# This file is generated. See the contributing guide for more information:
# https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-ruby/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
module Aws::ElasticTranscoder
module Types
# General authentication failure. The request was not signed correctly.
class AccessDeniedException < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The file to be used as album art. There can be multiple artworks
# associated with an audio file, to a maximum of 20.
# To remove artwork or leave the artwork empty, you can either set
# `Artwork` to null, or set the `Merge Policy` to "Replace" and use an
# empty `Artwork` array.
# To pass through existing artwork unchanged, set the `Merge Policy` to
# "Prepend", "Append", or "Fallback", and use an empty `Artwork`
# array.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Artwork
# data as a hash:
# {
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# album_art_format: "JpgOrPng",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] input_key
# The name of the file to be used as album art. To determine which
# Amazon S3 bucket contains the specified file, Elastic Transcoder
# checks the pipeline specified by `PipelineId`; the `InputBucket`
# object in that pipeline identifies the bucket.
# If the file name includes a prefix, for example, `cooking/pie.jpg`,
# include the prefix in the key. If the file isn't in the specified
# bucket, Elastic Transcoder returns an error.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_width
# The maximum width of the output album art in pixels. If you specify
# `auto`, Elastic Transcoder uses 600 as the default value. If you
# specify a numeric value, enter an even integer between 32 and 4096,
# inclusive.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_height
# The maximum height of the output album art in pixels. If you specify
# `auto`, Elastic Transcoder uses 600 as the default value. If you
# specify a numeric value, enter an even integer between 32 and 3072,
# inclusive.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] sizing_policy
# Specify one of the following values to control scaling of the output
# album art:
# * `Fit:` Elastic Transcoder scales the output art so it matches the
# value that you specified in either `MaxWidth` or `MaxHeight`
# without exceeding the other value.
# * `Fill:` Elastic Transcoder scales the output art so it matches the
# value that you specified in either `MaxWidth` or `MaxHeight` and
# matches or exceeds the other value. Elastic Transcoder centers the
# output art and then crops it in the dimension (if any) that
# exceeds the maximum value.
# * `Stretch:` Elastic Transcoder stretches the output art to match
# the values that you specified for `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`. If
# the relative proportions of the input art and the output art are
# different, the output art will be distorted.
# * `Keep:` Elastic Transcoder does not scale the output art. If
# either dimension of the input art exceeds the values that you
# specified for `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`, Elastic Transcoder crops
# the output art.
# * `ShrinkToFit:` Elastic Transcoder scales the output art down so
# that its dimensions match the values that you specified for at
# least one of `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` without exceeding either
# value. If you specify this option, Elastic Transcoder does not
# scale the art up.
# * `ShrinkToFill` Elastic Transcoder scales the output art down so
# that its dimensions match the values that you specified for at
# least one of `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` without dropping below
# either value. If you specify this option, Elastic Transcoder does
# not scale the art up.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] padding_policy
# When you set `PaddingPolicy` to `Pad`, Elastic Transcoder may add
# white bars to the top and bottom and/or left and right sides of the
# output album art to make the total size of the output art match the
# values that you specified for `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] album_art_format
# The format of album art, if any. Valid formats are `.jpg` and
# `.png`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] encryption
# The encryption settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# apply to your artwork.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
class Artwork < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Options associated with your audio codec.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioCodecOptions
# data as a hash:
# {
# profile: "AudioCodecProfile",
# bit_depth: "AudioBitDepth",
# bit_order: "AudioBitOrder",
# signed: "AudioSigned",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] profile
# You can only choose an audio profile when you specify AAC for the
# value of Audio:Codec.
# Specify the AAC profile for the output file. Elastic Transcoder
# supports the following profiles:
# * `auto`\: If you specify `auto`, Elastic Transcoder selects the
# profile based on the bit rate selected for the output file.
# * `AAC-LC`\: The most common AAC profile. Use for bit rates larger
# than 64 kbps.
# * `HE-AAC`\: Not supported on some older players and devices. Use
# for bit rates between 40 and 80 kbps.
# * `HE-AACv2`\: Not supported on some players and devices. Use for
# bit rates less than 48 kbps.
# All outputs in a `Smooth` playlist must have the same value for
# `Profile`.
# If you created any presets before AAC profiles were added, Elastic
# Transcoder automatically updated your presets to use AAC-LC. You can
# change the value as required.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] bit_depth
# You can only choose an audio bit depth when you specify `flac` or
# `pcm` for the value of Audio:Codec.
# The bit depth of a sample is how many bits of information are
# included in the audio samples. The higher the bit depth, the better
# the audio, but the larger the file.
# Valid values are `16` and `24`.
# The most common bit depth is `24`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] bit_order
# You can only choose an audio bit order when you specify `pcm` for
# the value of Audio:Codec.
# The order the bits of a PCM sample are stored in.
# The supported value is `LittleEndian`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] signed
# You can only choose whether an audio sample is signed when you
# specify `pcm` for the value of Audio:Codec.
# Whether audio samples are represented with negative and positive
# numbers (signed) or only positive numbers (unsigned).
# The supported value is `Signed`.
# @return [String]
class AudioCodecOptions < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Parameters required for transcoding audio.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass AudioParameters
# data as a hash:
# {
# codec: "AudioCodec",
# sample_rate: "AudioSampleRate",
# bit_rate: "AudioBitRate",
# channels: "AudioChannels",
# audio_packing_mode: "AudioPackingMode",
# codec_options: {
# profile: "AudioCodecProfile",
# bit_depth: "AudioBitDepth",
# bit_order: "AudioBitOrder",
# signed: "AudioSigned",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] codec
# The audio codec for the output file. Valid values include `aac`,
# `flac`, `mp2`, `mp3`, `pcm`, and `vorbis`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] sample_rate
# The sample rate of the audio stream in the output file, in Hertz.
# Valid values include:
# `auto`, `22050`, `32000`, `44100`, `48000`, `96000`
# If you specify `auto`, Elastic Transcoder automatically detects the
# sample rate.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] bit_rate
# The bit rate of the audio stream in the output file, in
# kilobits/second. Enter an integer between 64 and 320, inclusive.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] channels
# The number of audio channels in the output file. The following
# values are valid:
# `auto`, `0`, `1`, `2`
# One channel carries the information played by a single speaker. For
# example, a stereo track with two channels sends one channel to the
# left speaker, and the other channel to the right speaker. The output
# channels are organized into tracks. If you want Elastic Transcoder
# to automatically detect the number of audio channels in the input
# file and use that value for the output file, select `auto`.
# The output of a specific channel value and inputs are as follows:
# * `auto` channel specified, with any input: Pass through up
# to eight input channels.
# * `0` channels specified, with any input: Audio omitted from
# the output.
# * `1` channel specified, with at least one input channel:
# Mono sound.
# * `2` channels specified, with any input: Two identical mono
# channels or stereo. For more information about tracks, see
# `Audio:AudioPackingMode.`
# For more information about how Elastic Transcoder organizes channels
# and tracks, see `Audio:AudioPackingMode`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] audio_packing_mode
# The method of organizing audio channels and tracks. Use
# `Audio:Channels` to specify the number of channels in your output,
# and `Audio:AudioPackingMode` to specify the number of tracks and
# their relation to the channels. If you do not specify an
# `Audio:AudioPackingMode`, Elastic Transcoder uses `SingleTrack`.
# The following values are valid:
# `SingleTrack`, `OneChannelPerTrack`, and
# `OneChannelPerTrackWithMosTo8Tracks`
# When you specify `SingleTrack`, Elastic Transcoder creates a single
# track for your output. The track can have up to eight channels. Use
# `SingleTrack` for all non-`mxf` containers.
# The outputs of `SingleTrack` for a specific channel value and inputs
# are as follows:
# * `0` channels with any input: Audio omitted from the output
# * `1, 2, or auto ` **channels with no audio input:** Audio omitted
# from the output
# * `1 ` **channel with any input with audio:** One track with one
# channel, downmixed if necessary
# * `2 ` **channels with one track with one channel:** One track with
# two identical channels
# * `2 or auto ` **channels with two tracks with one channel each:**
# One track with two channels
# * `2 or auto ` **channels with one track with two channels:** One
# track with two channels
# * `2 ` **channels with one track with multiple channels:** One track
# with two channels
# * `auto ` **channels with one track with one channel:** One track
# with one channel
# * `auto ` **channels with one track with multiple channels:** One
# track with multiple channels
# When you specify `OneChannelPerTrack`, Elastic Transcoder creates a
# new track for every channel in your output. Your output can have up
# to eight single-channel tracks.
# The outputs of `OneChannelPerTrack` for a specific channel value and
# inputs are as follows:
# * `0 ` **channels with any input:** Audio omitted from the output
# * `1, 2, or auto ` **channels with no audio input:** Audio omitted
# from the output
# * `1 ` **channel with any input with audio:** One track with one
# channel, downmixed if necessary
# * `2 ` **channels with one track with one channel:** Two tracks with
# one identical channel each
# * `2 or auto ` **channels with two tracks with one channel each:**
# Two tracks with one channel each
# * `2 or auto ` **channels with one track with two channels:** Two
# tracks with one channel each
# * `2 ` **channels with one track with multiple channels:** Two
# tracks with one channel each
# * `auto ` **channels with one track with one channel:** One track
# with one channel
# * `auto ` **channels with one track with multiple channels:** Up to
# eight tracks with one channel each
# When you specify `OneChannelPerTrackWithMosTo8Tracks`, Elastic
# Transcoder creates eight single-channel tracks for your output. All
# tracks that do not contain audio data from an input channel are MOS,
# or Mit Out Sound, tracks.
# The outputs of `OneChannelPerTrackWithMosTo8Tracks` for a specific
# channel value and inputs are as follows:
# * `0 ` **channels with any input:** Audio omitted from the output
# * `1, 2, or auto ` **channels with no audio input:** Audio omitted
# from the output
# * `1 ` **channel with any input with audio:** One track with one
# channel, downmixed if necessary, plus six MOS tracks
# * `2 ` **channels with one track with one channel:** Two tracks with
# one identical channel each, plus six MOS tracks
# * `2 or auto ` **channels with two tracks with one channel each:**
# Two tracks with one channel each, plus six MOS tracks
# * `2 or auto ` **channels with one track with two channels:** Two
# tracks with one channel each, plus six MOS tracks
# * `2 ` **channels with one track with multiple channels:** Two
# tracks with one channel each, plus six MOS tracks
# * `auto ` **channels with one track with one channel:** One track
# with one channel, plus seven MOS tracks
# * `auto ` **channels with one track with multiple channels:** Up to
# eight tracks with one channel each, plus MOS tracks until there
# are eight tracks in all
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] codec_options
# If you specified `AAC` for `Audio:Codec`, this is the `AAC`
# compression profile to use. Valid values include:
# `auto`, `AAC-LC`, `HE-AAC`, `HE-AACv2`
# If you specify `auto`, Elastic Transcoder chooses a profile based on
# the bit rate of the output file.
# @return [Types::AudioCodecOptions]
class AudioParameters < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `CancelJobRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CancelJobRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier of the job that you want to cancel.
# To get a list of the jobs (including their `jobId`) that have a
# status of `Submitted`, use the ListJobsByStatus API action.
# @return [String]
class CancelJobRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The response body contains a JSON object. If the job is successfully
# canceled, the value of `Success` is `true`.
class CancelJobResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The file format of the output captions. If you leave this value blank,
# Elastic Transcoder returns an error.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CaptionFormat
# data as a hash:
# {
# format: "CaptionFormatFormat",
# pattern: "CaptionFormatPattern",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] format
# The format you specify determines whether Elastic Transcoder
# generates an embedded or sidecar caption for this output.
# * **Valid Embedded Caption Formats:**
# * **for FLAC**\: None
# * **For MP3**\: None
# * **For MP4**\: mov-text
# * **For MPEG-TS**\: None
# * **For ogg**\: None
# * **For webm**\: None
# * **Valid Sidecar Caption Formats:** Elastic Transcoder supports
# dfxp (first div element only), scc, srt, and webvtt. If you want
# ttml or smpte-tt compatible captions, specify dfxp as your output
# format.
# * **For FMP4**\: dfxp
# * **Non-FMP4 outputs**\: All sidecar types
# `fmp4` captions have an extension of `.ismt`
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] pattern
# The prefix for caption filenames, in the form
# *description*-`\{language\}`, where:
# * *description* is a description of the video.
# * `\{language\}` is a literal value that Elastic Transcoder replaces
# with the two- or three-letter code for the language of the caption
# in the output file names.
# If you don't include `\{language\}` in the file name pattern,
# Elastic Transcoder automatically appends "`\{language\}`" to the
# value that you specify for the description. In addition, Elastic
# Transcoder automatically appends the count to the end of the segment
# files.
# For example, suppose you're transcoding into srt format. When you
# enter "Sydney-\\\{language\\}-sunrise", and the language of the
# captions is English (en), the name of the first caption file is be
# Sydney-en-sunrise00000.srt.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] encryption
# The encryption settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# apply to your caption formats.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
class CaptionFormat < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A source file for the input sidecar captions used during the
# transcoding process.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CaptionSource
# data as a hash:
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] key
# The name of the sidecar caption file that you want Elastic
# Transcoder to include in the output file.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] language
# A string that specifies the language of the caption. If you
# specified multiple inputs with captions, the caption language must
# match in order to be included in the output. Specify this as one of:
# * 2-character ISO 639-1 code
# * 3-character ISO 639-2 code
# For more information on ISO language codes and language names, see
# the List of ISO 639-1 codes.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] time_offset
# For clip generation or captions that do not start at the same time
# as the associated video file, the `TimeOffset` tells Elastic
# Transcoder how much of the video to encode before including
# captions.
# Specify the TimeOffset in the form \[+-\]SS.sss or
# \[+-\]HH:mm:SS.ss.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] label
# The label of the caption shown in the player when choosing a
# language. We recommend that you put the caption language name here,
# in the language of the captions.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] encryption
# The encryption settings, if any, that Elastic Transcoder needs to
# decyrpt your caption sources, or that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# apply to your caption sources.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
class CaptionSource < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The captions to be created, if any.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Captions
