# Module to apply QAQC checks to a model module OpenstudioStandards module QAQC # @!group Energy Use Intensity (EUI) # Checks EUI for reasonableness # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param min_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param max_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_eui(category, target_standard, min_pass_pct: 0.1, max_pass_pct: 0.1, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'EUI Reasonableness') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check EUI for model against #{target_standard} DOE prototype buildings.") # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) begin # total building area query = 'SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ' query << "ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and " query << "ReportForString='Entire Facility' and " query << "TableName='Building Area' and " query << "RowName='Total Building Area' and " query << "ColumnName='Area' and " query << "Units='m2';" query_results = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) if query_results.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't calculate EUI, SQL query for building area failed.") return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) else energy_plus_area = query_results.get end # temp code to check OS vs. E+ area open_studio_area = @model.getBuilding.floorArea if (energy_plus_area - open_studio_area).abs >= 0.1 check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "EnergyPlus reported area is #{energy_plus_area} (m^2). OpenStudio reported area is #{@model.getBuilding.floorArea} (m^2).") end # EUI source_units = 'GJ/m^2' target_units = 'kBtu/ft^2' if energy_plus_area > 0.0 # don't calculate EUI if building doesn't have any area # todo - netSiteEnergy deducts for renewable. May want to update this to show gross consumption vs. net consumption eui = @sql.netSiteEnergy.get / energy_plus_area else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't calculate model EUI, building doesn't have any floor area.") return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) end # test using new method std = Standard.build(target_standard) target_eui = std.model_find_target_eui(@model) # check model vs. target for user specified tolerance. if !target_eui.nil? eui_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(eui, source_units, target_units).get, 1, true) target_eui_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(target_eui, source_units, target_units).get, 1, true) if eui < target_eui * (1.0 - min_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Model EUI of #{eui_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) is less than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected EUI of #{target_eui_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{target_standard}.") elsif eui > target_eui * (1.0 + max_pass_pct) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Model EUI of #{eui_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected EUI of #{target_eui_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{target_standard}.") end else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't calculate target EUI. Make sure model has expected climate zone and building type.") end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end # Checks end use EUIs for reasonableness # # @param category [String] category to bin this check into # @param target_standard [String] standard template, e.g. '90.1-2013' # @param min_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param max_pass_pct [Double] threshold for throwing an error for percent difference # @param name_only [Boolean] If true, only return the name of this check # @return [OpenStudio::Attribute] OpenStudio Attribute object containing check results def self.check_eui_by_end_use(category, target_standard, min_pass_pct: 0.2, max_pass_pct: 0.2, name_only: false) # summary of the check check_elems = OpenStudio::AttributeVector.new check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('name', 'End Use by Category') check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('category', category) check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('description', "Check end use by category against #{target_standard} DOE prototype buildings.") # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true results = [] check_elems.each do |elem| results << elem.valueAsString end return results end std = Standard.build(target_standard) begin # total building area query = 'SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ' query << "ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and " query << "ReportForString='Entire Facility' and " query << "TableName='Building Area' and " query << "RowName='Total Building Area' and " query << "ColumnName='Area' and " query << "Units='m2';" query_results = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) if query_results.empty? check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't calculate EUI, SQL query for building area failed.") return OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) else energy_plus_area = query_results.get end # temp code to check OS vs. E+ area open_studio_area = @model.getBuilding.floorArea if (energy_plus_area - open_studio_area).abs >= 0.1 check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "EnergyPlus reported area is #{energy_plus_area} (m^2). OpenStudio reported area is #{@model.getBuilding.floorArea} (m^2).") end # loop through end uses and gather consumption, normalized by floor area actual_eui_by_end_use = {} OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.getValues.each do |end_use| # get end uses end_use = OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(end_use).valueDescription query_elec = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'Electricity'" query_gas = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'Natural Gas'" query_add = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'Additional Fuel'" query_dc = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'District Cooling'" query_dh = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'District Heating'" results_elec = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_elec).get results_gas = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_gas).get results_add = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_add).get results_dc = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_dc).get results_dh = @sql.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_dh).get total_end_use = results_elec + results_gas + results_add + results_dc + results_dh # populate hash for actual end use normalized by area actual_eui_by_end_use[end_use] = total_end_use / energy_plus_area end # gather target end uses for given standard as hash std = Standard.build(target_standard) target_eui_by_end_use = std.model_find_target_eui_by_end_use(@model) # units for flag display text and unit conversion source_units = 'GJ/m^2' target_units = 'kBtu/ft^2' # check acutal vs. target against tolerance if !target_eui_by_end_use.nil? actual_eui_by_end_use.each do |end_use, value| # this should have value of 0 in model. This page change in the future. It doesn't exist in target lookup next if end_use == 'Exterior Equipment' # perform check and issue flags as needed target_value = target_eui_by_end_use[end_use] eui_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(value, source_units, target_units).get, 5, true) target_eui_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(target_value, source_units, target_units).get, 1, true) # add in use case specific logic to skip checks when near 0 actual and target skip = false if (end_use == 'Heat Recovery') && (value < 0.05) && (target_value < 0.05) then skip = true end if (end_use == 'Pumps') && (value < 0.05) && (target_value < 0.05) then skip = true end if (value < target_value * (1.0 - min_pass_pct)) && !skip check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{end_use} EUI of #{eui_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) is less than #{min_pass_pct * 100} % below the expected #{end_use} EUI of #{target_eui_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{target_standard}.") elsif (value > target_value * (1.0 + max_pass_pct)) && !skip check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "#{end_use} EUI of #{eui_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) is more than #{max_pass_pct * 100} % above the expected #{end_use} EUI of #{target_eui_ip_neat} (#{target_units}) for #{target_standard}.") end end else check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Can't calculate target end use EUIs. Make sure model has expected climate zone and building type.") end rescue StandardError => e # brief description of ruby error check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', "Error prevented QAQC check from running (#{e}).") # backtrace of ruby error for diagnostic use if @error_backtrace then check_elems << OpenStudio::Attribute.new('flag', e.backtrace.join("\n").to_s) end end # add check_elms to new attribute check_elem = OpenStudio::Attribute.new('check', check_elems) return check_elem end end end