module Processing # Shape object. # class Shape # @private def initialize(polygon = nil, children = nil, context: nil) @polygon, @children = polygon, children @context = context || Context.context__ @visible, @matrix = true, nil @mode = @points = @closed = nil end # Gets width of shape. # # @return [Numeric] width of shape # def width() polygon = getInternal__ or return 0 (@bounds ||= polygon.bounds).width end # Gets height of shape. # # @return [Numeric] height of shape # def height() polygon = getInternal__ or return 0 (@bounds ||= polygon.bounds).height end alias w width alias h height # Returns whether the shape is visible or not. # # @return [Boolean] visible or not # def isVisible() @visible end alias visible? isVisible # Sets whether to display the shape or not. # # @return [nil] nil # def setVisible(visible) @visible = !!visible nil end def beginShape(mode = nil) @mode = mode @points ||= [] @polygon = nil# clear cache nil end def endShape(close = nil) raise "endShape() must be called after beginShape()" unless @points @closed = close == GraphicsContext::CLOSE nil end def vertex(x, y) raise "vertex() must be called after beginShape()" unless @points @points << x << y end def setVertex(index, point) return nil unless @points && @points[index * 2, 2]&.size == 2 @points[index * 2, 2] = [point.x, point.y] end def getVertex(index) return nil unless @points point = @points[index * 2, 2] return nil unless point&.size == 2 @context.createVector(*point) end def getVertexCount() return 0 unless @points @points.size / 2 end def addChild(child) return unless @children @children.push child nil end def getChild(index) @children&.[](index) end def getChildCount() @children&.size || 0 end def translate(x, y, z = 0) matrix__.translate x, y, z nil end def rotate(angle) matrix__.rotate @context.toDegrees__(angle) nil end def scale(x, y, z = 1) matrix__.scale x, y, z nil end def resetMatrix() @matrix = nil end def rotateX = nil def rotateY = nil def rotateZ = nil # @private def matrix__() @matrix ||= end # @private def getInternal__() unless @polygon return nil unless @points && @closed != nil @polygon = self.class.createPolygon__ @mode, @points, @closed end @polygon end # @private def draw__(painter, x, y, w = nil, h = nil) poly = getInternal__ backup = nil if @matrix && (poly || @children) backup = painter.matrix painter.matrix = backup * @matrix end if poly if w || h painter.polygon poly, x, y, w,h else painter.polygon poly, x, y end end @children&.each {|o| o.draw__ painter, x, y, w, h} painter.matrix = backup if backup end # @private def self.createPolygon__(mode, points, close = false) g = GraphicsContext case mode when g::POINTS then Rays::Polygon.points( *points) when g::LINES then Rays::Polygon.lines( *points) when g::TRIANGLES then Rays::Polygon.triangles( *points) when g::TRIANGLE_FAN then Rays::Polygon.triangle_fan( *points) when g::TRIANGLE_STRIP then Rays::Polygon.triangle_strip(*points) when g::QUADS then Rays::Polygon.quads( *points) when g::QUAD_STRIP then Rays::Polygon.quad_strip( *points) when g::TESS, nil then*points, loop: close) else raise ArgumentError, "invalid polygon mode '#{mode}'" end end end# Shape end# Processing