module FixtureData # Not RSpec shared context, so it can be used in the pact provider too def default_tear_down Flapjack.logger.messages.clear Flapjack.redis.flushdb end def api_host '' end def fixture_time @fixture_time ||= end def resultify(data) ret = nil case data when Array ret = data.inject([]) do |memo, d| attrs = d[:attributes] || {} d.each_pair do |k, v| next if :attributes.eql?(k) attrs.update(k => v) end memo += [attrs] memo end when Hash ret = data[:attributes] || {} data.each_pair do |k, v| next if :attributes.eql?(k) ret.update(k => v) end else ret = data end ret end def check_data @check_data ||= { :id => '1ed80833-6d28-4aba-8603-d81c249b8c23', :name => '', :enabled => true, :initial_failure_delay => nil, :repeat_failure_delay => nil } end def check_2_data @check_2_data ||= { :id => '29e913cf-29ea-4ae5-94f6-7069cf4a1514', :name => '', :enabled => true, :initial_failure_delay => nil, :repeat_failure_delay => nil } end def check_json(ch_data) id = ch_data[:id] { :id => id, :type => 'check', :attributes => ch_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def check_rel(ch_data) id = ch_data[:id] { :alerting_media => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/alerting_media", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/alerting_media" } }, :contacts => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/contacts", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/contacts" } }, :current_scheduled_maintenances => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/current_scheduled_maintenances", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/current_scheduled_maintenances" } }, :current_state => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/current_state", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/current_state" } }, :current_unscheduled_maintenance => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/current_unscheduled_maintenance", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/current_unscheduled_maintenance" } }, :latest_notifications => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/latest_notifications", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/latest_notifications" } }, :scheduled_maintenances => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/scheduled_maintenances", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/scheduled_maintenances" } }, :states => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/states", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/states" } }, :tags => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/tags", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/tags" } }, :unscheduled_maintenances => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/relationships/unscheduled_maintenances", :related => "http://#{api_host}/checks/#{id}/unscheduled_maintenances" } } } end def contact_data @contact_data ||= { :id => 'c248da6f-ab16-4ce3-9b32-afd4e5f5270e', :name => 'Jim Smith', :timezone => 'UTC', } end def contact_2_data @contact_2_data ||= { :id => 'ff41bfbb-0d04-45e3-a4d2-579ed1655fb8', :name => 'Joan Smith' } end def contact_json(co_data) id = co_data[:id] { :id => id, :type => 'contact', :attributes => co_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def contact_rel(co_data) id = co_data[:id] { :checks => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/contacts/#{id}/relationships/checks", :related => "http://#{api_host}/contacts/#{id}/checks" } }, :media => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/contacts/#{id}/relationships/media", :related => "http://#{api_host}/contacts/#{id}/media" } }, :rules => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/contacts/#{id}/relationships/rules", :related => "http://#{api_host}/contacts/#{id}/rules" } }, :tags => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/contacts/#{id}/relationships/tags", :related => "http://#{api_host}/contacts/#{id}/tags" } } } end def scheduled_maintenance_data @scheduled_maintenance_data ||= { :id => '9b7a7af4-8251-4216-8e86-2d4068447ae4', :start_time => fixture_time.iso8601, :end_time => (fixture_time + 3_600).iso8601, :summary => 'working' } end def scheduled_maintenance_2_data @scheduled_maintenance_2_data ||= { :id => '5a84c82b-0acb-4703-a27e-0b0db50b298a', :start_time => (fixture_time + 7_200).iso8601, :end_time => (fixture_time + 10_800).iso8601, :summary => 'working' } end def unscheduled_maintenance_data @unscheduled_maintenance_data ||= { :id => '9b7a7af4-8251-4216-8e86-2d4068447ae4', :start_time => fixture_time.iso8601, :end_time => (fixture_time + 3_600).iso8601, :summary => 'working' } end def unscheduled_maintenance_2_data @unscheduled_maintenance_2_data ||= { :id => '41895714-9b77-48a9-a373-5f6005b1ce95', :start_time => (fixture_time + 4_700).iso8601, :end_time => (fixture_time + 5_400).iso8601, :summary => 'partly working' } end def maintenance_json(type, m_data) { :id => m_data[:id], :type => "#{type}_maintenance", :attributes => m_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def maintenance_rel(type, m_data) id = m_data[:id] { :check => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/#{type}_maintenances/#{id}/relationships/check", :related => "http://#{api_host}/#{type}_maintenances/#{id}/check" } } } end def sms_data @sms_data ||= { :id => 'e2e09943-ed6c-476a-a8a5-ec165426f298', :transport => 'sms', :address => '0123456789', :interval => 300, :rollup_threshold => 5, :pagerduty_subdomain => nil, :pagerduty_token => nil, :pagerduty_ack_duration => nil } end def email_data @email_data ||= { :id => '9156de3c-ddc6-4637-b1cc-bd035fd61dd3', :transport => 'email', :address => '', :interval => 180, :rollup_threshold => 