# frozen_string_literal: true require 'discard' module Spree # Products represent an entity for sale in a store. Products can have # variations, called variants. Product properties include description, # permalink, availability, shipping category, etc. that do not change by # variant. # # @note this model uses {https://github.com/radar/paranoia paranoia}. # +#destroy+ will only soft-destroy records and the default scope hides # soft-destroyed records using +WHERE deleted_at IS NULL+. class Product < Spree::Base extend FriendlyId friendly_id :slug_candidates, use: :history acts_as_paranoid include Spree::ParanoiaDeprecations include Discard::Model self.discard_column = :deleted_at after_discard do variants_including_master.discard_all self.product_option_types = [] self.product_properties = [] self.classifications.destroy_all self.product_promotion_rules = [] end has_many :product_option_types, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :product has_many :option_types, through: :product_option_types has_many :product_properties, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :product has_many :properties, through: :product_properties has_many :variant_property_rules has_many :variant_property_rule_values, through: :variant_property_rules, source: :values has_many :variant_property_rule_conditions, through: :variant_property_rules, source: :conditions has_many :classifications, dependent: :delete_all, inverse_of: :product has_many :taxons, through: :classifications, before_remove: :remove_taxon has_many :product_promotion_rules, dependent: :destroy has_many :promotion_rules, through: :product_promotion_rules belongs_to :tax_category, class_name: 'Spree::TaxCategory', optional: true belongs_to :shipping_category, class_name: 'Spree::ShippingCategory', inverse_of: :products, optional: true has_one :master, -> { where(is_master: true).with_deleted }, inverse_of: :product, class_name: 'Spree::Variant', autosave: true has_many :variants, -> { where(is_master: false).order(:position) }, inverse_of: :product, class_name: 'Spree::Variant' has_many :variants_including_master, -> { order(:position) }, inverse_of: :product, class_name: 'Spree::Variant', dependent: :destroy has_many :prices, -> { order(Spree::Variant.arel_table[:position].asc, Spree::Variant.arel_table[:id].asc, :currency) }, through: :variants_including_master has_many :stock_items, through: :variants_including_master has_many :line_items, through: :variants_including_master has_many :orders, through: :line_items def find_or_build_master master || build_master end MASTER_ATTRIBUTES = [ :cost_currency, :cost_price, :depth, :height, :price, :sku, :weight, :width, ] MASTER_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attr| delegate :"#{attr}", :"#{attr}=", to: :find_or_build_master end delegate :amount_in, :display_amount, :display_price, :has_default_price?, :images, :price_for, :price_in, :rebuild_vat_prices=, to: :find_or_build_master alias_method :master_images, :images has_many :variant_images, -> { order(:position) }, source: :images, through: :variants_including_master after_create :build_variants_from_option_values_hash, if: :option_values_hash after_destroy :punch_slug after_discard :punch_slug after_initialize :ensure_master after_save :run_touch_callbacks, if: :saved_changes? after_touch :touch_taxons before_validation :normalize_slug, on: :update before_validation :validate_master validates :meta_keywords, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :meta_title, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :name, presence: true validates :price, presence: true, if: proc { Spree::Config[:require_master_price] } validates :shipping_category_id, presence: true validates :slug, presence: true, uniqueness: { allow_blank: true } attr_accessor :option_values_hash accepts_nested_attributes_for :variant_property_rules, allow_destroy: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :product_properties, allow_destroy: true, reject_if: lambda { |pp| pp[:property_name].blank? } alias :options :product_option_types self.whitelisted_ransackable_associations = %w[stores variants_including_master master variants] self.whitelisted_ransackable_attributes = %w[name slug] def self.ransackable_scopes(_auth_object = nil) %i(with_deleted with_variant_sku_cont) end # @return [Boolean] true if there are any variants def has_variants? variants.any? end # @return [Spree::TaxCategory] tax category for this product, or the default tax category def tax_category super || Spree::TaxCategory.find_by(is_default: true) end # Ensures option_types and product_option_types exist for keys in # option_values_hash. # # @return [Array] the option_values def ensure_option_types_exist_for_values_hash return if option_values_hash.nil? required_option_type_ids = option_values_hash.keys.map(&:to_i) self.option_type_ids |= required_option_type_ids end # Creates a new product with the same attributes, variants, etc. # # @return [Spree::Product] the duplicate def duplicate duplicator = ProductDuplicator.new(self) duplicator.duplicate end # Use for checking whether this product has been deleted. Provided for # overriding the logic for determining if a product is deleted. # # @return [Boolean] true if this product is deleted def deleted? !!deleted_at end # Determines if product is available. A product is available if it has not # been deleted and the available_on date is in the past. # # @return [Boolean] true if this product is available def available? !(available_on.nil? || available_on.future?) && !deleted? end # Groups variants by the specified option type. # # @deprecated This method is not called in the Solidus codebase # @param opt_type [String] the name of the option type to group by # @param pricing_options [Spree::Config.pricing_options_class] the pricing options to search # for, default: the default pricing options # @return [Hash] option_type as keys, array of variants as values. def categorise_variants_from_option(opt_type, pricing_options = Spree::Config.default_pricing_options) return {} unless option_types.include?