require 'bundler/setup' require 'yaml' if RUBY_VERSION == 'java' require 'orientdb' end project_root = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) require "#{project_root}/lib/active-orient.rb" begin connect_file = File.expand_path('../../config/connect.yml', __FILE__) config_file = File.expand_path('../../config/config.yml', __FILE__) connectyml = YAML.load_file( connect_file )[:orientdb][:admin] if connect_file.present? configyml = YAML.load_file( config_file )[:active_orient] if config_file.present? databaseyml = YAML.load_file( connect_file )[:orientdb][:database] if connect_file.present? rescue Errno::ENOENT => e ActiveOrient::Base.logger ='/dev/stdout') ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.error{ "config/connectyml not present" } ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.error{ "Using defaults to connect database-server" } end e= ARGV.present? ? ARGV.last.downcase : 'development' env = if e =~ /^p/ 'production' elsif e =~ /^t/ 'test' else 'development' end puts "Using #{env}-environment" ActiveOrient::Model.model_dir = "#{project_root}/#{ configyml.present? ? configyml[:model_dir] : "model" }" ActiveOrient::Model.keep_models_without_file = true # lib/init.rb ActiveOrient::Init.define_namespace yml: configyml, namespace: @namespace log_file = if config_file.present? dev = YAML.load_file( connect_file )[:orientdb][:logger] if dev.blank? || dev== 'stdout' '/dev/stdout' else project_root+'/log/'+env+'.log' end end logger = log_file logger.level = case env when 'production' Logger::ERROR when 'development' Logger::WARN else Logger::INFO end logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{datetime.strftime("%d.%m.(%X)")}#{"%5s" % severity}->#{progname}:..:#{msg}\n" end ActiveOrient::Base.logger = logger ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger = logger if connectyml.present? and connectyml[:user].present? and connectyml[:pass].present? ActiveOrient.default_server= { user: connectyml[:user], password: connectyml[:pass] , server: 'localhost', port: 2480 } ActiveOrient.database = @configDatabase.presence || databaseyml[env.to_sym] ORD = preallocate: @do_not_preallocate.present? ? false : true if RUBY_PLATFORM == 'java' DB = preallocate: false else DB = ORD end # ActiveOrient::Init.vertex_and_edge_class ORD.create_classes 'E', 'V' E.ref_name = 'E' V.ref_name = 'V' # require model files after initializing the database require "#{project_root}/lib/model/edge.rb" require "#{project_root}/lib/model/vertex.rb" ## attention: if the Egde- or Vertex-Base-Class is deleted (V.delte_class) the model-methods are gone. ## After recreating the BaseClass by ORD.create_class('V'), the model-classes have to be loaded manually (require does not work)) else ActiveOrient::Base.logger ='/dev/stdout') ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.error{ "config/connectyml is misconfigurated" } ActiveOrient::OrientDB.logger.error{ "Database Server is NOT available"} end