# data as a hash:
# {
# merge_policy: "CaptionMergePolicy",
# caption_sources: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# caption_formats: [
# {
# format: "CaptionFormatFormat",
# pattern: "CaptionFormatPattern",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] merge_policy
# A policy that determines how Elastic Transcoder handles the
# existence of multiple captions.
# * **MergeOverride:** Elastic Transcoder transcodes both embedded and
# sidecar captions into outputs. If captions for a language are
# embedded in the input file and also appear in a sidecar file,
# Elastic Transcoder uses the sidecar captions and ignores the
# embedded captions for that language.
# * **MergeRetain:** Elastic Transcoder transcodes both embedded and
# sidecar captions into outputs. If captions for a language are
# embedded in the input file and also appear in a sidecar file,
# Elastic Transcoder uses the embedded captions and ignores the
# sidecar captions for that language. If `CaptionSources` is empty,
# Elastic Transcoder omits all sidecar captions from the output
# files.
# * **Override:** Elastic Transcoder transcodes only the sidecar
# captions that you specify in `CaptionSources`.
# `MergePolicy` cannot be null.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] caption_sources
# Source files for the input sidecar captions used during the
# transcoding process. To omit all sidecar captions, leave
# `CaptionSources` blank.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] caption_formats
# The array of file formats for the output captions. If you leave this
# value blank, Elastic Transcoder returns an error.
# @return [Array]
class Captions < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Settings for one clip in a composition. All jobs in a playlist must
# have the same clip settings.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Clip
# data as a hash:
# {
# time_span: {
# start_time: "Time",
# duration: "Time",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] time_span
# Settings that determine when a clip begins and how long it lasts.
# @return [Types::TimeSpan]
class Clip < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `CreateJobOutput` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateJobOutput
# data as a hash:
# {
# key: "Key",
# thumbnail_pattern: "ThumbnailPattern",
# thumbnail_encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# rotate: "Rotate",
# preset_id: "Id",
# segment_duration: "FloatString",
# watermarks: [
# {
# preset_watermark_id: "PresetWatermarkId",
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# album_art: {
# merge_policy: "MergePolicy",
# artwork: [
# {
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# album_art_format: "JpgOrPng",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# composition: [
# {
# time_span: {
# start_time: "Time",
# duration: "Time",
# },
# },
# ],
# captions: {
# merge_policy: "CaptionMergePolicy",
# caption_sources: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# caption_formats: [
# {
# format: "CaptionFormatFormat",
# pattern: "CaptionFormatPattern",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] key
# The name to assign to the transcoded file. Elastic Transcoder saves
# the file in the Amazon S3 bucket specified by the `OutputBucket`
# object in the pipeline that is specified by the pipeline ID. If a
# file with the specified name already exists in the output bucket,
# the job fails.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnail_pattern
# Whether you want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails for your
# videos and, if so, how you want Elastic Transcoder to name the
# files.
# If you don't want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails, specify
# "".
# If you do want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails, specify the
# information that you want to include in the file name for each
# thumbnail. You can specify the following values in any sequence:
# * \{count\}
(Required)\: If you want to create
# thumbnails, you must include `\{count\}` in the `ThumbnailPattern`
# object. Wherever you specify `\{count\}`, Elastic Transcoder adds
# a five-digit sequence number (beginning with **00001**) to
# thumbnail file names. The number indicates where a given thumbnail
# appears in the sequence of thumbnails for a transcoded file.
# If you specify a literal value and/or `\{resolution\}` but you
# omit `\{count\}`, Elastic Transcoder returns a validation error
# and does not create the job.
# * **Literal values (Optional)**\: You can specify literal values
# anywhere in the `ThumbnailPattern` object. For example, you can
# include them as a file name prefix or as a delimiter between
# `\{resolution\}` and `\{count\}`.
# * \{resolution\}
(Optional)\: If you want
# Elastic Transcoder to include the resolution in the file name,
# include `\{resolution\}` in the `ThumbnailPattern` object.
# When creating thumbnails, Elastic Transcoder automatically saves the
# files in the format (.jpg or .png) that appears in the preset that
# you specified in the `PresetID` value of `CreateJobOutput`. Elastic
# Transcoder also appends the applicable file name extension.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnail_encryption
# The encryption settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# apply to your thumbnail.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
# @!attribute [rw] rotate
# The number of degrees clockwise by which you want Elastic Transcoder
# to rotate the output relative to the input. Enter one of the
# following values: `auto`, `0`, `90`, `180`, `270`. The value `auto`
# generally works only if the file that you're transcoding contains
# rotation metadata.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] preset_id
# The `Id` of the preset to use for this job. The preset determines
# the audio, video, and thumbnail settings that Elastic Transcoder
# uses for transcoding.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] segment_duration
# (Outputs in Fragmented MP4 or MPEG-TS format only.
# If you specify a preset in `PresetId` for which the value of
# `Container` is `fmp4` (Fragmented MP4) or `ts` (MPEG-TS),
# `SegmentDuration` is the target maximum duration of each segment in
# seconds. For `HLSv3` format playlists, each media segment is stored
# in a separate `.ts` file. For `HLSv4` and `Smooth` playlists, all
# media segments for an output are stored in a single file. Each
# segment is approximately the length of the `SegmentDuration`, though
# individual segments might be shorter or longer.
# The range of valid values is 1 to 60 seconds. If the duration of the
# video is not evenly divisible by `SegmentDuration`, the duration of
# the last segment is the remainder of total length/SegmentDuration.
# Elastic Transcoder creates an output-specific playlist for each
# output `HLS` output that you specify in OutputKeys. To add an output
# to the master playlist for this job, include it in the `OutputKeys`
# of the associated playlist.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] watermarks
# Information about the watermarks that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# add to the video during transcoding. You can specify up to four
# watermarks for each output. Settings for each watermark must be
# defined in the preset for the current output.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] album_art
# Information about the album art that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# add to the file during transcoding. You can specify up to twenty
# album artworks for each output. Settings for each artwork must be
# defined in the job for the current output.
# @return [Types::JobAlbumArt]
# @!attribute [rw] composition
# You can create an output file that contains an excerpt from the
# input file. This excerpt, called a clip, can come from the
# beginning, middle, or end of the file. The Composition object
# contains settings for the clips that make up an output file. For the
# current release, you can only specify settings for a single clip per
# output file. The Composition object cannot be null.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] captions
# You can configure Elastic Transcoder to transcode captions, or
# subtitles, from one format to another. All captions must be in
# UTF-8. Elastic Transcoder supports two types of captions:
# * **Embedded:** Embedded captions are included in the same file as
# the audio and video. Elastic Transcoder supports only one embedded
# caption per language, to a maximum of 300 embedded captions per
# file.
# Valid input values include: `CEA-608 (EIA-608`, first non-empty
# channel only), `CEA-708 (EIA-708`, first non-empty channel only),
# and `mov-text`
# Valid outputs include: `mov-text`
# Elastic Transcoder supports a maximum of one embedded format per
# output.
# * **Sidecar:** Sidecar captions are kept in a separate metadata file
# from the audio and video data. Sidecar captions require a player
# that is capable of understanding the relationship between the
# video file and the sidecar file. Elastic Transcoder supports only
# one sidecar caption per language, to a maximum of 20 sidecar
# captions per file.
# Valid input values include: `dfxp` (first div element only),
# `ebu-tt`, `scc`, `smpt`, `srt`, `ttml` (first div element only),
# and `webvtt`
# Valid outputs include: `dfxp` (first div element only), `scc`,
# `srt`, and `webvtt`.
# If you want ttml or smpte-tt compatible captions, specify dfxp as
# your output format.
# Elastic Transcoder does not support OCR (Optical Character
# Recognition), does not accept pictures as a valid input for
# captions, and is not available for audio-only transcoding. Elastic
# Transcoder does not preserve text formatting (for example, italics)
# during the transcoding process.
# To remove captions or leave the captions empty, set `Captions` to
# null. To pass through existing captions unchanged, set the
# `MergePolicy` to `MergeRetain`, and pass in a null `CaptionSources`
# array.
# For more information on embedded files, see the Subtitles Wikipedia
# page.
# For more information on sidecar files, see the Extensible Metadata
# Platform and Sidecar file Wikipedia pages.
# @return [Types::Captions]
# @!attribute [rw] encryption
# You can specify encryption settings for any output files that you
# want to use for a transcoding job. This includes the output file and
# any watermarks, thumbnails, album art, or captions that you want to
# use. You must specify encryption settings for each file
# individually.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
class CreateJobOutput < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Information about the master playlist.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateJobPlaylist
# data as a hash:
# {
# name: "Filename",
# format: "PlaylistFormat",
# output_keys: ["Key"],
# hls_content_protection: {
# method: "HlsContentProtectionMethod",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# license_acquisition_url: "ZeroTo512String",
# key_storage_policy: "KeyStoragePolicy",
# },
# play_ready_drm: {
# format: "PlayReadyDrmFormatString",
# key: "NonEmptyBase64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "NonEmptyBase64EncodedString",
# key_id: "KeyIdGuid",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# license_acquisition_url: "OneTo512String",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the master
# playlist, for example, nyc-vacation.m3u8. If the name includes a `/`
# character, the section of the name before the last `/` must be
# identical for all `Name` objects. If you create more than one master
# playlist, the values of all `Name` objects must be unique.
# Elastic Transcoder automatically appends the relevant file extension
# to the file name (`.m3u8` for `HLSv3` and `HLSv4` playlists, and
# `.ism` and `.ismc` for `Smooth` playlists). If you include a file
# extension in `Name`, the file name will have two extensions.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] format
# The format of the output playlist. Valid formats include `HLSv3`,
# `HLSv4`, and `Smooth`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] output_keys
# For each output in this job that you want to include in a master
# playlist, the value of the `Outputs:Key` object.
# * If your output is not `HLS` or does not have a segment duration
# set, the name of the output file is a concatenation of
# `OutputKeyPrefix` and `Outputs:Key`\:
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`
# * If your output is `HLSv3` and has a segment duration set, or is
# not included in a playlist, Elastic Transcoder creates an output
# playlist file with a file extension of `.m3u8`, and a series of
# `.ts` files that include a five-digit sequential counter beginning
# with 00000:
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`.m3u8
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`00000.ts
# * If your output is `HLSv4`, has a segment duration set, and is
# included in an `HLSv4` playlist, Elastic Transcoder creates an
# output playlist file with a file extension of `_v4.m3u8`. If the
# output is video, Elastic Transcoder also creates an output file
# with an extension of `_iframe.m3u8`\:
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`\_v4.m3u8
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`\_iframe.m3u8
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`.ts
# Elastic Transcoder automatically appends the relevant file extension
# to the file name. If you include a file extension in Output Key, the
# file name will have two extensions.
# If you include more than one output in a playlist, any segment
# duration settings, clip settings, or caption settings must be the
# same for all outputs in the playlist. For `Smooth` playlists, the
# `Audio:Profile`, `Video:Profile`, and `Video:FrameRate` to
# `Video:KeyframesMaxDist` ratio must be the same for all outputs.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] hls_content_protection
# The HLS content protection settings, if any, that you want Elastic
# Transcoder to apply to the output files associated with this
# playlist.
# @return [Types::HlsContentProtection]
# @!attribute [rw] play_ready_drm
# The DRM settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to apply
# to the output files associated with this playlist.
# @return [Types::PlayReadyDrm]
class CreateJobPlaylist < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `CreateJobRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreateJobRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# pipeline_id: "Id", # required
# input: {
# key: "LongKey",
# frame_rate: "FrameRate",
# resolution: "Resolution",
# aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# interlaced: "Interlaced",
# container: "JobContainer",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# time_span: {
# start_time: "Time",
# duration: "Time",
# },
# input_captions: {
# merge_policy: "CaptionMergePolicy",
# caption_sources: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# detected_properties: {
# width: 1,
# height: 1,
# frame_rate: "FloatString",
# file_size: 1,
# duration_millis: 1,
# },
# },
# inputs: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# frame_rate: "FrameRate",
# resolution: "Resolution",
# aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# interlaced: "Interlaced",
# container: "JobContainer",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# time_span: {
# start_time: "Time",
# duration: "Time",
# },
# input_captions: {
# merge_policy: "CaptionMergePolicy",
# caption_sources: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# detected_properties: {
# width: 1,
# height: 1,
# frame_rate: "FloatString",
# file_size: 1,
# duration_millis: 1,
# },
# },
# ],
# output: {
# key: "Key",
# thumbnail_pattern: "ThumbnailPattern",
# thumbnail_encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# rotate: "Rotate",
# preset_id: "Id",
# segment_duration: "FloatString",
# watermarks: [
# {
# preset_watermark_id: "PresetWatermarkId",
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# album_art: {
# merge_policy: "MergePolicy",
# artwork: [
# {
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# album_art_format: "JpgOrPng",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# composition: [
# {
# time_span: {
# start_time: "Time",
# duration: "Time",
# },
# },
# ],
# captions: {
# merge_policy: "CaptionMergePolicy",
# caption_sources: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# caption_formats: [
# {
# format: "CaptionFormatFormat",
# pattern: "CaptionFormatPattern",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# outputs: [
# {
# key: "Key",
# thumbnail_pattern: "ThumbnailPattern",
# thumbnail_encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# rotate: "Rotate",
# preset_id: "Id",
# segment_duration: "FloatString",
# watermarks: [
# {
# preset_watermark_id: "PresetWatermarkId",
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# album_art: {
# merge_policy: "MergePolicy",
# artwork: [
# {
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# album_art_format: "JpgOrPng",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# composition: [
# {
# time_span: {
# start_time: "Time",
# duration: "Time",
# },
# },
# ],
# captions: {
# merge_policy: "CaptionMergePolicy",
# caption_sources: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# caption_formats: [
# {
# format: "CaptionFormatFormat",
# pattern: "CaptionFormatPattern",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# output_key_prefix: "Key",
# playlists: [
# {
# name: "Filename",
# format: "PlaylistFormat",
# output_keys: ["Key"],
# hls_content_protection: {
# method: "HlsContentProtectionMethod",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# license_acquisition_url: "ZeroTo512String",
# key_storage_policy: "KeyStoragePolicy",
# },
# play_ready_drm: {
# format: "PlayReadyDrmFormatString",
# key: "NonEmptyBase64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "NonEmptyBase64EncodedString",
# key_id: "KeyIdGuid",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# license_acquisition_url: "OneTo512String",
# },
# },
# ],
# user_metadata: {
# "String" => "String",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] pipeline_id
# The `Id` of the pipeline that you want Elastic Transcoder to use for
# transcoding. The pipeline determines several settings, including the
# Amazon S3 bucket from which Elastic Transcoder gets the files to
# transcode and the bucket into which Elastic Transcoder puts the
# transcoded files.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] input
# A section of the request body that provides information about the
# file that is being transcoded.
# @return [Types::JobInput]
# @!attribute [rw] inputs
# A section of the request body that provides information about the
# files that are being transcoded.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] output
# A section of the request body that provides information about the
# transcoded (target) file. We strongly recommend that you use the
# `Outputs` syntax instead of the `Output` syntax.
# @return [Types::CreateJobOutput]
# @!attribute [rw] outputs
# A section of the request body that provides information about the
# transcoded (target) files. We recommend that you use the `Outputs`
# syntax instead of the `Output` syntax.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] output_key_prefix
# The value, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to prepend to
# the names of all files that this job creates, including output
# files, thumbnails, and playlists.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] playlists
# If you specify a preset in `PresetId` for which the value of
# `Container` is fmp4 (Fragmented MP4) or ts (MPEG-TS), Playlists
# contains information about the master playlists that you want
# Elastic Transcoder to create.
# The maximum number of master playlists in a job is 30.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] user_metadata
# User-defined metadata that you want to associate with an Elastic
# Transcoder job. You specify metadata in `key/value` pairs, and you
# can add up to 10 `key/value` pairs per job. Elastic Transcoder does
# not guarantee that `key/value` pairs are returned in the same order
# in which you specify them.
# @return [Hash]
class CreateJobRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The CreateJobResponse structure.