3, :pagerduty_subdomain => nil, :pagerduty_token => nil, :pagerduty_ack_duration => nil } end def medium_json(me_data) id = me_data[:id] { :id => id, :type => 'medium', :attributes => me_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def medium_rel(me_data) id = me_data[:id] { :alerting_checks => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/media/#{id}/relationships/alerting_checks", :related => "http://#{api_host}/media/#{id}/alerting_checks" } }, :contact => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/media/#{id}/relationships/contact", :related => "http://#{api_host}/media/#{id}/contact" } }, :rules => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/media/#{id}/relationships/rules", :related => "http://#{api_host}/media/#{id}/rules" } } } end def rule_data @rule_data ||= { :id => '05983623-fcef-42da-af44-ed6990b500fa', :enabled => true, :blackhole => false, :strategy => 'all_tags', :conditions_list => 'critical' } end def rule_2_data @rule_2_data ||= { :id => '20f182fc-6e32-4794-9007-97366d162c51', :enabled => true, :blackhole => true, :strategy => 'all_tags', :conditions_list => 'warning' } end def rule_json(ru_data) { :id => ru_data[:id], :type => 'rule', :attributes => ru_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def rule_rel(ru_data) id = ru_data[:id] { :contact => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/rules/#{id}/relationships/contact", :related => "http://#{api_host}/rules/#{id}/contact" } }, :media => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/rules/#{id}/relationships/media", :related => "http://#{api_host}/rules/#{id}/media" } }, :tags => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/rules/#{id}/relationships/tags", :related => "http://#{api_host}/rules/#{id}/tags" } } } end def state_data @state_data ||= { :id => '142acf62-31e7-4074-ada9-a30ae73d880d', :created_at => (fixture_time - 30).iso8601, :updated_at => (fixture_time - 30).iso8601, :condition => 'critical', } end def state_2_data @state_2_data ||= { :id => '008d78fc-1c72-4c2a-8057-0d44b64c6f3d', :created_at => (fixture_time - 10).iso8601, :updated_at => (fixture_time - 10).iso8601, :condition => 'ok', } end def state_json(st_data) id = st_data[:id] { :id => id, :type => 'state', :attributes => st_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def state_rel(st_data) id = st_data[:id] { :check => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/states/#{id}/relationships/check", :related => "http://#{api_host}/states/#{id}/check" } } } end def tag_data @tag_data ||= { :id => '1850b8d7-1055-4a6e-9c96-f8f50e55bd0f', :name => 'database', } end def tag_2_data @tag_2_data ||= { :id => 'c7a12328-8902-4974-8efa-68ec3e284507', :name => 'physical', } end def tag_json(ta_data) id = ta_data[:id] { :id => id, :type => 'tag', :attributes => ta_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def tag_rel(ta_data) id = ta_data[:id] { :checks => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/relationships/checks", :related => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/checks" } }, :contacts => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/relationships/contacts", :related => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/contacts" } }, :rules => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/relationships/rules", :related => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/rules" } }, :scheduled_maintenances => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/relationships/scheduled_maintenances", :related => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/scheduled_maintenances" } }, :states => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/relationships/states", :related => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/states" } }, :unscheduled_maintenances => { :links => { :self => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/relationships/unscheduled_maintenances", :related => "http://#{api_host}/tags/#{id}/unscheduled_maintenances" } } } end def metrics_data @metrics_data ||= { # :total_keys => 0, # test behaviour is inconsistent :processed_events => { :all_events => 0, :ok_events => 0, :failure_events => 0, :action_events => 0, :invalid_events => 0 }, :event_queue_length => 0, :check_freshness => {:"0" => 0, :"60" => 0, :"300" => 0, :"900" => 0, :"3600" => 0}, :check_counts => {:all => 0, :enabled => 0, :failing => 0} } end def metrics_json(met_data) { :type => 'metrics', :attributes => met_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def global_statistics_data @global_statistics_data ||= { :id => 'c63f8029-7c2b-4a33-b9f9-fbb2228c8037', :instance_name => 'global', :created_at => fixture_time.iso8601, :all_events => 0, :ok_events => 0, :failure_events => 0, :action_events => 0, :invalid_events => 0 } end def global_statistics_json { :id => global_statistics_data[:id], :type => 'statistic', :attributes => global_statistics_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def acknowledgement_data @acknowledgement_data ||= { :id => '31b9378f-ae1c-4c78-ad34-2b35407c8bbd', :duration => 2 * 60 * 60, :summary => 'Giraffe' } end def acknowledgement_json(ack_data) { :id => ack_data[:id], :type => 'acknowledgement', :attributes => ack_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end def test_notification_data @test_notification_data ||= { :id => '8f78b421-4e89-4423-ab09-c0d76b4a698c', :summary => 'Rhinoceros' } end def test_notification_2_data @test_notification_2_data ||= { :id => 'a56c6ca5-c3c0-453d-96da-d09d459615e4', :summary => 'Tapir' } end def test_notification_json(tn_data) { :id => tn_data[:id], :type => 'test_notification', :attributes => tn_data.reject {|k,v| :id.eql?(k) } } end end