import { getOwner } from 'ember-owner'; /* globals Element */ import { guidFor, symbol } from 'ember-utils'; /** @module ember */ export function isSimpleClick(event) { let modifier = event.shiftKey || event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey; let secondaryClick = event.which > 1; // IE9 may return undefined return !modifier && !secondaryClick; } export function constructStyleDeprecationMessage(affectedStyle) { return ( '' + 'Binding style attributes may introduce cross-site scripting vulnerabilities; ' + 'please ensure that values being bound are properly escaped. For more information, ' + 'including how to disable this warning, see ' + ' ' + 'Style affected: "' + affectedStyle + '"' ); } /** @private @method getRootViews @param {Object} owner */ export function getRootViews(owner) { let registry = owner.lookup('-view-registry:main'); let rootViews = []; Object.keys(registry).forEach(id => { let view = registry[id]; if (view.parentView === null) { rootViews.push(view); } }); return rootViews; } /** @private @method getViewId @param {Ember.View} view */ export function getViewId(view) { if (view.tagName !== '' && view.elementId) { return view.elementId; } else { return guidFor(view); } } const VIEW_ELEMENT = symbol('VIEW_ELEMENT'); /** @private @method getViewElement @param {Ember.View} view */ export function getViewElement(view) { return view[VIEW_ELEMENT]; } export function initViewElement(view) { view[VIEW_ELEMENT] = null; } export function setViewElement(view, element) { return (view[VIEW_ELEMENT] = element); } const CHILD_VIEW_IDS = new WeakMap(); /** @private @method getChildViews @param {Ember.View} view */ export function getChildViews(view) { let owner = getOwner(view); let registry = owner.lookup('-view-registry:main'); return collectChildViews(view, registry); } export function initChildViews(view) { let childViews = new Set(); CHILD_VIEW_IDS.set(view, childViews); return childViews; } export function addChildView(parent, child) { let childViews = CHILD_VIEW_IDS.get(parent); if (childViews === undefined) { childViews = initChildViews(parent); } childViews.add(getViewId(child)); } export function collectChildViews(view, registry) { let views = []; let childViews = CHILD_VIEW_IDS.get(view); if (childViews !== undefined) { childViews.forEach(id => { let view = registry[id]; if (view && !view.isDestroying && !view.isDestroyed) { views.push(view); } }); } return views; } /** @private @method getViewBounds @param {Ember.View} view */ export function getViewBounds(view) { return view.renderer.getBounds(view); } /** @private @method getViewRange @param {Ember.View} view */ export function getViewRange(view) { let bounds = getViewBounds(view); let range = document.createRange(); range.setStartBefore(bounds.firstNode); range.setEndAfter(bounds.lastNode); return range; } /** `getViewClientRects` provides information about the position of the border box edges of a view relative to the viewport. It is only intended to be used by development tools like the Ember Inspector and may not work on older browsers. @private @method getViewClientRects @param {Ember.View} view */ export function getViewClientRects(view) { let range = getViewRange(view); return range.getClientRects(); } /** `getViewBoundingClientRect` provides information about the position of the bounding border box edges of a view relative to the viewport. It is only intended to be used by development tools like the Ember Inspector and may not work on older browsers. @private @method getViewBoundingClientRect @param {Ember.View} view */ export function getViewBoundingClientRect(view) { let range = getViewRange(view); return range.getBoundingClientRect(); } /** Determines if the element matches the specified selector. @private @method matches @param {DOMElement} el @param {String} selector */ export const elMatches = typeof Element !== 'undefined' && (Element.prototype.matches || Element.prototype.matchesSelector || Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector || Element.prototype.webkitMatchesSelector); export function matches(el, selector) { return, selector); }