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After you have provided all of the necessary parameters, your generic Rails project will not only be created for you but automatically tested as well. This takes a few minutes instead of several long and grueling hours. ## What's the point? Welcome to Ruby On Racetracks! The GenericApp gem saves you time by automatically providing the basic elements and features that nearly all Rails apps require. Instead of spending hours reinventing the wheel, you can spend more of your time on the more advanced features and capabilities that are unique to your specific Rails app. Modifying a generic app takes far less time than creating an app completely from scratch.

Creating a basic generic web site with user authentication and testing is a long and slow process that spans chapters 3 through 10 in railstutorial.org. The GenericApp Ruby gem allows you to create such a site in minutes instead of hours. This is valuable for any project and essential for events like Startup Weekend and 24-hour website challenges.

The GenericApp gem copies the GenericApp Template (https://github.com/jhsu802701/generic_app_template) for use as a template for starting a new project. Starting a Rails app completely from scratch (by using the "rails new" command) requires manually installing and configuring MiniTest, Guard, Twitter bootstrap, the user model, user sign-ups, user login/logout, user authorization, administrative users, account activations, and password resets. People are often tempted to "save time" by omitting testing. Using the GenericApp gem allows you to have all of the essential basic elements of a generic app as soon as you start it. It's a shortcut that actually complies with best practices and improves quality. You can use the time you save to create a better app or to move on to other projects sooner. ## Development ### Testing GenericApp Download this GitHub repository, cd into the source code, and enter the command "sh gem_test.sh". The screen output is saved to the log files in the log directory. If all goes well, every test is completed with 0 failures and 0 errors. Please note that bundle-audit will flag the outdated gems that result from using the old versions of the rails, pg, and nokogiri gems from the Rails Tutorial Sample App. You should update the Gemfile to the newer versions of these gems available in the rbenv-general version of the Docker image. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/jhsu802701/generic_app/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request