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:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
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:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
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2335 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60601, USA
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
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2334 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60601, USA
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
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:Title: VP, Facilities
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:Salutation: Ms.
:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
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:Email: b.levy@expressl&t.net
:MailingStreet: |-
620 SW 5th Avenue Suite 400
Portland, Oregon 97204
United States
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
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:Title: SVP, Operations
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:MobilePhone: (503) 421-5451
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:LastModifiedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
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:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
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:Email: j.davis@expressl&t.net
:MailingStreet: |-
621 SW 5th Avenue Suite 400
Portland, Oregon 97204
United States
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
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:Title: Director, Warehouse Mgmt
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:MobilePhone: (503) 421-4387
:CreatedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
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:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
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:f2__c: "100.0"
:SystemModstamp: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:Email: jane_gray@uoa.edu
:MailingStreet: |-
888 N Euclid
Hallis Center, Room 501
Tucson, AZ 85721
United States
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: (520) 773-9060
:Title: Dean of Administration
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: (520) 773-4539
:CreatedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
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:Level__c: Secondary
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:AssistantPhone: (212) 842-5464
:LastName: Song
:Languages__c: English
:Birthdate: "1940-03-25"
:Salutation: Mr.
:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Department: Executive Team
:FirstName: Arthur2
:Phone: (212) 842-5500
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:type: Contact
:f2__c: "100.0"
:SystemModstamp: "2006-02-22T00:14:18.000Z"
:Email: asong@uog.com
:MailingStreet: |-
1301 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: (212) 842-5501
:Title: CEO
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: (212) 842-4535
:AssistantName: Pat Feinstein
:CreatedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
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:Level__c: Primary
:LeadSource: Purchased List
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:LastModifiedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:AssistantPhone: (212) 842-5428
:LastName: Green
:Languages__c: English
:Birthdate: "1922-03-05"
:Salutation: Mr.
:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Department: Finance
:FirstName: Avi
:Phone: (212) 842-5500
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:f2__c: "100.0"
:SystemModstamp: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:Email: agreen@uog.com
:MailingStreet: |-
1302 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: (212) 842-5501
:Title: CFO
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: (212) 842-2383
:AssistantName: Chris Nobel
:CreatedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
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:Level__c: Tertiary
:LeadSource: Purchased List
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:LastModifiedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:AssistantPhone: (212) 842-5589
:LastName: Pavlova
:Languages__c: English
:Birthdate: "1931-11-30"
:Salutation: Ms.
:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Department: Production
:FirstName: Stella
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:Email: spavlova@uog.com
:MailingStreet: |-
1303 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: (212) 842-5501
:Title: SVP, Production
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: (212) 842-5501
:AssistantName: Audrey Haynes
:CreatedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:OtherPhone: (212) 842-5543
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:Level__c: Secondary
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:LastModifiedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
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:Birthdate: "1949-01-12"
:Salutation: Ms.
:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Department: Technology
:FirstName: Lauren
:Phone: (212) 842-5500
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:Email: lboyle@uog.com
:MailingStreet: |-
1304 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: (212) 842-5501
:Title: SVP, Technology
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: (212) 842-5611
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:FirstName: Ashley
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:Email: ajames@uog.com
:MailingStreet: |-
Kings Park, 17th Avenue, Team Valley Trading Estate,
Gateshead, Tyne and Wear NE26 3HS
United Kingdom
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: +44 191 4956620
:Title: VP, Finance
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: +44 191 3456234
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:LastModifiedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
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:Languages__c: English
:Birthdate: "1939-02-01"
:Salutation: Mr.
:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Department: Executive Team
:FirstName: Tom
:Phone: (650) 450-8810
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:SystemModstamp: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:Email: tripley@uog.com
:MailingStreet: |-
9 Tagore Lane
Singapore, Singapore 787472
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: (650) 450-8820
:Title: Regional General Manager
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: (650) 345-7636
:CreatedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
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:Level__c: Secondary
:LeadSource: Purchased List
:AccountId: 00130000007qjqUAAQ
:LastModifiedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:LastName: D'Cruz
:Languages__c: English
:Birthdate: "1950-05-13"
:Salutation: Ms.
:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Department: Production
:FirstName: Liz
:Phone: (650) 450-8810
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:f2__c: "100.0"
:SystemModstamp: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:Email: ldcruz@uog.com
:MailingStreet: |-
10 Tagore Lane
Singapore, Singapore 787472
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: (650) 450-8820
:Title: VP, Production
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: (650) 345-6637
:CreatedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
- :f1__c:
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:LastModifiedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:LastName: Frank
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:Birthdate: "1930-10-18"
:Salutation: Ms.
:LastModifiedById: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Department: Technology
:FirstName: Edna
:Phone: (650) 867-3450
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:SystemModstamp: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:Email: efrank@genepoint.com
:MailingStreet: |-
345 Shoreline Park
Mountain View, CA 94043
:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
:OwnerId: 00530000000hYFzAAM
:Fax: (650) 867-9895
:Title: VP, Technology
:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
:MobilePhone: (650) 867-7686
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:ShowContactViaASF__c: Doug Chasman
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:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
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:CreatedDate: "2005-08-11T00:30:01.000Z"
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:CreatedDate: "2006-02-22T00:17:31.000Z"
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:CreatedDate: "2006-05-01T23:27:34.000Z"
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:HomePhone: 555-555-1212
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:LastName: Chasman
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:FirstName: Mac
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:LastModifiedDate: "2006-02-03T17:37:07.000Z"
:LastName: Chasman
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:FirstName: Joyce
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:FirstName: Richard
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:CreatedDate: "2006-02-05T19:22:05.000Z"
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