module Tests exposing (..) import Allergies exposing (isAllergicTo, toList) import Expect import List import Test exposing (..) tests : Test tests = describe "Allergies" [ describe "isAllergicTo" [ describe "no allergies means not allergic" [ test "peanuts" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (isAllergicTo "peanuts" 0) , skip <| test "cats" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (isAllergicTo "cats" 0) , skip <| test "strawberries" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (isAllergicTo "strawberries" 0) ] , skip <| test "is allergic to eggs" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (isAllergicTo "eggs" 1) , describe "has the right allergies" [ skip <| test "eggs" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (isAllergicTo "eggs" 5) , skip <| test "shellfish" <| \() -> Expect.equal True (isAllergicTo "shellfish" 5) , skip <| test "strawberries" <| \() -> Expect.equal False (isAllergicTo "strawberries" 5) ] ] , describe "toList" [ skip <| test "no allergies at all" <| \() -> Expect.equal [] (toList 0) , skip <| test "allergic to just peanuts" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ "peanuts" ] (toList 2) , skip <| test "allergic to everything" <| \() -> Expect.equal (List.sort [ "eggs", "peanuts", "shellfish", "strawberries", "tomatoes", "chocolate", "pollen", "cats" ]) (255 |> toList |> List.sort) , skip <| test "ignore non allergen score parts" <| \() -> Expect.equal [ "eggs" ] (toList 257) , skip <| test "ignore all non allergen score parts" <| \() -> Expect.equal (List.sort [ "eggs", "shellfish", "strawberries", "tomatoes", "chocolate", "pollen", "cats" ]) (509 |> toList |> List.sort) ] ]