module Birdwatcher module Util def self.time_ago_in_words(time) return "a very very long time ago" if time.year < 1800 secs = - time return "just now" if secs > -1 && secs < 1 return "" if secs <= -1 pair = ago_in_words_pair(secs) ary = ago_in_words_singularize(pair) ary.size == 0 ? "" : ary.join(" and ") << " ago" end def self.ago_in_words_pair(secs) [[60, :seconds], [60, :minutes], [24, :hours], [100_000, :days]].map{ |count, name| if secs > 0 secs, n = secs.divmod(count) "#{n.to_i} #{name}" end }.compact.reverse[0..1] end def self.ago_in_words_singularize(pair) if pair.size == 1! {|part| part[0, 2].to_i == 1 ? part.chomp("s") : part } else! {|part| part[0, 2].to_i == 1 ? part.chomp("s") : part[0, 2].to_i == 0 ? nil : part } end pair.compact end def self.parse_time(time) ::Chronic.parse(time) end def self.strip_html(string) string.to_s.gsub(/<\/?[^>]*>/, "") end def self.strip_control_characters(string) string = string.to_s.uncolorize string.split("").delete_if do |char| char.ascii_only? and (char.ord < 32 or char.ord == 127) end.join("") end def self.escape_html(string) CGI.escapeHTML(string.to_s) end def self.unescape_html(string) CGI.unescapeHTML(string.to_s) end def self.pluralize(count, singular, plural) count == 1 ? "1 #{singular}" : "#{count} #{plural}" end def self.excerpt(text, max_length, omission = "...") text = text.gsub(/\s/, " ").split(" ").map(&:strip).join(" ") return text if text.length < max_length text[0..max_length] + omission end def self.suppress_output(&block) original_stdout = $stdout $stdout = fake = begin yield ensure $stdout = original_stdout end fake.string end def self.suppress_warnings(&block) warn_level = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil result = $VERBOSE = warn_level result end end end