# @!attribute [rw] job
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# job that is created.
# @return [Types::Job]
class CreateJobResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `CreatePipelineRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreatePipelineRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# name: "Name", # required
# input_bucket: "BucketName", # required
# output_bucket: "BucketName",
# role: "Role", # required
# aws_kms_key_arn: "KeyArn",
# notifications: {
# progressing: "SnsTopic",
# completed: "SnsTopic",
# warning: "SnsTopic",
# error: "SnsTopic",
# },
# content_config: {
# bucket: "BucketName",
# storage_class: "StorageClass",
# permissions: [
# {
# grantee_type: "GranteeType",
# grantee: "Grantee",
# access: ["AccessControl"],
# },
# ],
# },
# thumbnail_config: {
# bucket: "BucketName",
# storage_class: "StorageClass",
# permissions: [
# {
# grantee_type: "GranteeType",
# grantee: "Grantee",
# access: ["AccessControl"],
# },
# ],
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique
# within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.
# Constraints: Maximum 40 characters.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] input_bucket
# The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you
# want to transcode.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] output_bucket
# The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save
# the transcoded files. (Use this, or use ContentConfig:Bucket plus
# ThumbnailConfig:Bucket.)
# Specify this value when all of the following are true:
# * You want to save transcoded files, thumbnails (if any), and
# playlists (if any) together in one bucket.
# * You do not want to specify the users or groups who have access to
# the transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists.
# * You do not want to specify the permissions that Elastic Transcoder
# grants to the files.
# When Elastic Transcoder saves files in `OutputBucket`, it grants
# full control over the files only to the AWS account that owns the
# role that is specified by `Role`.
# * You want to associate the transcoded files and thumbnails with the
# Amazon S3 Standard storage class.
# If you want to save transcoded files and playlists in one bucket and
# thumbnails in another bucket, specify which users can access the
# transcoded files or the permissions the users have, or change the
# Amazon S3 storage class, omit `OutputBucket` and specify values for
# `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig` instead.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] role
# The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want
# Elastic Transcoder to use to create the pipeline.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] aws_kms_key_arn
# The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use
# with this pipeline.
# If you use either `s3` or `s3-aws-kms` as your `Encryption:Mode`,
# you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default
# key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You
# need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default
# AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an `Encryption:Mode` of
# `aes-cbc-pkcs7`, `aes-ctr`, or `aes-gcm`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] notifications
# The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you
# want to notify to report job status.
# To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic
# in the Amazon SNS console.
# * **Progressing**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification
# Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic
# Transcoder has started to process a job in this pipeline. This is
# the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic. For
# more information, see Create a Topic in the Amazon Simple
# Notification Service Developer Guide.
# * **Complete**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you
# want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a
# job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned
# when you created the topic.
# * **Warning**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want
# to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition
# while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that
# Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.
# * **Error**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want
# to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition
# while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that
# Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.
# @return [Types::Notifications]
# @!attribute [rw] content_config
# The optional `ContentConfig` object specifies information about the
# Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save
# transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you
# want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users
# to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.
# If you specify values for `ContentConfig`, you must also specify
# values for `ThumbnailConfig`.
# If you specify values for `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig`,
# omit the `OutputBucket` object.
# * **Bucket**\: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic
# Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.
# * **Permissions** (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which
# users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of
# access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a
# maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.
# * **Grantee Type**\: Specify the type of value that appears in the
# `Grantee` object:
# * **Canonical**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is either the
# canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access
# identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more
# information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List
# (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer
# Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access
# identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of
# Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict
# Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.
# A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.
# * **Email**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is the registered
# email address of an AWS account.
# * **Group**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is one of the
# following predefined Amazon S3 groups: `AllUsers`,
# `AuthenticatedUsers`, or `LogDelivery`.
# * **Grantee**\: The AWS user or group that you want to have access
# to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group,
# you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an
# origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the
# registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon
# S3 group
# * **Access**\: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user
# that you specified in `Grantee`. Permissions are granted on the
# files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including
# playlists and video files. Valid values include:
# * `READ`\: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for
# objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `READ_ACP`\: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `WRITE_ACP`\: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that
# Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `FULL_CONTROL`\: The grantee has `READ`, `READ_ACP`, and
# `WRITE_ACP` permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder
# adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * **StorageClass**\: The Amazon S3 storage class, `Standard` or
# `ReducedRedundancy`, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to
# the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3
# bucket.
# @return [Types::PipelineOutputConfig]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnail_config
# The `ThumbnailConfig` object specifies several values, including the
# Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save
# thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files,
# the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class
# that you want to assign to the files.
# If you specify values for `ContentConfig`, you must also specify
# values for `ThumbnailConfig` even if you don't want to create
# thumbnails.
# If you specify values for `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig`,
# omit the `OutputBucket` object.
# * **Bucket**\: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic
# Transcoder to save thumbnail files.
# * **Permissions** (Optional): The `Permissions` object specifies
# which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have
# access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to
# have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or
# predefined Amazon S3 groups.
# * **GranteeType**\: Specify the type of value that appears in the
# Grantee object:
# * **Canonical**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is either the
# canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access
# identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.
# A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.
# * **Email**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is the registered
# email address of an AWS account.
# * **Group**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is one of the
# following predefined Amazon S3 groups: `AllUsers`,
# `AuthenticatedUsers`, or `LogDelivery`.
# * **Grantee**\: The AWS user or group that you want to have access
# to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify
# the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access
# identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email
# address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group.
# * **Access**\: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user
# that you specified in `Grantee`. Permissions are granted on the
# thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid
# values include:
# * `READ`\: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for
# objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `READ_ACP`\: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `WRITE_ACP`\: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `FULL_CONTROL`\: The grantee has `READ`, `READ_ACP`, and
# `WRITE_ACP` permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic
# Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * **StorageClass**\: The Amazon S3 storage class, `Standard` or
# `ReducedRedundancy`, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to
# the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.
# @return [Types::PipelineOutputConfig]
class CreatePipelineRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# When you create a pipeline, Elastic Transcoder returns the values that
# you specified in the request.
# @!attribute [rw] pipeline
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# pipeline that is created.
# @return [Types::Pipeline]
# @!attribute [rw] warnings
# Elastic Transcoder returns a warning if the resources used by your
# pipeline are not in the same region as the pipeline.
# Using resources in the same region, such as your Amazon S3 buckets,
# Amazon SNS notification topics, and AWS KMS key, reduces processing
# time and prevents cross-regional charges.
# @return [Array]
class CreatePipelineResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `CreatePresetRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass CreatePresetRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# name: "Name", # required
# description: "Description",
# container: "PresetContainer", # required
# video: {
# codec: "VideoCodec",
# codec_options: {
# "CodecOption" => "CodecOption",
# },
# keyframes_max_dist: "KeyframesMaxDist",
# fixed_gop: "FixedGOP",
# bit_rate: "VideoBitRate",
# frame_rate: "FrameRate",
# max_frame_rate: "MaxFrameRate",
# resolution: "Resolution",
# aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# display_aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# watermarks: [
# {
# id: "PresetWatermarkId",
# max_width: "PixelsOrPercent",
# max_height: "PixelsOrPercent",
# sizing_policy: "WatermarkSizingPolicy",
# horizontal_align: "HorizontalAlign",
# horizontal_offset: "PixelsOrPercent",
# vertical_align: "VerticalAlign",
# vertical_offset: "PixelsOrPercent",
# opacity: "Opacity",
# target: "Target",
# },
# ],
# },
# audio: {
# codec: "AudioCodec",
# sample_rate: "AudioSampleRate",
# bit_rate: "AudioBitRate",
# channels: "AudioChannels",
# audio_packing_mode: "AudioPackingMode",
# codec_options: {
# profile: "AudioCodecProfile",
# bit_depth: "AudioBitDepth",
# bit_order: "AudioBitOrder",
# signed: "AudioSigned",
# },
# },
# thumbnails: {
# format: "JpgOrPng",
# interval: "Digits",
# resolution: "ThumbnailResolution",
# aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the preset. We recommend that the name be unique within
# the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] description
# A description of the preset.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] container
# The container type for the output file. Valid values include `flac`,
# `flv`, `fmp4`, `gif`, `mp3`, `mp4`, `mpg`, `mxf`, `oga`, `ogg`,
# `ts`, and `webm`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] video
# A section of the request body that specifies the video parameters.
# @return [Types::VideoParameters]
# @!attribute [rw] audio
# A section of the request body that specifies the audio parameters.
# @return [Types::AudioParameters]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnails
# A section of the request body that specifies the thumbnail
# parameters, if any.
# @return [Types::Thumbnails]
class CreatePresetRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `CreatePresetResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] preset
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# preset that is created.
# @return [Types::Preset]
# @!attribute [rw] warning
# If the preset settings don't comply with the standards for the
# video codec but Elastic Transcoder created the preset, this message
# explains the reason the preset settings don't meet the standard.
# Elastic Transcoder created the preset because the settings might
# produce acceptable output.
# @return [String]
class CreatePresetResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `DeletePipelineRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeletePipelineRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier of the pipeline that you want to delete.
# @return [String]
class DeletePipelineRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `DeletePipelineResponse` structure.
class DeletePipelineResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The `DeletePresetRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DeletePresetRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed
# information.
# @return [String]
class DeletePresetRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `DeletePresetResponse` structure.
class DeletePresetResponse < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The detected properties of the input file. Elastic Transcoder
# identifies these values from the input file.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass DetectedProperties
# data as a hash:
# {
# width: 1,
# height: 1,
# frame_rate: "FloatString",
# file_size: 1,
# duration_millis: 1,
# }
# @!attribute [rw] width
# The detected width of the input file, in pixels.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] height
# The detected height of the input file, in pixels.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] frame_rate
# The detected frame rate of the input file, in frames per second.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_size
# The detected file size of the input file, in bytes.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] duration_millis
# The detected duration of the input file, in milliseconds.
# @return [Integer]
class DetectedProperties < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The encryption settings, if any, that are used for decrypting your
# input files or encrypting your output files. If your input file is
# encrypted, you must specify the mode that Elastic Transcoder uses to
# decrypt your file, otherwise you must specify the mode you want
# Elastic Transcoder to use to encrypt your output files.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Encryption
# data as a hash:
# {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] mode
# The specific server-side encryption mode that you want Elastic
# Transcoder to use when decrypting your input files or encrypting
# your output files. Elastic Transcoder supports the following
# options:
# * **s3:** Amazon S3 creates and manages the keys used for encrypting
# your files.
# * **s3-aws-kms:** Amazon S3 calls the Amazon Key Management Service,
# which creates and manages the keys that are used for encrypting
# your files. If you specify `s3-aws-kms` and you don't want to use
# the default key, you must add the AWS-KMS key that you want to use
# to your pipeline.
# * **aes-cbc-pkcs7:** A padded cipher-block mode of operation
# originally used for HLS files.
# * **aes-ctr:** AES Counter Mode.
# * **aes-gcm:** AES Galois Counter Mode, a mode of operation that is
# an authenticated encryption format, meaning that a file, key, or
# initialization vector that has been tampered with fails the
# decryption process.
# For all three AES options, you must provide the following settings,
# which must be base64-encoded:
# * **Key**
# * **Key MD5**
# * **Initialization Vector**
# For the AES modes, your private encryption keys and your unencrypted
# data are never stored by AWS; therefore, it is important that you
# safely manage your encryption keys. If you lose them, you won't be
# able to unencrypt your data.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key
# The data encryption key that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to
# encrypt your output file, or that was used to encrypt your input
# file. The key must be base64-encoded and it must be one of the
# following bit lengths before being base64-encoded:
# `128`, `192`, or `256`.
# The key must also be encrypted by using the Amazon Key Management
# Service.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key_md_5
# The MD5 digest of the key that you used to encrypt your input file,
# or that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to encrypt your output
# file. Elastic Transcoder uses the key digest as a checksum to make
# sure your key was not corrupted in transit. The key MD5 must be
# base64-encoded, and it must be exactly 16 bytes long before being
# base64-encoded.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] initialization_vector
# The series of random bits created by a random bit generator, unique
# for every encryption operation, that you used to encrypt your input
# files or that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to encrypt your
# output files. The initialization vector must be base64-encoded, and
# it must be exactly 16 bytes long before being base64-encoded.
# @return [String]
class Encryption < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The HLS content protection settings, if any, that you want Elastic
# Transcoder to apply to your output files.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass HlsContentProtection
# data as a hash:
# {
# method: "HlsContentProtectionMethod",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# license_acquisition_url: "ZeroTo512String",
# key_storage_policy: "KeyStoragePolicy",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] method
# The content protection method for your output. The only valid value
# is: `aes-128`.
# This value is written into the method attribute of the `EXT-X-KEY`
# metadata tag in the output playlist.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key
# If you want Elastic Transcoder to generate a key for you, leave this
# field blank.
# If you choose to supply your own key, you must encrypt the key by
# using AWS KMS. The key must be base64-encoded, and it must be one of
# the following bit lengths before being base64-encoded:
# `128`, `192`, or `256`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key_md_5
# If Elastic Transcoder is generating your key for you, you must leave
# this field blank.
# The MD5 digest of the key that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to
# encrypt your output file, and that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# use as a checksum to make sure your key was not corrupted in
# transit. The key MD5 must be base64-encoded, and it must be exactly
# 16 bytes before being base64- encoded.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] initialization_vector
# If Elastic Transcoder is generating your key for you, you must leave
# this field blank.
# The series of random bits created by a random bit generator, unique
# for every encryption operation, that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# use to encrypt your output files. The initialization vector must be
# base64-encoded, and it must be exactly 16 bytes before being
# base64-encoded.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] license_acquisition_url
# The location of the license key required to decrypt your HLS
# playlist. The URL must be an absolute path, and is referenced in the
# URI attribute of the EXT-X-KEY metadata tag in the playlist file.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key_storage_policy
