg.c: * attempted some compatibility fixes for windows * fixed some warnings [a465fe9f95a3] 2008-02-13 Jeff Davis * ext/mkrf_config.rb: * better quoting and error handling when invoking other programs, e.g. pg_config [5a91f5660c17] * ext/mkrf_config.rb: quote include and library paths [5289d5034472] * ext/mkrf_config.rb: * created a mkrf_config.rb. I am attempting to transition away from mkmf to mkrf [ed53517514b1] 2008-02-11 Jeff Davis * README.windows, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.h: * windows fixes (thanks Daniel Berger!) [21bf96d0f702] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: * fix temporary postgresql test installation in test. [9d0a23cf2113] 2008-02-08 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: * properly retrieve binary data from result sets [7fcd53437c79] 2008-02-05 Jeff Davis * Rakefile, ext/compat.h, ext/pg.c, pg.gemspec, ruby-pg.gemspec, sample/losample.rb, sample/psql.rb, sample/test1.rb, sample/test2.rb, sample/test4.rb, spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb, tests/pg_spec.rb: merged ruby-pg/trunk rev 109:121 with ruby-pg/branches/stable [83e5013eccc8] * ext/compat.h: fixed bug caused by a typo. HAVE_LOCREATE should have been HAVE_LO_CREATE [295c477ed74f] 2008-02-01 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c, spec/pgresult_spec.rb: * made exec, exec_prepared, send_query, and send_prepared with parameters accept nil as NULL * updated comments and tests to reflect that [ef2214d7f448] * ext/pg.c, sample/losample.rb, sample/psql.rb, sample/test1.rb, sample/test2.rb, sample/test4.rb: * Corrected a comment. * Cleaned up the sample directory somewhat. It's still out of date, though. [7303b8165a37] 2008-01-31 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: * removed duplicate definition of PGconn.open [b3ad2112a91e] * spec/pgconn_spec.rb, spec/pgresult_spec.rb, tests/pgconn_spec.rb, tests/pgresult_spec.rb: more test improvements [ce9c0e52eec6] * Rakefile, tests/pg_spec.rb, tests/pgconn_spec.rb: renamed pg_spec to pgconn_spec [97cbdebaeb11] * Rakefile, tests/pg_spec.rb, tests/pgresult_spec.rb: * Added some tests * Added a Rakefile [1cb0537730bf] 2008-01-30 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: * added PGconn.conndefaults * replaced a macro with a function to make it more understandable [29b827c7dbd0] 2008-01-29 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: corrected the tainting of some strings returned by the database [c18f38225bc7] * ruby-pg.gemspec: changed gem name from 'ruby-pg' to just 'pg' [56cd8c6ee046] 2008-01-28 Jeff Davis * pg.gemspec: made a pg.gemspec so that people can build 'pg' gem [a9097dead780] * ext/pg.c: merged ruby-pg/trunk rev 104 with ruby-pg/branches/stable [abfe9a457946] 2008-01-26 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: changed exception type for empty data structures [cfdcfcd445ab] 2008-01-25 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: * added PGconn#async_exec and alias PGconn#async_query * added PGconn#get_last_result * properly check index bounds in pgresult_aref ( PGresult#[] ) * PGresult#getvalue now returns nil instead of empty string for NULL [81cd03f8a2c3] * ext/pg.c: added PGresult#cmdtuples as alias for PGresult#cmd_tuples This is for better compatibility with ActiveRecord. [29d775393e88] * ext/pg.c: Added: * PGresult#num_tuples as alias for PGresult#ntuples * PGresult#num_fields as alias for PGresult#nfields This should result in easier compatibility with ActiveRecord [eac7df0aa291] 2008-01-24 Jeff Davis * README.OS_X, README.windows, ext/extconf.rb: moved a few minor changes over before release [c7ddb58579d3] * README.OS_X, README.windows, ext/extconf.rb: Added README.windows and README.OS_X Changed special case in extconf.rb from '/ms/libpq.lib' to '/ms/libpq' [7908e778e7c3] * ext/compat.c, ext/compat.h, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h, tests/pg_spec.rb, tests/tc_postgres.rb: merged revision 77:HEAD of ruby-pg/trunk to ruby-pg/branches/stable [8df9da92380e] * ext/extconf.rb: Another change to improve windows compatibility. Thanks to Laurent Francioli. [7cc13a1f3010] * ext/extconf.rb: fixed typo [ee0577472b67] * ext/extconf.rb: My previous fix for OS X compatibility didn't work well enough. The only effective solution is to generate a warning message and tell the user what to do. That's what this commit does. [eaf3b1825d56] 2008-01-23 Jeff Davis * ext/compat.h, ext/pg.h: * had to include that file conditionally in compat.h for postgresql 7.3 compatibility [12b2568a0ada] * ext/pg.h: * included an additional file so that it works with PostgreSQL 8.3 [34dd04d21a78] * ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c: * added PGconn.quote_ident to quote identifiers * added special case in extconf to build correctly on windows [4cf66b7302bf] 2008-01-22 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: * made PGconn#query alias for PGconn#exec [081e4d8ee394] * ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c: * Detect