# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization and # are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other than # English, add the necessary files in this directory. # # To use the locales, use `I18n.t`: # # I18n.t "hello" # # In views, this is aliased to just `t`: # # <%= t("hello") %> # # To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`: # # I18n.locale = :es # # This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml. # # To learn more about the API, please read the Rails Internationalization guide # at https://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html. # # Be aware that YAML interprets the following case-insensitive strings as # booleans: `true`, `false`, `on`, `off`, `yes`, `no`. Therefore, these strings # must be quoted to be interpreted as strings. For example: # # en: # "yes": yup # enabled: "ON" en: layouts: masks: application: meta: title: masks manage: meta: title: masks masks: application: header: logged_in: welcome actor_mailer: recover_credentials: recover: reset password nickname: your nickname subheading: hey there, you recently requested help recovering your credentials... call_to_action: your username is listed above. you can reset your password if you forgot it. sign_off: reply to this email if you need more help. cheers verify_email: subject: verify your email - things heading: verify your email subheading: | hey there, you recently added this email to your account. you must verify it's yours by pressing the button below... subheading_plain: | hey there, you recently added this email to your account. you must verify it's yours by visiting the link below... call_to_action: once verified, this email will be usable future logins and account recovery. sign_off: thanks verify: "verify" verify_plain: "verify here — " added: added actors: current: emails: zero: no emails found one: "%{email}" other: "%{email}" add_email: add... add_more_email: add more... change_password: change your password... credentials: credentials password: password one_time_codes: one-time code backup_codes: backup codes created: created manage: manage... enable: enable... logout: logout never_logged_in: never... last_accessed: last accessed last_login: last login ago: ago devices: devices change: change... keys: keys add_key: add... add_more_key: add more... passwords: edit: placeholder: password: your current password... change: your new password... submit: change one_time_code: new: tfa: secondary credential disabled: disabled enabled: enabled enable_qr: to enable, scan this qr code into your authenticator app. enable_manual: you can also enter the secret manually. heading: one-time code empty_detail: you must enable two-factor authentication to use backup codes. disabled_heading: add a one-time password placeholder: otp: one-time code... password: your password... delete: enter your password... secret: secret submit: enable delete: disable delete_div: disable one-time code backup_codes: save backup codes... reset_codes: view backup codes... backup_codes: new: tfa: secondary credential disabled: disabled enabled: enabled heading: backup codes empty_detail: backup codes are available once you add a secondary credential, like a one-time code. disabled_heading: backup codes are disabled save_codes: save your 10-digit backup codes somewhere safe, then press enable to use them as another secondary credential... reset_codes: press delete to disable backup codes. afterward you can generate a new set of codes. download: download enable: enable delete: delete placeholder: password: enter your password... emails: verify: verified: verified! verification_expired: email verification link expired card_title: how verified emails work... details: | you can use your newly verified email: list_html: |
  • instead of your nickname during login
  • for password-less login via email links
  • to recover your nickname or password privacy: your emails will never be shared. manage: to manage it and others... manage_expired: to try again... added: manage it in emails: view your emails new: page: your email placeholder: email: zero: enter a new email address... one: enter another email address... other: enter another email address... password: enter your password... heading: no emails found no_emails: no emails added no_emails_detail: your email can act as an alternate way to access and recover your account. heading_new: zero: no emails found one: your email other: your emails help_title: how it works help_body: if you enter valid information you will be contacted with instructions to recover your credentials. help_more: need more help? help_contact: contact support help_button: "help" support_url: submit: add back: go back... email_verified: verified %{ago} ago email_taken: email already taken. pending_verification: awaiting verification... expired_verification: verification expired. add: add an email... keys: new: heading: your keys added: allow automated tools to act on your behalf... page: your key placeholder: name: enter a name... password: enter your password... secret: leave blank to generate a secret... no_keys_detail: keys allow automated tools to act on your behalf... heading_new: zero: no keys found one: your key other: your keys help_title: how it works help_body: if you enter valid information you will be contacted with instructions to recover your credentials. help_more: need more help? help_contact: contact support help_button: "help" support_url: submit: make key back: go back... key_verified: verified %{ago} ago key_taken: key already taken. pending_verification: awaiting verification... expired_verification: verification expired. add: add key recoveries: password: placeholder: new password... heading: reset your password heading_success: password reset heading_expired: password reset expired subheading: enter a new password. you can use it to login to your account after it's changed... subheading_success: your password has been changed. you can login using the password you just entered. subheading_expired: this password reset link is expired or invalid. help_title: how it works help_body: if you enter valid information you will be contacted with instructions to recover your credentials. help_more: need more help? help_contact: contact support help_button: "help" support_url: submit: reset login: back to login new: placeholder: nickname, email or phone... heading: recover your credentials subheading: enter a nickname, email, or phone number associated with your account to recover your credentials... help_title: how it works help_body: if you enter valid information you will be contacted with instructions to recover your credentials. help_more: need more help? help_contact: contact support help_button: "help" support_url: submit: recover back: go back... submitted: heading: check your notifications... description: if you have an account with us you'll receive an email or message on your phone with instructions on how to recover your account. sessions: new: submit: continue remember_me: remember me start_over: text: or link: start over... or_start_over: or recover_credentials: "forgot your credentials?" enter_factor2: enter a secondary credential to continue... enter_credentials: "enter your credentials to continue..." enter_password: "enter your password to continue..." continue: "press continue to access things..." one_time_code: enter a 6-digit one-time code from your authenticator app... backup_code: enter one of your saved 10-digit backup codes... logged_in: welcome! tab: one_time_code: one-time code backup_code: backup code placeholder: nickname: nickname, email, or phone number... password: password... one_time_code: one-time code... backup_code: backup code... activerecord: attributes: masks/rails/actor: nickname: nickname password: password signup: invalid masks/rails/email: email: email masks/rails/key: name: name secret: secret scopes: scopes errors: models: masks/rails/actor: format: is invalid attributes: signup: disabled: credentials... activemodel: attributes: masks/credentials/password: password: password masks/credentials/nickname: nickname: nickname errors: models: masks/session: credentials: invalid credentials... access: invalid access...