# Specify whether you want Elastic Transcoder to write your HLS
# license key to an Amazon S3 bucket. If you choose
# `WithVariantPlaylists`, `LicenseAcquisitionUrl` must be left blank
# and Elastic Transcoder writes your data key into the same bucket as
# the associated playlist.
# @return [String]
class HlsContentProtection < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
class IncompatibleVersionException < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The captions to be created, if any.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass InputCaptions
# data as a hash:
# {
# merge_policy: "CaptionMergePolicy",
# caption_sources: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] merge_policy
# A policy that determines how Elastic Transcoder handles the
# existence of multiple captions.
# * **MergeOverride:** Elastic Transcoder transcodes both embedded and
# sidecar captions into outputs. If captions for a language are
# embedded in the input file and also appear in a sidecar file,
# Elastic Transcoder uses the sidecar captions and ignores the
# embedded captions for that language.
# * **MergeRetain:** Elastic Transcoder transcodes both embedded and
# sidecar captions into outputs. If captions for a language are
# embedded in the input file and also appear in a sidecar file,
# Elastic Transcoder uses the embedded captions and ignores the
# sidecar captions for that language. If `CaptionSources` is empty,
# Elastic Transcoder omits all sidecar captions from the output
# files.
# * **Override:** Elastic Transcoder transcodes only the sidecar
# captions that you specify in `CaptionSources`.
# `MergePolicy` cannot be null.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] caption_sources
# Source files for the input sidecar captions used during the
# transcoding process. To omit all sidecar captions, leave
# `CaptionSources` blank.
# @return [Array]
class InputCaptions < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Elastic Transcoder encountered an unexpected exception while trying to
# fulfill the request.
class InternalServiceException < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# A section of the response body that provides information about the job
# that is created.
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier that Elastic Transcoder assigned to the job. You use
# this value to get settings for the job or to delete the job.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the job.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] pipeline_id
# The `Id` of the pipeline that you want Elastic Transcoder to use for
# transcoding. The pipeline determines several settings, including the
# Amazon S3 bucket from which Elastic Transcoder gets the files to
# transcode and the bucket into which Elastic Transcoder puts the
# transcoded files.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] input
# A section of the request or response body that provides information
# about the file that is being transcoded.
# @return [Types::JobInput]
# @!attribute [rw] inputs
# Information about the files that you're transcoding. If you
# specified multiple files for this job, Elastic Transcoder stitches
# the files together to make one output.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] output
# If you specified one output for a job, information about that
# output. If you specified multiple outputs for a job, the Output
# object lists information about the first output. This duplicates the
# information that is listed for the first output in the Outputs
# object.
# Outputs recommended instead.
# A section of the request or response body that provides information
# about the transcoded (target) file.
# @return [Types::JobOutput]
# @!attribute [rw] outputs
# Information about the output files. We recommend that you use the
# `Outputs` syntax for all jobs, even when you want Elastic Transcoder
# to transcode a file into only one format. Do not use both the
# `Outputs` and `Output` syntaxes in the same request. You can create
# a maximum of 30 outputs per job.
# If you specify more than one output for a job, Elastic Transcoder
# creates the files for each output in the order in which you specify
# them in the job.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] output_key_prefix
# The value, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to prepend to
# the names of all files that this job creates, including output
# files, thumbnails, and playlists. We recommend that you add a / or
# some other delimiter to the end of the `OutputKeyPrefix`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] playlists
# Outputs in Fragmented MP4 or MPEG-TS format only.
# If you specify a preset in `PresetId` for which the value of
# `Container` is fmp4 (Fragmented MP4) or ts (MPEG-TS), `Playlists`
# contains information about the master playlists that you want
# Elastic Transcoder to create.
# The maximum number of master playlists in a job is 30.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] status
# The status of the job: `Submitted`, `Progressing`, `Complete`,
# `Canceled`, or `Error`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] user_metadata
# User-defined metadata that you want to associate with an Elastic
# Transcoder job. You specify metadata in `key/value` pairs, and you
# can add up to 10 `key/value` pairs per job. Elastic Transcoder does
# not guarantee that `key/value` pairs are returned in the same order
# in which you specify them.
# Metadata `keys` and `values` must use characters from the following
# list:
# * `0-9`
# * `A-Z` and `a-z`
# * `Space`
# * The following symbols: `_.:/=+-%@`
# @return [Hash]
# @!attribute [rw] timing
# Details about the timing of a job.
# @return [Types::Timing]
class Job < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The .jpg or .png file associated with an audio file.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass JobAlbumArt
# data as a hash:
# {
# merge_policy: "MergePolicy",
# artwork: [
# {
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# album_art_format: "JpgOrPng",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] merge_policy
# A policy that determines how Elastic Transcoder handles the
# existence of multiple album artwork files.
# * `Replace:` The specified album art replaces any existing album
# art.
# * `Prepend:` The specified album art is placed in front of any
# existing album art.
# * `Append:` The specified album art is placed after any existing
# album art.
# * `Fallback:` If the original input file contains artwork, Elastic
# Transcoder uses that artwork for the output. If the original input
# does not contain artwork, Elastic Transcoder uses the specified
# album art file.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] artwork
# The file to be used as album art. There can be multiple artworks
# associated with an audio file, to a maximum of 20. Valid formats are
# `.jpg` and `.png`
# @return [Array]
class JobAlbumArt < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Information about the file that you're transcoding.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass JobInput
# data as a hash:
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# frame_rate: "FrameRate",
# resolution: "Resolution",
# aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# interlaced: "Interlaced",
# container: "JobContainer",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# time_span: {
# start_time: "Time",
# duration: "Time",
# },
# input_captions: {
# merge_policy: "CaptionMergePolicy",
# caption_sources: [
# {
# key: "LongKey",
# language: "Key",
# time_offset: "TimeOffset",
# label: "Name",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# },
# ],
# },
# detected_properties: {
# width: 1,
# height: 1,
# frame_rate: "FloatString",
# file_size: 1,
# duration_millis: 1,
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] key
# The name of the file to transcode. Elsewhere in the body of the JSON
# block is the the ID of the pipeline to use for processing the job.
# The `InputBucket` object in that pipeline tells Elastic Transcoder
# which Amazon S3 bucket to get the file from.
# If the file name includes a prefix, such as `cooking/lasagna.mpg`,
# include the prefix in the key. If the file isn't in the specified
# bucket, Elastic Transcoder returns an error.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] frame_rate
# The frame rate of the input file. If you want Elastic Transcoder to
# automatically detect the frame rate of the input file, specify
# `auto`. If you want to specify the frame rate for the input file,
# enter one of the following values:
# `10`, `15`, `23.97`, `24`, `25`, `29.97`, `30`, `60`
# If you specify a value other than `auto`, Elastic Transcoder
# disables automatic detection of the frame rate.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resolution
# This value must be `auto`, which causes Elastic Transcoder to
# automatically detect the resolution of the input file.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] aspect_ratio
# The aspect ratio of the input file. If you want Elastic Transcoder
# to automatically detect the aspect ratio of the input file, specify
# `auto`. If you want to specify the aspect ratio for the output file,
# enter one of the following values:
# `1:1`, `4:3`, `3:2`, `16:9`
# If you specify a value other than `auto`, Elastic Transcoder
# disables automatic detection of the aspect ratio.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] interlaced
# Whether the input file is interlaced. If you want Elastic Transcoder
# to automatically detect whether the input file is interlaced,
# specify `auto`. If you want to specify whether the input file is
# interlaced, enter one of the following values:
# `true`, `false`
# If you specify a value other than `auto`, Elastic Transcoder
# disables automatic detection of interlacing.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] container
# The container type for the input file. If you want Elastic
# Transcoder to automatically detect the container type of the input
# file, specify `auto`. If you want to specify the container type for
# the input file, enter one of the following values:
# `3gp`, `aac`, `asf`, `avi`, `divx`, `flv`, `m4a`, `mkv`, `mov`,
# `mp3`, `mp4`, `mpeg`, `mpeg-ps`, `mpeg-ts`, `mxf`, `ogg`, `vob`,
# `wav`, `webm`
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] encryption
# The encryption settings, if any, that are used for decrypting your
# input files. If your input file is encrypted, you must specify the
# mode that Elastic Transcoder uses to decrypt your file.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
# @!attribute [rw] time_span
# Settings for clipping an input. Each input can have different clip
# settings.
# @return [Types::TimeSpan]
# @!attribute [rw] input_captions
# You can configure Elastic Transcoder to transcode captions, or
# subtitles, from one format to another. All captions must be in
# UTF-8. Elastic Transcoder supports two types of captions:
# * **Embedded:** Embedded captions are included in the same file as
# the audio and video. Elastic Transcoder supports only one embedded
# caption per language, to a maximum of 300 embedded captions per
# file.
# Valid input values include: `CEA-608 (EIA-608`, first non-empty
# channel only), `CEA-708 (EIA-708`, first non-empty channel only),
# and `mov-text`
# Valid outputs include: `mov-text`
# Elastic Transcoder supports a maximum of one embedded format per
# output.
# * **Sidecar:** Sidecar captions are kept in a separate metadata file
# from the audio and video data. Sidecar captions require a player
# that is capable of understanding the relationship between the
# video file and the sidecar file. Elastic Transcoder supports only
# one sidecar caption per language, to a maximum of 20 sidecar
# captions per file.
# Valid input values include: `dfxp` (first div element only),
# `ebu-tt`, `scc`, `smpt`, `srt`, `ttml` (first div element only),
# and `webvtt`
# Valid outputs include: `dfxp` (first div element only), `scc`,
# `srt`, and `webvtt`.
# If you want ttml or smpte-tt compatible captions, specify dfxp as
# your output format.
# Elastic Transcoder does not support OCR (Optical Character
# Recognition), does not accept pictures as a valid input for
# captions, and is not available for audio-only transcoding. Elastic
# Transcoder does not preserve text formatting (for example, italics)
# during the transcoding process.
# To remove captions or leave the captions empty, set `Captions` to
# null. To pass through existing captions unchanged, set the
# `MergePolicy` to `MergeRetain`, and pass in a null `CaptionSources`
# array.
# For more information on embedded files, see the Subtitles Wikipedia
# page.
# For more information on sidecar files, see the Extensible Metadata
# Platform and Sidecar file Wikipedia pages.
# @return [Types::InputCaptions]
# @!attribute [rw] detected_properties
# The detected properties of the input file.
# @return [Types::DetectedProperties]
class JobInput < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Outputs recommended instead.
# If you specified one output for a job, information about that output.
# If you specified multiple outputs for a job, the `Output` object lists
# information about the first output. This duplicates the information
# that is listed for the first output in the `Outputs` object.
# @!attribute [rw] id
# A sequential counter, starting with 1, that identifies an output
# among the outputs from the current job. In the Output syntax, this
# value is always 1.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key
# The name to assign to the transcoded file. Elastic Transcoder saves
# the file in the Amazon S3 bucket specified by the `OutputBucket`
# object in the pipeline that is specified by the pipeline ID.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnail_pattern
# Whether you want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails for your
# videos and, if so, how you want Elastic Transcoder to name the
# files.
# If you don't want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails, specify
# "".
# If you do want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails, specify the
# information that you want to include in the file name for each
# thumbnail. You can specify the following values in any sequence:
# * \{count\}
(Required)\: If you want to create
# thumbnails, you must include `\{count\}` in the `ThumbnailPattern`
# object. Wherever you specify `\{count\}`, Elastic Transcoder adds
# a five-digit sequence number (beginning with **00001**) to
# thumbnail file names. The number indicates where a given thumbnail
# appears in the sequence of thumbnails for a transcoded file.
# If you specify a literal value and/or `\{resolution\}` but you
# omit `\{count\}`, Elastic Transcoder returns a validation error
# and does not create the job.
# * **Literal values (Optional)**\: You can specify literal values
# anywhere in the `ThumbnailPattern` object. For example, you can
# include them as a file name prefix or as a delimiter between
# `\{resolution\}` and `\{count\}`.
# * \{resolution\}
(Optional)\: If you want
# Elastic Transcoder to include the resolution in the file name,
# include `\{resolution\}` in the `ThumbnailPattern` object.
# When creating thumbnails, Elastic Transcoder automatically saves the
# files in the format (.jpg or .png) that appears in the preset that
# you specified in the `PresetID` value of `CreateJobOutput`. Elastic
# Transcoder also appends the applicable file name extension.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnail_encryption
# The encryption settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# apply to your thumbnail.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
