require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') describe "Util" do it "camelize converts underscore lowercase to camelcase" do Util.camelize('hirb/util').should == "Hirb::Util" Util.camelize('hirb_hash').should == "HirbHash" end it "any_const_get returns nested class" do Util.any_const_get("YAML::BaseNode").should == ::YAML::BaseNode end it "any_const_get returns nil for invalid class" do Util.any_const_get("Basdfr").should == nil end it "any_const_get returns class when given class" do Util.any_const_get(String).should == String end it "recursive_hash_merge merges" do expected_hash = {:output=>{:fields=>["f1", "f2"], :method=>"blah"}, :key1=>"hash1", :key2=>"hash2"} Util.recursive_hash_merge({:output=>{:fields=>%w{f1 f2}}, :key1=>'hash1'}, {:output=>{:method=>'blah'}, :key2=>'hash2'}).should == expected_hash end it "choose_from_array specifies range with -" do Util.choose_from_array([1,2,3,4], '1-2,4').should == [1,2,4] end it "choose_from_array specifies range with .." do Util.choose_from_array([1,2,3,4], '1 .. 2,4').should == [1,2,4] end it "choose_from_array chooses all with *" do Util.choose_from_array([1,2,3,4], '*').should == [1,2,3,4] end it "choose_from_array ignores non-numerical input" do Util.choose_from_array([1,2,3,4], 'a,2').should == [2] end it "choose_from_array ignores 0" do Util.choose_from_array([1,2,3,4], '0,2').should == [2] end it "choose_from_array returns empty when empty input" do Util.choose_from_array([1,2,3,4], "\n").should == [] end it "choose_from_array returns empty with an invalid range" do Util.choose_from_array([1,2,3,4], "5").should == [] end it "capture_stdout" do string = "sweetness man" Util.capture_stdout { puts string }.should == string + "\n" end end