if compiling on OS X, and if so set $ARCHFLAGS correctly. This should resolve the problem of building on OS X. * A couple comment fixes. [4774578059e1] 2008-01-21 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: made conn.block cleaner and it should be more portable. [204f4b591614] 2008-01-18 Jeff Davis * ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c: Miscellaneous changes: * in 'pg' module, added PGconn#close as an alias for PGconn#finish, for easier compatibility with AR adapter. * removed extra CFLAGS because they were causing portability problems. [449d54289f07] 2008-01-17 Jeff Davis * tests/pg_spec.rb, tests/tc_postgres.rb: started creating a rspec test, more tests to come later [aadd4008d2e3] * ext/pg.c: properly free memory in conn.get_copy_data [4f276bb9c4b1] 2008-01-15 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h: Added conn.block( [ timeout ] ) -> Boolean [95d9ff13c269] 2008-01-14 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: Added conn.transaction{ |conn| ... } [4cefa3b1ecbb] * ext/compat.c, ext/compat.h, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h: Support for PostgreSQL 7.3. [ae8c3b66c48d] 2008-01-09 Jeff Davis * compat-ruby-postgres/extconf.rb, compat-ruby-postgres/libpq- compat.c, compat-ruby-postgres/postgres.c, compat-ruby-postgres /type-oids.h: removed extra directory that was left in the merge [8eb1346cb9aa] * README, ext/compat.c, ext/compat.h, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, ruby- pg.gemspec: merged ruby-pg/trunk rev 69 to ruby-pg/branches/stable [d6d19e5371d4] 2008-01-08 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: Added: * conn.set_client_encoding * conn.get_client_encoding get_client_encoding returns a string, and the PQclientEncoding function returns an encoding ID, which is why I didn't use the name client_encoding. That leaves room later to add a wrapper for the libpq PQclientEncoding if there is a need, without a name conflict. [1fd8b2aaac4c] * ext/pg.c: Added: * conn.make_empty_pgresult(status) * conn.flush * conn.set_error_verbosity [5c0a63028583] 2008-01-07 Jeff Davis * ext/pg.c: fixed a few method defines for async query processing [40270de77f48] * ext/pg.c: Change conn.exec to use PQexec if no parameters are passed, and use PQexecParams if optional parameters are passed. Change conn.send_query to use PQsendQuery if no parameters are passed, and use PQsendQueryParams if optional parameters are passed. [d05d9f2042d7] * compat-ruby-postgres/extconf.rb, compat-ruby-postgres/libpq- compat.c, compat-ruby-postgres/postgres.c, compat-ruby-postgres /type-oids.h, ruby-pg.gemspec: Cleanup after the repository reorganization. [a531a7bc9241] * COPYING, COPYING.txt, ChangeLog, Contributors, GPL, LICENSE, MANIFEST, README, README.ja, compat-ruby-postgres/extconf.rb, compat-ruby-postgres/libpq-compat.c, compat-ruby- postgres/postgres.c, compat-ruby-postgres/type-oids.h, doc/postgres.html, doc/postgres.jp.html, ext/compat.c, ext/compat.h, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h, ruby-pg.gemspec, sample/losample.rb, sample/psql.rb, sample/psqlHelp.rb, sample/test1.rb, sample/test2.rb, sample/test4.rb, tests/tc_postgres.rb: Split 'ruby-pg' module and 'postgres' module into separate parts of the repository. They will be maintained separately, and be released as separate gems from this point forward. One reason for this change is because we need separate gems. If we distribute both modules as one gem, the documentation is not properly generated due to class name conflicts. Another reason is to reduce confusion between the two modules. Also, I don't plan on making many improvements (aside from bugfixes and portability issues) to the old 'postgres' code. I'd like to get it to a stable state, and leave it alone. Meanwhile, the 'pg' module can be developed on a faster timeline. [aafc8cf17567] * COPYING, COPYING.txt, ChangeLog, Contributors, GPL, LICENSE, MANIFEST, README, README.ja, compat-ruby-postgres/extconf.rb, compat-ruby-postgres/libpq-compat.c, compat-ruby- postgres/postgres.c, compat-ruby-postgres/type-oids.h, doc/postgres.html, doc/postgres.jp.html, ext/compat.c, ext/compat.h, ext/extconf.rb, ext/pg.c, ext/pg.h, ruby-pg.gemspec, sample/losample.rb, sample/psql.rb, sample/psqlHelp.rb, sample/test1.rb, sample/test2.rb, sample/test4.rb, tests/tc_postgres.rb: Split 'ruby-pg' module and 'postgres' module into separate parts of the repository. They will be maintained separately, and be released as separate gems from this point forward. One reason for this change is because we need separate gems. If we distribute both modules as one gem, the documentation is not properly generated due to class name conflicts. Another reason is to reduce confusion between the two modules. Also, I don't plan on making many improvements (aside from bugfixes and portability issues) to the old 'postgres' code. I'd like to get it to a stable state, and leave it alone. Meanwhile, the 'pg' module can be developed on a faster timeline. [7716d24a143b]