# @!attribute [rw] rotate
# The number of degrees clockwise by which you want Elastic Transcoder
# to rotate the output relative to the input. Enter one of the
# following values:
# `auto`, `0`, `90`, `180`, `270`
# The value `auto` generally works only if the file that you're
# transcoding contains rotation metadata.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] preset_id
# The value of the `Id` object for the preset that you want to use for
# this job. The preset determines the audio, video, and thumbnail
# settings that Elastic Transcoder uses for transcoding. To use a
# preset that you created, specify the preset ID that Elastic
# Transcoder returned in the response when you created the preset. You
# can also use the Elastic Transcoder system presets, which you can
# get with `ListPresets`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] segment_duration
# (Outputs in Fragmented MP4 or MPEG-TS format only.
# If you specify a preset in `PresetId` for which the value of
# `Container` is `fmp4` (Fragmented MP4) or `ts` (MPEG-TS),
# `SegmentDuration` is the target maximum duration of each segment in
# seconds. For `HLSv3` format playlists, each media segment is stored
# in a separate `.ts` file. For `HLSv4`, `MPEG-DASH`, and `Smooth`
# playlists, all media segments for an output are stored in a single
# file. Each segment is approximately the length of the
# `SegmentDuration`, though individual segments might be shorter or
# longer.
# The range of valid values is 1 to 60 seconds. If the duration of the
# video is not evenly divisible by `SegmentDuration`, the duration of
# the last segment is the remainder of total length/SegmentDuration.
# Elastic Transcoder creates an output-specific playlist for each
# output `HLS` output that you specify in OutputKeys. To add an output
# to the master playlist for this job, include it in the `OutputKeys`
# of the associated playlist.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] status
# The status of one output in a job. If you specified only one output
# for the job, `Outputs:Status` is always the same as `Job:Status`. If
# you specified more than one output:
# * `Job:Status` and `Outputs:Status` for all of the outputs is
# Submitted until Elastic Transcoder starts to process the first
# output.
# * When Elastic Transcoder starts to process the first output,
# `Outputs:Status` for that output and `Job:Status` both change to
# Progressing. For each output, the value of `Outputs:Status`
# remains Submitted until Elastic Transcoder starts to process the
# output.
# * Job:Status remains Progressing until all of the outputs reach a
# terminal status, either Complete or Error.
# * When all of the outputs reach a terminal status, `Job:Status`
# changes to Complete only if `Outputs:Status` for all of the
# outputs is `Complete`. If `Outputs:Status` for one or more outputs
# is `Error`, the terminal status for `Job:Status` is also `Error`.
# The value of `Status` is one of the following: `Submitted`,
# `Progressing`, `Complete`, `Canceled`, or `Error`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] status_detail
# Information that further explains `Status`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] duration
# Duration of the output file, in seconds.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] width
# Specifies the width of the output file in pixels.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] height
# Height of the output file, in pixels.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] frame_rate
# Frame rate of the output file, in frames per second.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] file_size
# File size of the output file, in bytes.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] duration_millis
# Duration of the output file, in milliseconds.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] watermarks
# Information about the watermarks that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# add to the video during transcoding. You can specify up to four
# watermarks for each output. Settings for each watermark must be
# defined in the preset that you specify in `Preset` for the current
# output.
# Watermarks are added to the output video in the sequence in which
# you list them in the job output—the first watermark in the list is
# added to the output video first, the second watermark in the list is
# added next, and so on. As a result, if the settings in a preset
# cause Elastic Transcoder to place all watermarks in the same
# location, the second watermark that you add covers the first one,
# the third one covers the second, and the fourth one covers the
# third.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] album_art
# The album art to be associated with the output file, if any.
# @return [Types::JobAlbumArt]
# @!attribute [rw] composition
# You can create an output file that contains an excerpt from the
# input file. This excerpt, called a clip, can come from the
# beginning, middle, or end of the file. The Composition object
# contains settings for the clips that make up an output file. For the
# current release, you can only specify settings for a single clip per
# output file. The Composition object cannot be null.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] captions
# You can configure Elastic Transcoder to transcode captions, or
# subtitles, from one format to another. All captions must be in
# UTF-8. Elastic Transcoder supports two types of captions:
# * **Embedded:** Embedded captions are included in the same file as
# the audio and video. Elastic Transcoder supports only one embedded
# caption per language, to a maximum of 300 embedded captions per
# file.
# Valid input values include: `CEA-608 (EIA-608`, first non-empty
# channel only), `CEA-708 (EIA-708`, first non-empty channel only),
# and `mov-text`
# Valid outputs include: `mov-text`
# Elastic Transcoder supports a maximum of one embedded format per
# output.
# * **Sidecar:** Sidecar captions are kept in a separate metadata file
# from the audio and video data. Sidecar captions require a player
# that is capable of understanding the relationship between the
# video file and the sidecar file. Elastic Transcoder supports only
# one sidecar caption per language, to a maximum of 20 sidecar
# captions per file.
# Valid input values include: `dfxp` (first div element only),
# `ebu-tt`, `scc`, `smpt`, `srt`, `ttml` (first div element only),
# and `webvtt`
# Valid outputs include: `dfxp` (first div element only), `scc`,
# `srt`, and `webvtt`.
# If you want ttml or smpte-tt compatible captions, specify dfxp as
# your output format.
# Elastic Transcoder does not support OCR (Optical Character
# Recognition), does not accept pictures as a valid input for
# captions, and is not available for audio-only transcoding. Elastic
# Transcoder does not preserve text formatting (for example, italics)
# during the transcoding process.
# To remove captions or leave the captions empty, set `Captions` to
# null. To pass through existing captions unchanged, set the
# `MergePolicy` to `MergeRetain`, and pass in a null `CaptionSources`
# array.
# For more information on embedded files, see the Subtitles Wikipedia
# page.
# For more information on sidecar files, see the Extensible Metadata
# Platform and Sidecar file Wikipedia pages.
# @return [Types::Captions]
# @!attribute [rw] encryption
# The encryption settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# apply to your output files. If you choose to use encryption, you
# must specify a mode to use. If you choose not to use encryption,
# Elastic Transcoder writes an unencrypted file to your Amazon S3
# bucket.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
# @!attribute [rw] applied_color_space_conversion
# If Elastic Transcoder used a preset with a
# `ColorSpaceConversionMode` to transcode the output file, the
# `AppliedColorSpaceConversion` parameter shows the conversion used.
# If no `ColorSpaceConversionMode` was defined in the preset, this
# parameter is not be included in the job response.
# @return [String]
class JobOutput < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Watermarks can be in .png or .jpg format. If you want to display a
# watermark that is not rectangular, use the .png format, which supports
# transparency.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass JobWatermark
# data as a hash:
# {
# preset_watermark_id: "PresetWatermarkId",
# input_key: "WatermarkKey",
# encryption: {
# mode: "EncryptionMode",
# key: "Base64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "Base64EncodedString",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] preset_watermark_id
# The ID of the watermark settings that Elastic Transcoder uses to add
# watermarks to the video during transcoding. The settings are in the
# preset specified by Preset for the current output. In that preset,
# the value of Watermarks Id tells Elastic Transcoder which settings
# to use.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] input_key
# The name of the .png or .jpg file that you want to use for the
# watermark. To determine which Amazon S3 bucket contains the
# specified file, Elastic Transcoder checks the pipeline specified by
# `Pipeline`; the `Input Bucket` object in that pipeline identifies
# the bucket.
# If the file name includes a prefix, for example,
# **logos/128x64.png**, include the prefix in the key. If the file
# isn't in the specified bucket, Elastic Transcoder returns an error.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] encryption
# The encryption settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# apply to your watermarks.
# @return [Types::Encryption]
class JobWatermark < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Too many operations for a given AWS account. For example, the number
# of pipelines exceeds the maximum allowed.
class LimitExceededException < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The `ListJobsByPipelineRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ListJobsByPipelineRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# pipeline_id: "Id", # required
# ascending: "Ascending",
# page_token: "Id",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] pipeline_id
# The ID of the pipeline for which you want to get job information.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ascending
# To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they
# were submitted, enter `true`. To list jobs in reverse chronological
# order, enter `false`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] page_token
# When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use
# `pageToken` in subsequent `GET` requests to get each successive page
# of results.
# @return [String]
class ListJobsByPipelineRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ListJobsByPipelineResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] jobs
# An array of `Job` objects that are in the specified pipeline.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_page_token
# A value that you use to access the second and subsequent pages of
# results, if any. When the jobs in the specified pipeline fit on one
# page or when you've reached the last page of results, the value of
# `NextPageToken` is `null`.
# @return [String]
class ListJobsByPipelineResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ListJobsByStatusRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ListJobsByStatusRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# status: "JobStatus", # required
# ascending: "Ascending",
# page_token: "Id",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] status
# To get information about all of the jobs associated with the current
# AWS account that have a given status, specify the following status:
# `Submitted`, `Progressing`, `Complete`, `Canceled`, or `Error`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] ascending
# To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they
# were submitted, enter `true`. To list jobs in reverse chronological
# order, enter `false`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] page_token
# When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use
# `pageToken` in subsequent `GET` requests to get each successive page
# of results.
# @return [String]
class ListJobsByStatusRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ListJobsByStatusResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] jobs
# An array of `Job` objects that have the specified status.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_page_token
# A value that you use to access the second and subsequent pages of
# results, if any. When the jobs in the specified pipeline fit on one
# page or when you've reached the last page of results, the value of
# `NextPageToken` is `null`.
# @return [String]
class ListJobsByStatusResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ListPipelineRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ListPipelinesRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# ascending: "Ascending",
# page_token: "Id",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] ascending
# To list pipelines in chronological order by the date and time that
# they were created, enter `true`. To list pipelines in reverse
# chronological order, enter `false`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] page_token
# When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use
# `pageToken` in subsequent `GET` requests to get each successive page
# of results.
# @return [String]
class ListPipelinesRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# A list of the pipelines associated with the current AWS account.
# @!attribute [rw] pipelines
# An array of `Pipeline` objects.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_page_token
# A value that you use to access the second and subsequent pages of
# results, if any. When the pipelines fit on one page or when you've
# reached the last page of results, the value of `NextPageToken` is
# `null`.
# @return [String]
class ListPipelinesResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ListPresetsRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ListPresetsRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# ascending: "Ascending",
# page_token: "Id",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] ascending
# To list presets in chronological order by the date and time that
# they were created, enter `true`. To list presets in reverse
# chronological order, enter `false`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] page_token
# When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use
# `pageToken` in subsequent `GET` requests to get each successive page
# of results.
# @return [String]
class ListPresetsRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ListPresetsResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] presets
# An array of `Preset` objects.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] next_page_token
# A value that you use to access the second and subsequent pages of
# results, if any. When the presets fit on one page or when you've
# reached the last page of results, the value of `NextPageToken` is
# `null`.
# @return [String]
class ListPresetsResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic or topics to
# notify in order to report job status.
# To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in
# the Amazon SNS console.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Notifications
# data as a hash:
# {
# progressing: "SnsTopic",
# completed: "SnsTopic",
# warning: "SnsTopic",
# error: "SnsTopic",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] progressing
# The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you
# want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process the
# job.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] completed
# The Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder
# has finished processing the job.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] warning
# The Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder
# encounters a warning condition.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] error
# The Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder
# encounters an error condition.
# @return [String]
class Notifications < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `Permission` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Permission
# data as a hash:
# {
# grantee_type: "GranteeType",
# grantee: "Grantee",
# access: ["AccessControl"],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] grantee_type
# The type of value that appears in the Grantee object:
# * `Canonical`\: Either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or
# an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.
# A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.
# * `Email`\: The registered email address of an AWS account.
# * `Group`\: One of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups:
# `AllUsers`, `AuthenticatedUsers`, or `LogDelivery`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] grantee
# The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded
# files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify
# the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity
# for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an
# AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] access
# The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that is listed
# in Grantee. Valid values include:
# * `READ`\: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for
# thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `READ_ACP`\: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `WRITE_ACP`\: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `FULL_CONTROL`\: The grantee has READ, READ\_ACP, and WRITE\_ACP
# permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the
# Amazon S3 bucket.
# @return [Array]
class Permission < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The pipeline (queue) that is used to manage jobs.
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier for the pipeline. You use this value to identify the
# pipeline in which you want to perform a variety of operations, such
# as creating a job or a preset.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the pipeline.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique
# within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.
# Constraints: Maximum 40 characters
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] status
# The current status of the pipeline:
# * `Active`\: The pipeline is processing jobs.
# * `Paused`\: The pipeline is not currently processing jobs.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] input_bucket
# The Amazon S3 bucket from which Elastic Transcoder gets media files
# for transcoding and the graphics files, if any, that you want to use
# for watermarks.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] output_bucket
# The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save
# transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists. Either you specify this
# value, or you specify both `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] role
# The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that Elastic
# Transcoder uses to transcode jobs for this pipeline.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] aws_kms_key_arn
# The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use
# with this pipeline.
# If you use either `s3` or `s3-aws-kms` as your `Encryption:Mode`,
# you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default
# key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You
# need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default
# AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an `Encryption:Mode` of
# `aes-cbc-pkcs7`, `aes-ctr`, or `aes-gcm`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] notifications
# The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you
# want to notify to report job status.
# To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic
# in the Amazon SNS console.
# * **Progressing** (optional): The Amazon Simple Notification Service
# (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder
# has started to process the job.
# * **Complete** (optional): The Amazon SNS topic that you want to
# notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing the job.
# * **Warning** (optional): The Amazon SNS topic that you want to
# notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition.
# * **Error** (optional): The Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify
# when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition.
# @return [Types::Notifications]
# @!attribute [rw] content_config
# Information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic
# Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists. Either you
# specify both `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig`, or you specify
# `OutputBucket`.
# * **Bucket**\: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic
# Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.
# * **Permissions**\: A list of the users and/or predefined Amazon S3
# groups you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists,
# and the type of access that you want them to have.
# * GranteeType: The type of value that appears in the `Grantee`
# object:
# * `Canonical`\: Either the canonical user ID for an AWS account
# or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront
# distribution.
# * `Email`\: The registered email address of an AWS account.
# * `Group`\: One of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups:
# `AllUsers`, `AuthenticatedUsers`, or `LogDelivery`.
# * `Grantee`\: The AWS user or group that you want to have access
# to transcoded files and playlists.
# * `Access`\: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user
# that is listed in `Grantee`. Valid values include:
# * `READ`\: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for
# objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `READ_ACP`\: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `WRITE_ACP`\: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `FULL_CONTROL`\: The grantee has `READ`, `READ_ACP`, and
# `WRITE_ACP` permissions for the objects that Elastic
# Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * **StorageClass**\: The Amazon S3 storage class, Standard or
# ReducedRedundancy, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to
# the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3
# bucket.
# @return [Types::PipelineOutputConfig]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnail_config
# Information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic
# Transcoder to save thumbnail files. Either you specify both
# `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig`, or you specify
# `OutputBucket`.
# * `Bucket`\: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic
# Transcoder to save thumbnail files.
# * `Permissions`\: A list of the users and/or predefined Amazon S3
# groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of
# access that you want them to have.
# * GranteeType: The type of value that appears in the Grantee
# object:
# * `Canonical`\: Either the canonical user ID for an AWS account
# or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront
# distribution.
# A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.
# * `Email`\: The registered email address of an AWS account.
# * `Group`\: One of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups:
# `AllUsers`, `AuthenticatedUsers`, or `LogDelivery`.
# * `Grantee`\: The AWS user or group that you want to have access
# to thumbnail files.
# * Access: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user
# that is listed in Grantee. Valid values include:
# * `READ`\: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for
# thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3
# bucket.
# * `READ_ACP`\: The grantee can read the object ACL for
# thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3
# bucket.
# * `WRITE_ACP`\: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `FULL_CONTROL`\: The grantee has READ, READ\_ACP, and
# WRITE\_ACP permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic
# Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `StorageClass`\: The Amazon S3 storage class, `Standard` or
# `ReducedRedundancy`, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to
# the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.
# @return [Types::PipelineOutputConfig]
class Pipeline < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `PipelineOutputConfig` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass PipelineOutputConfig
# data as a hash:
# {
# bucket: "BucketName",
# storage_class: "StorageClass",
# permissions: [
# {
# grantee_type: "GranteeType",
# grantee: "Grantee",
# access: ["AccessControl"],
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] bucket
# The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save
# the transcoded files. Specify this value when all of the following
# are true:
# * You want to save transcoded files, thumbnails (if any), and
# playlists (if any) together in one bucket.
# * You do not want to specify the users or groups who have access to
# the transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists.
# * You do not want to specify the permissions that Elastic Transcoder
# grants to the files.
# * You want to associate the transcoded files and thumbnails with the
# Amazon S3 Standard storage class.
# If you want to save transcoded files and playlists in one bucket and
# thumbnails in another bucket, specify which users can access the
# transcoded files or the permissions the users have, or change the
# Amazon S3 storage class, omit OutputBucket and specify values for
# `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig` instead.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] storage_class