(opt_type) variants.with_prices(pricing_options).group_by { |variant| variant.option_values.detect { |option| option.option_type == opt_type } } end deprecate :categorise_variants_from_option, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation # Poor man's full text search. # # Filters products to those which have any of the strings in +values+ in # any of the fields in +fields+. # # @param fields [Array{String,Symbol}] columns of the products table to search for values # @param values [Array{String}] strings to search through fields for # @return [ActiveRecord::Relation] scope with WHERE clause for search applied def self.like_any(fields, values) conditions = fields.product(values).map do |(field, value)| arel_table[field].matches("%#{value}%") end where conditions.inject(:or) end # @param current_currency [String] currency to filter variants by; defaults to Spree's default # @deprecated This method can only handle prices for currencies # @return [Array<Spree::Variant>] all variants with at least one option value def variants_and_option_values(current_currency = nil) variants.includes(:option_values).active(current_currency).select do |variant| variant.option_values.any? end end deprecate variants_and_option_values: :variants_and_option_values_for, deprecator: Spree::Deprecation # @param pricing_options [Spree::Variant::PricingOptions] the pricing options to search # for, default: the default pricing options # @return [Array<Spree::Variant>] all variants with at least one option value def variants_and_option_values_for(pricing_options = Spree::Config.default_pricing_options) variants.includes(:option_values).with_prices(pricing_options).select do |variant| variant.option_values.any? end end # Groups all of the option values that are associated to the product's variants, grouped by # option type. # # @param variant_scope [ActiveRecord_Associations_CollectionProxy] scope to filter the variants # used to determine the applied option_types # @return [Hash<Spree::OptionType, Array<Spree::OptionValue>>] all option types and option values # associated with the products variants grouped by option type def variant_option_values_by_option_type(variant_scope = nil) option_value_scope = Spree::OptionValuesVariant.joins(:variant) .where(spree_variants: { product_id: id }) option_value_scope = option_value_scope.merge(variant_scope) if variant_scope option_value_ids = option_value_scope.distinct.pluck(:option_value_id) Spree::OptionValue.where(id: option_value_ids). includes(:option_type). order("#{Spree::OptionType.table_name}.position, #{Spree::OptionValue.table_name}.position"). group_by(&:option_type) end # @return [Boolean] true if there are no option values def empty_option_values? options.empty? || !option_types.left_joins(:option_values).where('spree_option_values.id IS NULL').empty? end # @param property_name [String] the name of the property to find # @return [String] the value of the given property. nil if property is undefined on this product def property(property_name) return nil unless prop = properties.find_by(name: property_name) product_properties.find_by(property: prop).try(:value) end # Assigns the given value to the given property. # # @param property_name [String] the name of the property # @param property_value [String] the property value def set_property(property_name, property_value) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do # Works around spree_i18n https://github.com/spree/spree/issues/301 property = Spree::Property.create_with(presentation: property_name).find_or_create_by(name: property_name) product_property = Spree::ProductProperty.where(product: self, property: property).first_or_initialize product_property.value = property_value product_property.save! end end # @return [Array] all advertised and not-rejected promotions def possible_promotions promotion_ids = promotion_rules.map(&:promotion_id).uniq Spree::Promotion.advertised.where(id: promotion_ids).reject(&:inactive?) end # The number of on-hand stock items; Infinity if any variant does not track # inventory. # # @return [Fixnum, Infinity] def total_on_hand if any_variants_not_track_inventory? Float::INFINITY else stock_items.sum(:count_on_hand) end end # Image that can be used for the product. # # Will first search for images on the product, then those belonging to the # variants. If all else fails, will return a new image object. # @return [Spree::Image] the image to display def display_image Spree::Deprecation.warn('Spree::Product#display_image is DEPRECATED. Choose an image from Spree::Product#gallery instead.') images.first || variant_images.first || Spree::Image.new end # Finds the variant property rule that matches the provided option value ids. # # @param option_value_ids [Array<Integer>] list of option value ids # @return [Spree::VariantPropertyRule] the matching variant property rule def find_variant_property_rule(option_value_ids) variant_property_rules.find do |rule| rule.matches_option_value_ids?(option_value_ids) end end # The gallery for the product, which represents all the images # associated with it, including those on its variants # # @return [Spree::Gallery] the media for a variant def gallery @gallery ||= Spree::Config.product_gallery_class.new(self) end private def any_variants_not_track_inventory? if variants_including_master.loaded? variants_including_master.any? { |variant| !variant.should_track_inventory? } else !Spree::Config.track_inventory_levels || variants_including_master.where(track_inventory: false).exists? end end # Builds variants from a hash of option types & values def build_variants_from_option_values_hash ensure_option_types_exist_for_values_hash values = option_values_hash.values values = values.inject(values.shift) { |memo, value| memo.product(value).map(&:flatten) } values.each do |ids| variants.create( option_value_ids: ids, price: master.price ) end save end def ensure_master return unless new_record? find_or_build_master end def normalize_slug self.slug = normalize_friendly_id(slug) end def punch_slug # punch slug with date prefix to allow reuse of original update_column :slug, "#{Time.current.to_i}_#{slug}" unless frozen? end # If the master is invalid, the Product object will be assigned its errors def validate_master unless master.valid? master.errors.each do |att, error| errors.add(att, error) end end end # Try building a slug based on the following fields in increasing order of specificity. def slug_candidates [ :name, [:name, :sku] ] end def run_touch_callbacks run_callbacks(:touch) end # Iterate through this product's taxons and taxonomies and touch their timestamps in a batch def touch_taxons taxons_to_touch = taxons.map(&:self_and_ancestors).flatten.uniq unless taxons_to_touch.empty? Spree::Taxon.where(id: taxons_to_touch.map(&:id)).update_all(updated_at: Time.current) taxonomy_ids_to_touch = taxons_to_touch.map(&:taxonomy_id).flatten.uniq Spree::Taxonomy.where(id: taxonomy_ids_to_touch).update_all(updated_at: Time.current) end end def remove_taxon(taxon) removed_classifications = classifications.where(taxon: taxon) removed_classifications.each(&:remove_from_list) end end end require_dependency 'spree/product/scopes'