b0VIM 8.0Z]1=joshJoshs-MacBook-Pro.local~josh/Projects/fastlane/fastlane/fastlane/lib/fastlane/actions/hockey.rb 3210#"! UtpZe[/12 ERad:ZvQP  Y 1 Q   ~ r h g r D C ,  m^;A9uA@?32F response = connection.get do |req| options[:status] = options[:create_status] update_status = options[:status] # to specify a different status for the `create` step # Should not set status to "2" (downloadable) until after the app is uploaded, so allow the caller # https://support.hockeyapp.net/discussions/problems/83559 end dsym_io = Faraday::UploadIO.new(dsym, 'application/octet-stream') if dsym && File.exist?(dsym) if dsym dsym = options.delete(:dsym) ipaio = Faraday::UploadIO.new(ipa, 'application/octet-stream') if ipa && File.exist?(ipa) app_id = options.delete(:public_identifier) options.delete(:apk) options.delete(:ipa) connection = self.connection(options) options[:bypass_cdn] = true # GET requests are cached on CDN, so bypass it # https://support.hockeyapp.net/discussions/problems/33355-is-uploadhockeyappnet-available-for-general-use end UI.user_error!("To use the 'create_update' upload mechanism you need to pass the '#{key.to_sym}' option.") unless options[key] [:public_identifier, :bundle_short_version, :bundle_version].each do |key| def self.create_and_update_build(api_token, ipa, options) # to upload a build # and https://support.hockeyapp.net/kb/api/api-versions#update-version # Uses https://support.hockeyapp.net/kb/api/api-versions#create-version end end req.body = options req.headers['X-HockeyAppToken'] = api_token end req.url("/api/2/apps/#{options.delete(:public_identifier)}/app_versions/upload") else req.url("/api/2/apps/upload") if options[:public_identifier].nil? req.options.timeout = options.delete(:timeout) connection.post do |req| end options[:dsym] = Faraday::UploadIO.new(dsym_filename, 'application/octet-stream') if dsym_filename dsym_filename = options.delete(:dsym_filename) options[:ipa] = Faraday::UploadIO.new(ipa, 'application/octet-stream') if ipa && File.exist?(ipa) connection = self.connection(options) def self.upload_build(api_token, ipa, options) # otherwise https://support.hockeyapp.net/kb/api/api-apps#upload-app # Uses https://support.hockeyapp.net/kb/api/api-versions#upload-version if a `public_identifier` was specified end end self.upload_build(api_token, ipa, options) else self.create_and_update_build(api_token, ipa, options) if create_update create_update = options.delete(:create_update) def self.upload(api_token, ipa, options) end end builder.adapter(:net_http) builder.use(FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects) builder.response(:json, content_type: /\bjson$/) builder.request(:url_encoded) builder.request(:multipart) Faraday.new(foptions) do |builder| } url: base_url foptions = { base_url = options.delete(:bypass_cdn) ? "https://rink.hockeyapp.net" : "https://upload.hockeyapp.net" require 'faraday_middleware' require 'faraday' def self.connection(options) class HockeyAction < Action # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength end HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION = :HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION # contains all keys/values from the HockeyApp API, like :title, :bundle_identifier HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK = :HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK module SharedValues module Actionsmodule FastlaneadE=g]\5(  ; | { _ U B $  ` 5 < * wcYX8.S>4,end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end end ].join("\n") "Please migrate over to [App Center](https://github.com/Microsoft/fastlane-plugin-appcenter/)" "HockeyApp will be no longer supported and will be transitioned into App Center on November 16, 2019.", [ def self.deprecated_notes end :deprecated def self.category end ] )' bypass_cdn: true notes: "Changelog", ipa: "./app.ipa", api_token: "...", hockey( '# You can bypass the CDN if you are uploading to Hockey and receive an SSL error (which can happen on corporate firewalls) )', notes: "Changelog" ipa: "./my.msi", bundle_version: "", bundle_short_version: "1.0.2", public_identifier: "....", create_update: true, api_token: "...", 'hockey( )', notes: "Changelog" ipa: "./app.ipa", api_token: "...", 'hockey( [ def self.example_code end ].join("\n") "More information about the available options can be found in the [HockeyApp Docs](http://support.hockeyapp.net/kb/api/api-versions#upload-version)." "Symbols will also be uploaded automatically if a `app.dSYM.zip` file is found next to `app.ipa`. In case it is located in a different place you can specify the path explicitly in the `:dsym` parameter.", "", "Please migrate over to [App Center](https://github.com/Microsoft/fastlane-plugin-appcenter/)", "HockeyApp will be no longer supported and will be transitioned into App Center on November 16, 2019.", [ def self.details end true def self.is_supported?(platform) end ["KrauseFx", "modzelewski", "lacostej"] def self.author end ] ['HOCKEY_BUILD_INFORMATION', 'contains all keys/values from the HockeyApp API, like :title, :bundle_identifier'] ['HOCKEY_DOWNLOAD_LINK', 'The newly generated download link for this build'], [ def self.output end ] optional: true)