# The Amazon S3 storage class, `Standard` or `ReducedRedundancy`, that
# you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and
# playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] permissions
# Optional. The `Permissions` object specifies which users and/or
# predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to transcoded
# files and playlists, and the type of access you want them to have.
# You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined
# Amazon S3 groups.
# If you include `Permissions`, Elastic Transcoder grants only the
# permissions that you specify. It does not grant full permissions to
# the owner of the role specified by `Role`. If you want that user to
# have full control, you must explicitly grant full control to the
# user.
# If you omit `Permissions`, Elastic Transcoder grants full control
# over the transcoded files and playlists to the owner of the role
# specified by `Role`, and grants no other permissions to any other
# user or group.
# @return [Array]
class PipelineOutputConfig < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The PlayReady DRM settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder
# to apply to the output files associated with this playlist.
# PlayReady DRM encrypts your media files using `aes-ctr` encryption.
# If you use DRM for an `HLSv3` playlist, your outputs must have a
# master playlist.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass PlayReadyDrm
# data as a hash:
# {
# format: "PlayReadyDrmFormatString",
# key: "NonEmptyBase64EncodedString",
# key_md_5: "NonEmptyBase64EncodedString",
# key_id: "KeyIdGuid",
# initialization_vector: "ZeroTo255String",
# license_acquisition_url: "OneTo512String",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] format
# The type of DRM, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to apply
# to the output files associated with this playlist.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key
# The DRM key for your file, provided by your DRM license provider.
# The key must be base64-encoded, and it must be one of the following
# bit lengths before being base64-encoded:
# `128`, `192`, or `256`.
# The key must also be encrypted by using AWS KMS.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key_md_5
# The MD5 digest of the key used for DRM on your file, and that you
# want Elastic Transcoder to use as a checksum to make sure your key
# was not corrupted in transit. The key MD5 must be base64-encoded,
# and it must be exactly 16 bytes before being base64-encoded.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] key_id
# The ID for your DRM key, so that your DRM license provider knows
# which key to provide.
# The key ID must be provided in big endian, and Elastic Transcoder
# converts it to little endian before inserting it into the PlayReady
# DRM headers. If you are unsure whether your license server provides
# your key ID in big or little endian, check with your DRM provider.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] initialization_vector
# The series of random bits created by a random bit generator, unique
# for every encryption operation, that you want Elastic Transcoder to
# use to encrypt your files. The initialization vector must be
# base64-encoded, and it must be exactly 8 bytes long before being
# base64-encoded. If no initialization vector is provided, Elastic
# Transcoder generates one for you.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] license_acquisition_url
# The location of the license key required to play DRM content. The
# URL must be an absolute path, and is referenced by the PlayReady
# header. The PlayReady header is referenced in the protection header
# of the client manifest for Smooth Streaming outputs, and in the
# EXT-X-DXDRM and EXT-XDXDRMINFO metadata tags for HLS playlist
# outputs. An example URL looks like this:
# `https://www.example.com/exampleKey/`
# @return [String]
class PlayReadyDrm < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Use Only for Fragmented MP4 or MPEG-TS Outputs. If you specify a
# preset for which the value of Container is `fmp4` (Fragmented MP4) or
# `ts` (MPEG-TS), Playlists contains information about the master
# playlists that you want Elastic Transcoder to create. We recommend
# that you create only one master playlist per output format. The
# maximum number of master playlists in a job is 30.
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the master
# playlist, for example, nyc-vacation.m3u8. If the name includes a `/`
# character, the section of the name before the last `/` must be
# identical for all `Name` objects. If you create more than one master
# playlist, the values of all `Name` objects must be unique.
# Elastic Transcoder automatically appends the relevant file extension
# to the file name (`.m3u8` for `HLSv3` and `HLSv4` playlists, and
# `.ism` and `.ismc` for `Smooth` playlists). If you include a file
# extension in `Name`, the file name will have two extensions.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] format
# The format of the output playlist. Valid formats include `HLSv3`,
# `HLSv4`, and `Smooth`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] output_keys
# For each output in this job that you want to include in a master
# playlist, the value of the Outputs:Key object.
# * If your output is not `HLS` or does not have a segment duration
# set, the name of the output file is a concatenation of
# `OutputKeyPrefix` and `Outputs:Key`\:
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`
# * If your output is `HLSv3` and has a segment duration set, or is
# not included in a playlist, Elastic Transcoder creates an output
# playlist file with a file extension of `.m3u8`, and a series of
# `.ts` files that include a five-digit sequential counter beginning
# with 00000:
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`.m3u8
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`00000.ts
# * If your output is `HLSv4`, has a segment duration set, and is
# included in an `HLSv4` playlist, Elastic Transcoder creates an
# output playlist file with a file extension of `_v4.m3u8`. If the
# output is video, Elastic Transcoder also creates an output file
# with an extension of `_iframe.m3u8`\:
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`\_v4.m3u8
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`\_iframe.m3u8
# OutputKeyPrefix`Outputs:Key`.ts
# Elastic Transcoder automatically appends the relevant file extension
# to the file name. If you include a file extension in Output Key, the
# file name will have two extensions.
# If you include more than one output in a playlist, any segment
# duration settings, clip settings, or caption settings must be the
# same for all outputs in the playlist. For `Smooth` playlists, the
# `Audio:Profile`, `Video:Profile`, and `Video:FrameRate` to
# `Video:KeyframesMaxDist` ratio must be the same for all outputs.
# @return [Array]
# @!attribute [rw] hls_content_protection
# The HLS content protection settings, if any, that you want Elastic
# Transcoder to apply to the output files associated with this
# playlist.
# @return [Types::HlsContentProtection]
# @!attribute [rw] play_ready_drm
# The DRM settings, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to apply
# to the output files associated with this playlist.
# @return [Types::PlayReadyDrm]
# @!attribute [rw] status
# The status of the job with which the playlist is associated.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] status_detail
# Information that further explains the status.
# @return [String]
class Playlist < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Presets are templates that contain most of the settings for
# transcoding media files from one format to another. Elastic Transcoder
# includes some default presets for common formats, for example, several
# iPod and iPhone versions. You can also create your own presets for
# formats that aren't included among the default presets. You specify
# which preset you want to use when you create a job.
# @!attribute [rw] id
# Identifier for the new preset. You use this value to get settings
# for the preset or to delete it.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] arn
# The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the preset.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the preset.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] description
# A description of the preset.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] container
# The container type for the output file. Valid values include `flac`,
# `flv`, `fmp4`, `gif`, `mp3`, `mp4`, `mpg`, `mxf`, `oga`, `ogg`,
# `ts`, and `webm`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] audio
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# audio preset values.
# @return [Types::AudioParameters]
# @!attribute [rw] video
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# video preset values.
# @return [Types::VideoParameters]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnails
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# thumbnail preset values, if any.
# @return [Types::Thumbnails]
# @!attribute [rw] type
# Whether the preset is a default preset provided by Elastic
# Transcoder (`System`) or a preset that you have defined (`Custom`).
# @return [String]
class Preset < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Settings for the size, location, and opacity of graphics that you want
# Elastic Transcoder to overlay over videos that are transcoded using
# this preset. You can specify settings for up to four watermarks.
# Watermarks appear in the specified size and location, and with the
# specified opacity for the duration of the transcoded video.
# Watermarks can be in .png or .jpg format. If you want to display a
# watermark that is not rectangular, use the .png format, which supports
# transparency.
# When you create a job that uses this preset, you specify the .png or
# .jpg graphics that you want Elastic Transcoder to include in the
# transcoded videos. You can specify fewer graphics in the job than you
# specify watermark settings in the preset, which allows you to use the
# same preset for up to four watermarks that have different dimensions.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass PresetWatermark
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "PresetWatermarkId",
# max_width: "PixelsOrPercent",
# max_height: "PixelsOrPercent",
# sizing_policy: "WatermarkSizingPolicy",
# horizontal_align: "HorizontalAlign",
# horizontal_offset: "PixelsOrPercent",
# vertical_align: "VerticalAlign",
# vertical_offset: "PixelsOrPercent",
# opacity: "Opacity",
# target: "Target",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# A unique identifier for the settings for one watermark. The value of
# `Id` can be up to 40 characters long.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_width
# The maximum width of the watermark in one of the following formats:
# * number of pixels (px): The minimum value is 16 pixels, and the
# maximum value is the value of `MaxWidth`.
# * integer percentage (%): The range of valid values is 0 to 100. Use
# the value of `Target` to specify whether you want Elastic
# Transcoder to include the black bars that are added by Elastic
# Transcoder, if any, in the calculation.
# If you specify the value in pixels, it must be less than or equal
# to the value of `MaxWidth`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_height
# The maximum height of the watermark in one of the following formats:
# * number of pixels (px): The minimum value is 16 pixels, and the
# maximum value is the value of `MaxHeight`.
# * integer percentage (%): The range of valid values is 0 to 100. Use
# the value of `Target` to specify whether you want Elastic
# Transcoder to include the black bars that are added by Elastic
# Transcoder, if any, in the calculation.
# If you specify the value in pixels, it must be less than or equal to
# the value of `MaxHeight`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] sizing_policy
# A value that controls scaling of the watermark:
# * **Fit**\: Elastic Transcoder scales the watermark so it matches
# the value that you specified in either `MaxWidth` or `MaxHeight`
# without exceeding the other value.
# * **Stretch**\: Elastic Transcoder stretches the watermark to match
# the values that you specified for `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`. If
# the relative proportions of the watermark and the values of
# `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` are different, the watermark will be
# distorted.
# * **ShrinkToFit**\: Elastic Transcoder scales the watermark down so
# that its dimensions match the values that you specified for at
# least one of `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` without exceeding either
# value. If you specify this option, Elastic Transcoder does not
# scale the watermark up.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] horizontal_align
# The horizontal position of the watermark unless you specify a
# non-zero value for `HorizontalOffset`\:
# * **Left**\: The left edge of the watermark is aligned with the left
# border of the video.
# * **Right**\: The right edge of the watermark is aligned with the
# right border of the video.
# * **Center**\: The watermark is centered between the left and right
# borders.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] horizontal_offset
# The amount by which you want the horizontal position of the
# watermark to be offset from the position specified by
# HorizontalAlign:
# * number of pixels (px): The minimum value is 0 pixels, and the
# maximum value is the value of MaxWidth.
# * integer percentage (%): The range of valid values is 0 to 100.
# For example, if you specify Left for `HorizontalAlign` and 5px for
# `HorizontalOffset`, the left side of the watermark appears 5 pixels
# from the left border of the output video.
# `HorizontalOffset` is only valid when the value of `HorizontalAlign`
# is `Left` or `Right`. If you specify an offset that causes the
# watermark to extend beyond the left or right border and Elastic
# Transcoder has not added black bars, the watermark is cropped. If
# Elastic Transcoder has added black bars, the watermark extends into
# the black bars. If the watermark extends beyond the black bars, it
# is cropped.
# Use the value of `Target` to specify whether you want to include the
# black bars that are added by Elastic Transcoder, if any, in the
# offset calculation.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vertical_align
# The vertical position of the watermark unless you specify a non-zero
# value for `VerticalOffset`\:
# * **Top**\: The top edge of the watermark is aligned with the top
# border of the video.
# * **Bottom**\: The bottom edge of the watermark is aligned with the
# bottom border of the video.
# * **Center**\: The watermark is centered between the top and bottom
# borders.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] vertical_offset
# `VerticalOffset`
# The amount by which you want the vertical position of the watermark
# to be offset from the position specified by VerticalAlign:
# * number of pixels (px): The minimum value is 0 pixels, and the
# maximum value is the value of `MaxHeight`.
# * integer percentage (%): The range of valid values is 0 to 100.
# For example, if you specify `Top` for `VerticalAlign` and `5px` for
# `VerticalOffset`, the top of the watermark appears 5 pixels from the
# top border of the output video.
# `VerticalOffset` is only valid when the value of VerticalAlign is
# Top or Bottom.
# If you specify an offset that causes the watermark to extend beyond
# the top or bottom border and Elastic Transcoder has not added black
# bars, the watermark is cropped. If Elastic Transcoder has added
# black bars, the watermark extends into the black bars. If the
# watermark extends beyond the black bars, it is cropped.
# Use the value of `Target` to specify whether you want Elastic
# Transcoder to include the black bars that are added by Elastic
# Transcoder, if any, in the offset calculation.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] opacity
# A percentage that indicates how much you want a watermark to obscure
# the video in the location where it appears. Valid values are 0 (the
# watermark is invisible) to 100 (the watermark completely obscures
# the video in the specified location). The datatype of `Opacity` is
# float.
# Elastic Transcoder supports transparent .png graphics. If you use a
# transparent .png, the transparent portion of the video appears as if
# you had specified a value of 0 for `Opacity`. The .jpg file format
# doesn't support transparency.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] target
# A value that determines how Elastic Transcoder interprets values
# that you specified for `HorizontalOffset`, `VerticalOffset`,
# `MaxWidth`, and `MaxHeight`\:
# * **Content**\: `HorizontalOffset` and `VerticalOffset` values are
# calculated based on the borders of the video excluding black bars
# added by Elastic Transcoder, if any. In addition, `MaxWidth` and
# `MaxHeight`, if specified as a percentage, are calculated based on
# the borders of the video excluding black bars added by Elastic
# Transcoder, if any.
# * **Frame**\: `HorizontalOffset` and `VerticalOffset` values are
# calculated based on the borders of the video including black bars
# added by Elastic Transcoder, if any. In addition, `MaxWidth` and
# `MaxHeight`, if specified as a percentage, are calculated based on
# the borders of the video including black bars added by Elastic
# Transcoder, if any.
# @return [String]
class PresetWatermark < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ReadJobRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ReadJobRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier of the job for which you want to get detailed
# information.
# @return [String]
class ReadJobRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ReadJobResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] job
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# job.
# @return [Types::Job]
class ReadJobResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ReadPipelineRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ReadPipelineRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier of the pipeline to read.
# @return [String]
class ReadPipelineRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ReadPipelineResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] pipeline
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# pipeline.
# @return [Types::Pipeline]
# @!attribute [rw] warnings
# Elastic Transcoder returns a warning if the resources used by your
# pipeline are not in the same region as the pipeline.
# Using resources in the same region, such as your Amazon S3 buckets,
# Amazon SNS notification topics, and AWS KMS key, reduces processing
# time and prevents cross-regional charges.
# @return [Array]
class ReadPipelineResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ReadPresetRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass ReadPresetRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed
# information.
# @return [String]
class ReadPresetRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `ReadPresetResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] preset
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# preset.
