# TwentyOne A simple command-line implementation of _21_, better known as _blackjack_. ## Installation Just install the gem: $ gem install twenty_one ## Usage To start a new game. Simply execute: $ 21 ### Tests Testing was done with rspec. If the you cloned the project run tests with: $ rspec ### Game Rules #### Terms * "blackjack" is a hand worth 21 * "bust" is a loss * "push" is a tie between the player's hand and the dealer's hand * "shoe" is a stack of decks mixed together * "hit" drawing a single card from the shoe * "stand" ending a turn * "hole" the card that the dealer keeps hidden * "hand" the cards a player poses * "showdown" when the player's hand is pitted against the player's hand #### Goal The goal of the game is to draw a hand with a value greater than the dealer's as long as it is not greater than 21. #### Phases 1. Bet * The player will state the amount (in dollars) they want to bet 2. Deal cards * The player and the dealer are each hit with two cards * The dealer's second card will be the hole 3. Player turn * Player can choose to hit * Player ends with a stand * A hand exceeding 21 is an automatic bust 4. Dealer turn * The dealer reveals the hole card * The dealer will hit if their hand is worth less than 21 * If the dealer busts and the player did not bust, the player wins * Otherwise, it is a push 5. Showdown * If the player has a hand worth more than the dealer, the player wins. * Otherwise, the dealer wins ### Cards * 52 cards are represented * Regular cards are valued at whatever number they hold * Face cards are worth 10 * Ace cards are worth 1 or 11 * Players can choose whichever they like * Dealers must choose whichever is appropriate to surpass 17 * A player can choose to hit when it is their turn * If a hit causes a hand higher than 21, the player automatically busts * A player can choose to stand when it is their turn #### Chips * White chips are worth $1 * Red chips are worth $5 * Green chips are worth $25 * Black chips are worth $100 #### Player * A player will start with 100 total chips * 50 white chips * 25 red chips * 15 green chips * 10 black chips * Bets will be filled sequentially from highest value chips to lowest * A regular win will give the player double what theu bet in chips * A blackjack will win the player 2.5 times what they bet in chips * A bust means the player will not get back their chips #### Dealer * A dealer's hand must be no less than 17 * If the hand is worth less than 17, the dealer must hit until it is 17 or greater * If a dealer busts and the player has not, then player wins the round ## Planned Features * Multiple players * An option to play as the dealer * Saving player stats to a local SQLite database * Socket-based multiplayer ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( https://github.com/pori/twenty_one/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create a new Pull Request