# Submitted to HTTPClient, if it doesn't make it there i may make it it's own # gem, in the meantime it's here as HTTPClientPatch::IncludeClient # It is useful to re-use a HTTPClient instance for multiple requests, to # re-use HTTP 1.1 persistent connections. # # To do that, you sometimes want to store an HTTPClient instance in a global/ # class variable location, so it can be accessed and re-used. # # This mix-in makes it easy to create class-level access to one or more # HTTPClient instances. The HTTPClient instances are lazily initialized # on first use (to, for instance, avoid interfering with WebMock/VCR), # and are initialized in a thread-safe manner. Note that a # HTTPClient, once initialized, is safe for use in multiple threads. # # Note that you `extend` HTTPClient::IncludeClient, not `include. # # require 'httpclient/include_client' # class Widget # extend HTTPClient::IncludeClient # # include_http_client # # and/or, specify more stuff # include_http_client('http://myproxy:8080', :method_name => :my_client) do |client| # # any init you want # client.set_cookie_store nil # client. # end # end # # That creates two HTTPClient instances available at the class level. # The first will be available from Widget.http_client (default method # name for `include_http_client`), with default initialization. # # The second will be available at Widget.my_client, with the init arguments # provided, further initialized by the block provided. # # In addition to a class-level method, for convenience instance-level methods # are also provided. Widget.http_client is identical to Widget.new.http_client # # class HTTPClientPatch module IncludeClient def include_http_client(*args, &block) # We're going to dynamically define a class # to hold our state, namespaced, as well as possibly dynamic # name of cover method. method_name = (args.last.delete(:method_name) if args.last.kind_of? Hash) || :http_client args.pop if args.last == {} # if last arg was named methods now empty, remove it. # By the amazingness of closures, we can create these things # in local vars here and use em in our method, we don't even # need iVars for state. client_instance = nil client_mutex = Mutex.new client_args = args client_block = block # to define a _class method_ on the specific class that's currently # `self`, we have to use this bit of metaprogramming, sorry. (class << self; self ; end).instance_eval do define_method(method_name) do # implementation copied from ruby stdlib singleton # to create this global obj thread-safely. return client_instance if client_instance client_mutex.synchronize do return client_instance if client_instance # init HTTPClient with specified args/block client_instance = HTTPClient.new(*client_args) client_block.call(client_instance) if client_block end return client_instance end end # And for convenience, an _instance method_ on the class that just # delegates to the class method. define_method(method_name) do self.class.send(method_name) end end end end