# @return [Types::Preset]
class ReadPresetResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The resource you are attempting to change is in use. For example, you
# are attempting to delete a pipeline that is currently in use.
class ResourceInUseException < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The requested resource does not exist or is not available. For
# example, the pipeline to which you're trying to add a job doesn't
# exist or is still being created.
class ResourceNotFoundException < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The `TestRoleRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass TestRoleRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# role: "Role", # required
# input_bucket: "BucketName", # required
# output_bucket: "BucketName", # required
# topics: ["SnsTopic"], # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] role
# The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want
# Elastic Transcoder to test.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] input_bucket
# The Amazon S3 bucket that contains media files to be transcoded. The
# action attempts to read from this bucket.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] output_bucket
# The Amazon S3 bucket that Elastic Transcoder writes transcoded media
# files to. The action attempts to read from this bucket.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] topics
# The ARNs of one or more Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon
# SNS) topics that you want the action to send a test notification to.
# @return [Array]
class TestRoleRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `TestRoleResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] success
# If the operation is successful, this value is `true`; otherwise, the
# value is `false`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] messages
# If the `Success` element contains `false`, this value is an array of
# one or more error messages that were generated during the test
# process.
# @return [Array]
class TestRoleResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Thumbnails for videos.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass Thumbnails
# data as a hash:
# {
# format: "JpgOrPng",
# interval: "Digits",
# resolution: "ThumbnailResolution",
# aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] format
# The format of thumbnails, if any. Valid values are `jpg` and `png`.
# You specify whether you want Elastic Transcoder to create thumbnails
# when you create a job.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] interval
# The approximate number of seconds between thumbnails. Specify an
# integer value.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resolution
# To better control resolution and aspect ratio of thumbnails, we
# recommend that you use the values `MaxWidth`, `MaxHeight`,
# `SizingPolicy`, and `PaddingPolicy` instead of `Resolution` and
# `AspectRatio`. The two groups of settings are mutually exclusive. Do
# not use them together.
# The width and height of thumbnail files in pixels. Specify a value
# in the format ` width ` x ` height ` where both values are even
# integers. The values cannot exceed the width and height that you
# specified in the `Video:Resolution` object.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] aspect_ratio
# To better control resolution and aspect ratio of thumbnails, we
# recommend that you use the values `MaxWidth`, `MaxHeight`,
# `SizingPolicy`, and `PaddingPolicy` instead of `Resolution` and
# `AspectRatio`. The two groups of settings are mutually exclusive. Do
# not use them together.
# The aspect ratio of thumbnails. Valid values include:
# `auto`, `1:1`, `4:3`, `3:2`, `16:9`
# If you specify `auto`, Elastic Transcoder tries to preserve the
# aspect ratio of the video in the output file.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_width
# The maximum width of thumbnails in pixels. If you specify auto,
# Elastic Transcoder uses 1920 (Full HD) as the default value. If you
# specify a numeric value, enter an even integer between 32 and 4096.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_height
# The maximum height of thumbnails in pixels. If you specify auto,
# Elastic Transcoder uses 1080 (Full HD) as the default value. If you
# specify a numeric value, enter an even integer between 32 and 3072.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] sizing_policy
# Specify one of the following values to control scaling of
# thumbnails:
# * `Fit`\: Elastic Transcoder scales thumbnails so they match the
# value that you specified in thumbnail MaxWidth or MaxHeight
# settings without exceeding the other value.
# * `Fill`\: Elastic Transcoder scales thumbnails so they match the
# value that you specified in thumbnail `MaxWidth` or `MaxHeight`
# settings and matches or exceeds the other value. Elastic
# Transcoder centers the image in thumbnails and then crops in the
# dimension (if any) that exceeds the maximum value.
# * `Stretch`\: Elastic Transcoder stretches thumbnails to match the
# values that you specified for thumbnail `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`
# settings. If the relative proportions of the input video and
# thumbnails are different, the thumbnails will be distorted.
# * `Keep`\: Elastic Transcoder does not scale thumbnails. If either
# dimension of the input video exceeds the values that you specified
# for thumbnail `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` settings, Elastic
# Transcoder crops the thumbnails.
# * `ShrinkToFit`\: Elastic Transcoder scales thumbnails down so that
# their dimensions match the values that you specified for at least
# one of thumbnail `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` without exceeding
# either value. If you specify this option, Elastic Transcoder does
# not scale thumbnails up.
# * `ShrinkToFill`\: Elastic Transcoder scales thumbnails down so that
# their dimensions match the values that you specified for at least
# one of `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` without dropping below either
# value. If you specify this option, Elastic Transcoder does not
# scale thumbnails up.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] padding_policy
# When you set `PaddingPolicy` to `Pad`, Elastic Transcoder may add
# black bars to the top and bottom and/or left and right sides of
# thumbnails to make the total size of the thumbnails match the values
# that you specified for thumbnail `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`
# settings.
# @return [String]
class Thumbnails < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Settings that determine when a clip begins and how long it lasts.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass TimeSpan
# data as a hash:
# {
# start_time: "Time",
# duration: "Time",
# }
# @!attribute [rw] start_time
# The place in the input file where you want a clip to start. The
# format can be either HH:mm:ss.SSS (maximum value: 23:59:59.999; SSS
# is thousandths of a second) or sssss.SSS (maximum value: 86399.999).
# If you don't specify a value, Elastic Transcoder starts at the
# beginning of the input file.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] duration
# The duration of the clip. The format can be either HH:mm:ss.SSS
# (maximum value: 23:59:59.999; SSS is thousandths of a second) or
# sssss.SSS (maximum value: 86399.999). If you don't specify a value,
# Elastic Transcoder creates an output file from StartTime to the end
# of the file.
# If you specify a value longer than the duration of the input file,
# Elastic Transcoder transcodes the file and returns a warning
# message.
# @return [String]
class TimeSpan < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Details about the timing of a job.
# @!attribute [rw] submit_time_millis
# The time the job was submitted to Elastic Transcoder, in epoch
# milliseconds.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] start_time_millis
# The time the job began transcoding, in epoch milliseconds.
# @return [Integer]
# @!attribute [rw] finish_time_millis
# The time the job finished transcoding, in epoch milliseconds.
# @return [Integer]
class Timing < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `UpdatePipelineNotificationsRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdatePipelineNotificationsRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# notifications: { # required
# progressing: "SnsTopic",
# completed: "SnsTopic",
# warning: "SnsTopic",
# error: "SnsTopic",
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier of the pipeline for which you want to change
# notification settings.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] notifications
# The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon
# SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.
# To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic
# in the Amazon SNS console.
# * **Progressing**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification
# Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic
# Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this
# pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you
# created the topic.
# * **Complete**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you
# want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a
# job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the
# topic.
# * **Warning**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want
# to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition.
# This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the
# topic.
# * **Error**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want
# to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition.
# This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the
# topic.
# @return [Types::Notifications]
class UpdatePipelineNotificationsRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `UpdatePipelineNotificationsResponse` structure.
# @!attribute [rw] pipeline
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# pipeline associated with this notification.
# @return [Types::Pipeline]
class UpdatePipelineNotificationsResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `UpdatePipelineRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdatePipelineRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# name: "Name",
# input_bucket: "BucketName",
# role: "Role",
# aws_kms_key_arn: "KeyArn",
# notifications: {
# progressing: "SnsTopic",
# completed: "SnsTopic",
# warning: "SnsTopic",
# error: "SnsTopic",
# },
# content_config: {
# bucket: "BucketName",
# storage_class: "StorageClass",
# permissions: [
# {
# grantee_type: "GranteeType",
# grantee: "Grantee",
# access: ["AccessControl"],
# },
# ],
# },
# thumbnail_config: {
# bucket: "BucketName",
# storage_class: "StorageClass",
# permissions: [
# {
# grantee_type: "GranteeType",
# grantee: "Grantee",
# access: ["AccessControl"],
# },
# ],
# },
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The ID of the pipeline that you want to update.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] name
# The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique
# within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.
# Constraints: Maximum 40 characters
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] input_bucket
# The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you
# want to transcode and the graphics that you want to use as
# watermarks.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] role
# The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want
# Elastic Transcoder to use to transcode jobs for this pipeline.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] aws_kms_key_arn
# The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use
# with this pipeline.
# If you use either `s3` or `s3-aws-kms` as your `Encryption:Mode`,
# you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default
# key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You
# need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default
# AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an `Encryption:Mode` of
# `aes-cbc-pkcs7`, `aes-ctr`, or `aes-gcm`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] notifications
# The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon
# SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.
# To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic
# in the Amazon SNS console.
# * **Progressing**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification
# Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic
# Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this
# pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you
# created the topic.
# * **Complete**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you
# want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a
# job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the
# topic.
# * **Warning**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want
# to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition.
# This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the
# topic.
# * **Error**\: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want
# to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition.
# This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the
# topic.
# @return [Types::Notifications]
# @!attribute [rw] content_config
# The optional `ContentConfig` object specifies information about the
# Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save
# transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you
# want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users
# to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.
# If you specify values for `ContentConfig`, you must also specify
# values for `ThumbnailConfig`.
# If you specify values for `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig`,
# omit the `OutputBucket` object.
# * **Bucket**\: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic
# Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.
# * **Permissions** (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which
# users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of
# access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a
# maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.
# * **Grantee Type**\: Specify the type of value that appears in the
# `Grantee` object:
# * **Canonical**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is either the
# canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access
# identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more
# information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List
# (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer
# Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access
# identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of
# Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict
# Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.
# A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.
# * **Email**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is the registered
# email address of an AWS account.
# * **Group**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is one of the
# following predefined Amazon S3 groups: `AllUsers`,
# `AuthenticatedUsers`, or `LogDelivery`.
# * **Grantee**\: The AWS user or group that you want to have access
# to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group,
# you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an
# origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the
# registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon
# S3 group
# * **Access**\: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user
# that you specified in `Grantee`. Permissions are granted on the
# files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including
# playlists and video files. Valid values include:
# * `READ`\: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for
# objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `READ_ACP`\: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `WRITE_ACP`\: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that
# Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `FULL_CONTROL`\: The grantee has `READ`, `READ_ACP`, and
# `WRITE_ACP` permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder
# adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * **StorageClass**\: The Amazon S3 storage class, `Standard` or
# `ReducedRedundancy`, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to
# the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3
# bucket.
# @return [Types::PipelineOutputConfig]
# @!attribute [rw] thumbnail_config
# The `ThumbnailConfig` object specifies several values, including the
# Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save
# thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files,
# the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class
# that you want to assign to the files.
# If you specify values for `ContentConfig`, you must also specify
# values for `ThumbnailConfig` even if you don't want to create
# thumbnails.
# If you specify values for `ContentConfig` and `ThumbnailConfig`,
# omit the `OutputBucket` object.
# * **Bucket**\: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic
# Transcoder to save thumbnail files.
# * **Permissions** (Optional): The `Permissions` object specifies
# which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have
# access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to
# have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or
# predefined Amazon S3 groups.
# * **GranteeType**\: Specify the type of value that appears in the
# Grantee object:
# * **Canonical**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is either the
# canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access
# identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.
# A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.
# * **Email**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is the registered
# email address of an AWS account.
# * **Group**\: The value in the `Grantee` object is one of the
# following predefined Amazon S3 groups: `AllUsers`,
# `AuthenticatedUsers`, or `LogDelivery`.
# * **Grantee**\: The AWS user or group that you want to have access
# to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify
# the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access
# identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email
# address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group.
# * **Access**\: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user
# that you specified in `Grantee`. Permissions are granted on the
# thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid
# values include:
# * `READ`\: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for
# objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `READ_ACP`\: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `WRITE_ACP`\: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails
# that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * `FULL_CONTROL`\: The grantee has `READ`, `READ_ACP`, and
# `WRITE_ACP` permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic
# Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.
# * **StorageClass**\: The Amazon S3 storage class, `Standard` or
# `ReducedRedundancy`, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to
# the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.
# @return [Types::PipelineOutputConfig]
class UpdatePipelineRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# When you update a pipeline, Elastic Transcoder returns the values that
# you specified in the request.
# @!attribute [rw] pipeline
# The pipeline updated by this `UpdatePipelineResponse` call.
# @return [Types::Pipeline]
# @!attribute [rw] warnings
# Elastic Transcoder returns a warning if the resources used by your
# pipeline are not in the same region as the pipeline.
# Using resources in the same region, such as your Amazon S3 buckets,
# Amazon SNS notification topics, and AWS KMS key, reduces processing
# time and prevents cross-regional charges.
# @return [Array]
class UpdatePipelineResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# The `UpdatePipelineStatusRequest` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass UpdatePipelineStatusRequest
# data as a hash:
# {
# id: "Id", # required
# status: "PipelineStatus", # required
# }
# @!attribute [rw] id
# The identifier of the pipeline to update.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] status
# The desired status of the pipeline:
# * `Active`\: The pipeline is processing jobs.
# * `Paused`\: The pipeline is not currently processing jobs.
# @return [String]
class UpdatePipelineStatusRequest < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# When you update status for a pipeline, Elastic Transcoder returns the
# values that you specified in the request.
# @!attribute [rw] pipeline
# A section of the response body that provides information about the
# pipeline.
# @return [Types::Pipeline]
class UpdatePipelineStatusResponse < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# One or more required parameter values were not provided in the
# request.
class ValidationException < Aws::EmptyStructure; end
# The `VideoParameters` structure.
# @note When making an API call, you may pass VideoParameters
# data as a hash:
# {
# codec: "VideoCodec",
# codec_options: {
# "CodecOption" => "CodecOption",
# },
# keyframes_max_dist: "KeyframesMaxDist",
# fixed_gop: "FixedGOP",
# bit_rate: "VideoBitRate",
# frame_rate: "FrameRate",
# max_frame_rate: "MaxFrameRate",
# resolution: "Resolution",
# aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# max_width: "DigitsOrAuto",
# max_height: "DigitsOrAuto",
# display_aspect_ratio: "AspectRatio",
# sizing_policy: "SizingPolicy",
# padding_policy: "PaddingPolicy",
# watermarks: [
# {
# id: "PresetWatermarkId",
# max_width: "PixelsOrPercent",
# max_height: "PixelsOrPercent",
# sizing_policy: "WatermarkSizingPolicy",
# horizontal_align: "HorizontalAlign",
# horizontal_offset: "PixelsOrPercent",
# vertical_align: "VerticalAlign",
# vertical_offset: "PixelsOrPercent",
# opacity: "Opacity",
# target: "Target",
# },
# ],
# }
# @!attribute [rw] codec
# The video codec for the output file. Valid values include `gif`,
# `H.264`, `mpeg2`, `vp8`, and `vp9`. You can only specify `vp8` and
# `vp9` when the container type is `webm`, `gif` when the container
# type is `gif`, and `mpeg2` when the container type is `mpg`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] codec_options
