# frozen_string_literal: true module Bulkrax # This module is rather destructive; it will break relationships between the works, file sets, and # collections that were imported via an importer. You probably don't want to run this on your # data, except in the case where you have been testing a Bulkrax::Importer, the parsers and # mappings. Then, you might have relationships that you want to remove. # # tl;dr - Caution this will break things! class RemoveRelationshipsForImporter # @api public # # Remove the relationships of the works and collections for all of the Bulkrax::Entry records # associated with the given Bulkrax::Importer. # # @param importer [Bulkrax::Importer] # @param with_progress_bar [Boolean] def self.break_relationships_for!(importer:, with_progress_bar: false) entries = importer.entries.select(&:succeeded?) progress_bar = build_progress_bar_for(with_progress_bar: with_progress_bar, entries: entries) new(progress_bar: progress_bar, entries: entries).break_relationships! end # @api private # # A null object that conforms to this class's use of a progress bar. module NullProgressBar def self.increment; end end # @api private # # @return [#increment] def self.build_progress_bar_for(with_progress_bar:, entries:) return NullProgressBar unless with_progress_bar begin require 'ruby-progressbar' ProgessBar.create(total: entries.count) rescue LoadError Rails.logger.info("Using NullProgressBar because ProgressBar is not available due to a LoadError.") end end # @param entries [#each] # @param progress_bar [#increment] def initialize(entries:, progress_bar:) @progress_bar = progress_bar @entries = entries end attr_reader :entries, :progress_bar def break_relationships! entries.each do |entry| progress_bar.increment obj = entry.factory.find next if obj.is_a?(Bulkrax.file_model_class) # FileSets must be attached to a Work if obj.is_a?(Collection) remove_relationships_from_collection(obj) else remove_relationships_from_work(obj) end obj.try(:reindex_extent=, Hyrax::Adapters::NestingIndexAdapter::LIMITED_REINDEX) if defined?(Hyrax::Adapters::NestingIndexAdapter) obj.save! end end def remove_relationships_from_collection(collection) # Remove child work relationships collection.member_works.each do |work| change = work.member_of_collections.delete(collection) work.save! if change.present? end return if defined?(Hyrax) # Remove parent collection relationships collection.member_of_collections.each do |parent_col| Hyrax::Collections::NestedCollectionPersistenceService .remove_nested_relationship_for(parent: parent_col, child: collection) end # Remove child collection relationships collection.member_collections.each do |child_col| Hyrax::Collections::NestedCollectionPersistenceService .remove_nested_relationship_for(parent: collection, child: child_col) end end def remove_relationships_from_work(work) # Remove parent collection relationships work.member_of_collections = [] # Remove parent work relationships work.member_of_works.each do |parent_work| parent_work.members.delete(work) parent_work.save! end # Remove child work relationships work.member_works.each do |child_work| work.member_works.delete(child_work) end end end end