kind: pipeline name: default steps: - name: Run rspec image: ruby:2.6 commands: - bundle - bundle exec rspec when: event: - pull_request - name: Bump and Tag image: ruby:2.6 environment: GITHUB_API_KEY: from_secret: kite_bot_key commands: - ruby ci/bump.rb when: event: - push branch: - 1-1-stable - name: Publish to RubyGems image: ruby:2.6 environment: RUBYGEMS_API_KEY: from_secret: rubygems_api_key commands: - mkdir ~/.gem - | echo "---\n:rubygems_api_key: $RUBYGEMS_API_KEY" > ~/.gem/credentials - chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials - bundle --jobs $(nproc) - bundle exec gem build kite.gemspec - bundle exec gem push kite-$DRONE_TAG.gem when: event: - tag