module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class SageVaultGateway < Gateway #:nodoc: self.live_url = '' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) super end def store(credit_card, options = {}) request = build_store_request(credit_card, options) commit(:store, request) end def unstore(identification, options = {}) request = build_unstore_request(identification, options) commit(:unstore, request) end private # A valid request example, since the Sage docs have none: # # # # # # 279277516172 # O3I8G2H8V6A3 # 4111111111111111 # 0915 # # # def build_store_request(credit_card, options) xml = add_credit_card(xml, credit_card, options)! end def build_unstore_request(identification, options) xml = add_identification(xml, identification, options)! end def add_customer_data(xml) xml.tag! 'ns1:M_ID', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'ns1:M_KEY', @options[:password] end def add_credit_card(xml, credit_card, options) xml.tag! 'ns1:CARDNUMBER', credit_card.number xml.tag! 'ns1:EXPIRATION_DATE', exp_date(credit_card) end def add_identification(xml, identification, options) xml.tag! 'ns1:GUID', identification end def exp_date(credit_card) year = sprintf("%.4i", credit_card.year) month = sprintf("%.2i", credit_card.month) "#{month}#{year[-2..-1]}" end def commit(action, request) response = parse(ssl_post(live_url, build_soap_request(action, request), build_headers(action)) ) case action when :store success = response[:success] == 'true' message = response[:message].downcase.capitalize if response[:message] when :unstore success = response[:delete_data_result] == 'true' message = success ? 'Succeeded' : 'Failed' end, message, response, authorization: response[:guid] ) end ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES = { 'xmlns:SOAP-ENV' => "", 'xmlns:ns1' => "" } ACTION_ELEMENTS = { store: 'INSERT_CREDIT_CARD_DATA', unstore: 'DELETE_DATA' } def build_soap_request(action, body) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'SOAP-ENV:Envelope', ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! 'SOAP-ENV:Body' do xml.tag! "ns1:#{ACTION_ELEMENTS[action]}" do add_customer_data(xml) xml << body end end end! end SOAP_ACTIONS = { store: '', unstore: '' } def build_headers(action) { "SOAPAction" => SOAP_ACTIONS[action], "Content-Type" => "text/xml; charset=utf-8" } end def parse(body) response = {} hashify_xml!(body, response) response end def hashify_xml!(xml, response) xml = # Store xml.elements.each("//Table1/*") do |node| response[] = node.text end # Unstore xml.elements.each("//DELETE_DATAResponse/*") do |node| response[] = node.text end end end end end