# **Profile (H.264/VP8/VP9 Only)**
# The H.264 profile that you want to use for the output file. Elastic
# Transcoder supports the following profiles:
# * `baseline`\: The profile most commonly used for videoconferencing
# and for mobile applications.
# * `main`\: The profile used for standard-definition digital TV
# broadcasts.
# * `high`\: The profile used for high-definition digital TV
# broadcasts and for Blu-ray discs.
# **Level (H.264 Only)**
# The H.264 level that you want to use for the output file. Elastic
# Transcoder supports the following levels:
# `1`, `1b`, `1.1`, `1.2`, `1.3`, `2`, `2.1`, `2.2`, `3`, `3.1`,
# `3.2`, `4`, `4.1`
# **MaxReferenceFrames (H.264 Only)**
# Applicable only when the value of Video:Codec is H.264. The maximum
# number of previously decoded frames to use as a reference for
# decoding future frames. Valid values are integers 0 through 16, but
# we recommend that you not use a value greater than the following:
# `Min(Floor(Maximum decoded picture buffer in macroblocks * 256 /
# (Width in pixels * Height in pixels)), 16)`
# where *Width in pixels* and *Height in pixels* represent either
# MaxWidth and MaxHeight, or Resolution. *Maximum decoded picture
# buffer in macroblocks* depends on the value of the `Level` object.
# See the list below. (A macroblock is a block of pixels measuring
# 16x16.)
# * 1 - 396
# * 1b - 396
# * 1\.1 - 900
# * 1\.2 - 2376
# * 1\.3 - 2376
# * 2 - 2376
# * 2\.1 - 4752
# * 2\.2 - 8100
# * 3 - 8100
# * 3\.1 - 18000
# * 3\.2 - 20480
# * 4 - 32768
# * 4\.1 - 32768
# **MaxBitRate (Optional, H.264/MPEG2/VP8/VP9 only)**
# The maximum number of bits per second in a video buffer; the size of
# the buffer is specified by `BufferSize`. Specify a value between 16
# and 62,500. You can reduce the bandwidth required to stream a video
# by reducing the maximum bit rate, but this also reduces the quality
# of the video.
# **BufferSize (Optional, H.264/MPEG2/VP8/VP9 only)**
# The maximum number of bits in any x seconds of the output video.
# This window is commonly 10 seconds, the standard segment duration
# when you're using FMP4 or MPEG-TS for the container type of the
# output video. Specify an integer greater than 0. If you specify
# `MaxBitRate` and omit `BufferSize`, Elastic Transcoder sets
# `BufferSize` to 10 times the value of `MaxBitRate`.
# **InterlacedMode (Optional, H.264/MPEG2 Only)**
# The interlace mode for the output video.
# Interlaced video is used to double the perceived frame rate for a
# video by interlacing two fields (one field on every other line, the
# other field on the other lines) so that the human eye registers
# multiple pictures per frame. Interlacing reduces the bandwidth
# required for transmitting a video, but can result in blurred images
# and flickering.
# Valid values include `Progressive` (no interlacing, top to bottom),
# `TopFirst` (top field first), `BottomFirst` (bottom field first),
# and `Auto`.
# If `InterlaceMode` is not specified, Elastic Transcoder uses
# `Progressive` for the output. If `Auto` is specified, Elastic
# Transcoder interlaces the output.
# **ColorSpaceConversionMode (Optional, H.264/MPEG2 Only)**
# The color space conversion Elastic Transcoder applies to the output
# video. Color spaces are the algorithms used by the computer to store
# information about how to render color. `Bt.601` is the standard for
# standard definition video, while `Bt.709` is the standard for high
# definition video.
# Valid values include `None`, `Bt709toBt601`, `Bt601toBt709`, and
# `Auto`.
# If you chose `Auto` for `ColorSpaceConversionMode` and your output
# is interlaced, your frame rate is one of `23.97`, `24`, `25`,
# `29.97`, `50`, or `60`, your `SegmentDuration` is null, and you are
# using one of the resolution changes from the list below, Elastic
# Transcoder applies the following color space conversions:
# * *Standard to HD, 720x480 to 1920x1080* - Elastic Transcoder
# applies `Bt601ToBt709`
# * *Standard to HD, 720x576 to 1920x1080* - Elastic Transcoder
# applies `Bt601ToBt709`
# * *HD to Standard, 1920x1080 to 720x480* - Elastic Transcoder
# applies `Bt709ToBt601`
# * *HD to Standard, 1920x1080 to 720x576* - Elastic Transcoder
# applies `Bt709ToBt601`
# Elastic Transcoder may change the behavior of the
# `ColorspaceConversionMode` `Auto` mode in the future. All outputs in
# a playlist must use the same `ColorSpaceConversionMode`.
# If you do not specify a `ColorSpaceConversionMode`, Elastic
# Transcoder does not change the color space of a file. If you are
# unsure what `ColorSpaceConversionMode` was applied to your output
# file, you can check the `AppliedColorSpaceConversion` parameter
# included in your job response. If your job does not have an
# `AppliedColorSpaceConversion` in its response, no
# `ColorSpaceConversionMode` was applied.
# **ChromaSubsampling**
# The sampling pattern for the chroma (color) channels of the output
# video. Valid values include `yuv420p` and `yuv422p`.
# `yuv420p` samples the chroma information of every other horizontal
# and every other vertical line, `yuv422p` samples the color
# information of every horizontal line and every other vertical line.
# **LoopCount (Gif Only)**
# The number of times you want the output gif to loop. Valid values
# include `Infinite` and integers between `0` and `100`, inclusive.
# @return [Hash]
# @!attribute [rw] keyframes_max_dist
# Applicable only when the value of Video:Codec is one of `H.264`,
# `MPEG2`, or `VP8`.
# The maximum number of frames between key frames. Key frames are
# fully encoded frames; the frames between key frames are encoded
# based, in part, on the content of the key frames. The value is an
# integer formatted as a string; valid values are between 1 (every
# frame is a key frame) and 100000, inclusive. A higher value results
# in higher compression but may also discernibly decrease video
# quality.
# For `Smooth` outputs, the `FrameRate` must have a constant ratio to
# the `KeyframesMaxDist`. This allows `Smooth` playlists to switch
# between different quality levels while the file is being played.
# For example, an input file can have a `FrameRate` of 30 with a
# `KeyframesMaxDist` of 90. The output file then needs to have a ratio
# of 1:3. Valid outputs would have `FrameRate` of 30, 25, and 10, and
# `KeyframesMaxDist` of 90, 75, and 30, respectively.
# Alternately, this can be achieved by setting `FrameRate` to auto and
# having the same values for `MaxFrameRate` and `KeyframesMaxDist`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] fixed_gop
# Applicable only when the value of Video:Codec is one of `H.264`,
# `MPEG2`, or `VP8`.
# Whether to use a fixed value for `FixedGOP`. Valid values are `true`
# and `false`\:
# * `true`\: Elastic Transcoder uses the value of `KeyframesMaxDist`
# for the distance between key frames (the number of frames in a
# group of pictures, or GOP).
# * `false`\: The distance between key frames can vary.
# `FixedGOP` must be set to `true` for `fmp4` containers.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] bit_rate
# The bit rate of the video stream in the output file, in
# kilobits/second. Valid values depend on the values of `Level` and
# `Profile`. If you specify `auto`, Elastic Transcoder uses the
# detected bit rate of the input source. If you specify a value other
# than `auto`, we recommend that you specify a value less than or
# equal to the maximum H.264-compliant value listed for your level and
# profile:
# *Level - Maximum video bit rate in kilobits/second (baseline and
# main Profile) : maximum video bit rate in kilobits/second (high
# Profile)*
# * 1 - 64 : 80
# * 1b - 128 : 160
# * 1\.1 - 192 : 240
# * 1\.2 - 384 : 480
# * 1\.3 - 768 : 960
# * 2 - 2000 : 2500
# * 3 - 10000 : 12500
# * 3\.1 - 14000 : 17500
# * 3\.2 - 20000 : 25000
# * 4 - 20000 : 25000
# * 4\.1 - 50000 : 62500
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] frame_rate
# The frames per second for the video stream in the output file. Valid
# values include:
# `auto`, `10`, `15`, `23.97`, `24`, `25`, `29.97`, `30`, `60`
# If you specify `auto`, Elastic Transcoder uses the detected frame
# rate of the input source. If you specify a frame rate, we recommend
# that you perform the following calculation:
# `Frame rate = maximum recommended decoding speed in luma
# samples/second / (width in pixels * height in pixels)`
# where:
# * *width in pixels* and *height in pixels* represent the Resolution
# of the output video.
# * *maximum recommended decoding speed in Luma samples/second* is
# less than or equal to the maximum value listed in the following
# table, based on the value that you specified for Level.
# The maximum recommended decoding speed in Luma samples/second for
# each level is described in the following list (*Level - Decoding
# speed*):
# * 1 - 380160
# * 1b - 380160
# * 1\.1 - 76800
# * 1\.2 - 1536000
# * 1\.3 - 3041280
# * 2 - 3041280
# * 2\.1 - 5068800
# * 2\.2 - 5184000
# * 3 - 10368000
# * 3\.1 - 27648000
# * 3\.2 - 55296000
# * 4 - 62914560
# * 4\.1 - 62914560
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_frame_rate
# If you specify `auto` for `FrameRate`, Elastic Transcoder uses the
# frame rate of the input video for the frame rate of the output
# video. Specify the maximum frame rate that you want Elastic
# Transcoder to use when the frame rate of the input video is greater
# than the desired maximum frame rate of the output video. Valid
# values include: `10`, `15`, `23.97`, `24`, `25`, `29.97`, `30`,
# `60`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] resolution
# To better control resolution and aspect ratio of output videos, we
# recommend that you use the values `MaxWidth`, `MaxHeight`,
# `SizingPolicy`, `PaddingPolicy`, and `DisplayAspectRatio` instead of
# `Resolution` and `AspectRatio`. The two groups of settings are
# mutually exclusive. Do not use them together.
# The width and height of the video in the output file, in pixels.
# Valid values are `auto` and *width* x *height*\:
# * `auto`\: Elastic Transcoder attempts to preserve the width and
# height of the input file, subject to the following rules.
# * ` width x height `\: The width and height of the output video in
# pixels.
# Note the following about specifying the width and height:
# * The width must be an even integer between 128 and 4096, inclusive.
# * The height must be an even integer between 96 and 3072, inclusive.
# * If you specify a resolution that is less than the resolution of
# the input file, Elastic Transcoder rescales the output file to the
# lower resolution.
# * If you specify a resolution that is greater than the resolution of
# the input file, Elastic Transcoder rescales the output to the
# higher resolution.
# * We recommend that you specify a resolution for which the product
# of width and height is less than or equal to the applicable value
# in the following list (*List - Max width x height value*):
# * 1 - 25344
# * 1b - 25344
# * 1\.1 - 101376
# * 1\.2 - 101376
# * 1\.3 - 101376
# * 2 - 101376
# * 2\.1 - 202752
# * 2\.2 - 404720
# * 3 - 404720
# * 3\.1 - 921600
# * 3\.2 - 1310720
# * 4 - 2097152
# * 4\.1 - 2097152
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] aspect_ratio
# To better control resolution and aspect ratio of output videos, we
# recommend that you use the values `MaxWidth`, `MaxHeight`,
# `SizingPolicy`, `PaddingPolicy`, and `DisplayAspectRatio` instead of
# `Resolution` and `AspectRatio`. The two groups of settings are
# mutually exclusive. Do not use them together.
# The display aspect ratio of the video in the output file. Valid
# values include:
# `auto`, `1:1`, `4:3`, `3:2`, `16:9`
# If you specify `auto`, Elastic Transcoder tries to preserve the
# aspect ratio of the input file.
# If you specify an aspect ratio for the output file that differs from
# aspect ratio of the input file, Elastic Transcoder adds pillarboxing
# (black bars on the sides) or letterboxing (black bars on the top and
# bottom) to maintain the aspect ratio of the active region of the
# video.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_width
# The maximum width of the output video in pixels. If you specify
# `auto`, Elastic Transcoder uses 1920 (Full HD) as the default value.
# If you specify a numeric value, enter an even integer between 128
# and 4096.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] max_height
# The maximum height of the output video in pixels. If you specify
# `auto`, Elastic Transcoder uses 1080 (Full HD) as the default value.
# If you specify a numeric value, enter an even integer between 96 and
# 3072.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] display_aspect_ratio
# The value that Elastic Transcoder adds to the metadata in the output
# file.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] sizing_policy
# Specify one of the following values to control scaling of the output
# video:
# * `Fit`\: Elastic Transcoder scales the output video so it matches
# the value that you specified in either `MaxWidth` or `MaxHeight`
# without exceeding the other value.
# * `Fill`\: Elastic Transcoder scales the output video so it matches
# the value that you specified in either `MaxWidth` or `MaxHeight`
# and matches or exceeds the other value. Elastic Transcoder centers
# the output video and then crops it in the dimension (if any) that
# exceeds the maximum value.
# * `Stretch`\: Elastic Transcoder stretches the output video to match
# the values that you specified for `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`. If
# the relative proportions of the input video and the output video
# are different, the output video will be distorted.
# * `Keep`\: Elastic Transcoder does not scale the output video. If
# either dimension of the input video exceeds the values that you
# specified for `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`, Elastic Transcoder crops
# the output video.
# * `ShrinkToFit`\: Elastic Transcoder scales the output video down so
# that its dimensions match the values that you specified for at
# least one of `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` without exceeding either
# value. If you specify this option, Elastic Transcoder does not
# scale the video up.
# * `ShrinkToFill`\: Elastic Transcoder scales the output video down
# so that its dimensions match the values that you specified for at
# least one of `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight` without dropping below
# either value. If you specify this option, Elastic Transcoder does
# not scale the video up.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] padding_policy
# When you set `PaddingPolicy` to `Pad`, Elastic Transcoder may add
# black bars to the top and bottom and/or left and right sides of the
# output video to make the total size of the output video match the
# values that you specified for `MaxWidth` and `MaxHeight`.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] watermarks
# Settings for the size, location, and opacity of graphics that you
# want Elastic Transcoder to overlay over videos that are transcoded
# using this preset. You can specify settings for up to four
# watermarks. Watermarks appear in the specified size and location,
# and with the specified opacity for the duration of the transcoded
# video.
# Watermarks can be in .png or .jpg format. If you want to display a
# watermark that is not rectangular, use the .png format, which
# supports transparency.
# When you create a job that uses this preset, you specify the .png or
# .jpg graphics that you want Elastic Transcoder to include in the
# transcoded videos. You can specify fewer graphics in the job than
# you specify watermark settings in the preset, which allows you to
# use the same preset for up to four watermarks that have different
# dimensions.
# @return [Array]
class VideoParameters < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure
# Elastic Transcoder returns a warning if the resources used by your
# pipeline are not in the same region as the pipeline.
# Using resources in the same region, such as your Amazon S3 buckets,
# Amazon SNS notification topics, and AWS KMS key, reduces processing
# time and prevents cross-regional charges.
# @!attribute [rw] code
# The code of the cross-regional warning.
# @return [String]
# @!attribute [rw] message
# The message explaining what resources are in a different region from
# the pipeline.
# AWS KMS keys must be in the same region as the pipeline.
# @return [String]
class Warning < Struct.new(
include Aws::Structure