# frozen_string_literal: true
# Sheet1!$1:$1
module Axlsx
# This element defines the defined names that are defined within this workbook.
# Defined names are descriptive text that is used to represents a cell, range of cells, formula, or constant value.
# Use easy-to-understand names, such as Products, to refer to hard to understand ranges, such as Sales!C20:C30.
# A defined name in a formula can make it easier to understand the purpose of the formula.
# @example
# The formula =SUM(FirstQuarterSales) might be easier to identify than =SUM(C20:C30
# Names are available to any sheet.
# @example
# If the name ProjectedSales refers to the range A20:A30 on the first worksheet in a workbook,
# you can use the name ProjectedSales on any other sheet in the same workbook to refer to range A20:A30 on the first worksheet.
# Names can also be used to represent formulas or values that do not change (constants).
# @example
# The name SalesTax can be used to represent the sales tax amount (such as 6.2 percent) applied to sales transactions.
# You can also link to a defined name in another workbook, or define a name that refers to cells in another workbook.
# @example
# The formula =SUM(Sales.xls!ProjectedSales) refers to the named range ProjectedSales in the workbook named Sales.
# A compliant producer or consumer considers a defined name in the range A1-XFD1048576 to be an error.
# All other names outside this range can be defined as names and overrides a cell reference if an ambiguity exists.
# @example
# For clarification: LOG10 is always a cell reference, LOG10() is always formula, LOGO1000 can be a defined name that overrides a cell reference.
class DefinedName
include Axlsx::SerializedAttributes
include Axlsx::OptionsParser
include Axlsx::Accessors
# creates a new DefinedName.
# @param [String] formula - the formula the defined name references
# @param [Hash] options - A hash of key/value pairs that will be mapped to this instances attributes.
# @option [String] name - Specifies the name that appears in the user interface for the defined name.
# This attribute is required.
# The following built-in names are defined in this SpreadsheetML specification:
# Print
# _xlnm.Print_Area: this defined name specifies the workbook's print area.
# _xlnm.Print_Titles: this defined name specifies the row(s) or column(s) to repeat
# the top of each printed page.
# Filter & Advanced Filter
# _xlnm.Criteria: this defined name refers to a range containing the criteria values
# to be used in applying an advanced filter to a range of data.
# _xlnm._FilterDatabase: can be one of the following
# a. this defined name refers to a range to which an advanced filter has been
# applied. This represents the source data range, unfiltered.
# b. This defined name refers to a range to which an AutoFilter has been
# applied.
# _xlnm.Extract: this defined name refers to the range containing the filtered output
# values resulting from applying an advanced filter criteria to a source range.
# Miscellaneous
# _xlnm.Consolidate_Area: the defined name refers to a consolidation area.
# _xlnm.Database: the range specified in the defined name is from a database data source.
# _xlnm.Sheet_Title: the defined name refers to a sheet title.
# @option [String] comment - A comment to optionally associate with the name
# @option [String] custom_menu - The menu text for the defined name
# @option [String] description - An optional description for the defined name
# @option [String] help - The help topic to display for this defined name
# @option [String] status_bar - The text to display on the application status bar when this defined name has focus
# @option [String] local_sheet_id - Specifies the sheet index in this workbook where data from an external reference is displayed
# @option [Boolean] hidden - Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the defined name is hidden in the user interface.
# @option [Boolean] function - Specifies a boolean value that indicates that the defined name refers to a user-defined function.
# This attribute is used when there is an add-in or other code project associated with the file.
# @option [Boolean] vb_proceedure - Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the defined name is related to an external function, command, or other executable code.
# @option [Boolean] xlm - Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the defined name is related to an external function, command, or other executable code.
# @option [Integer] function_group_id - Specifies the function group index if the defined name refers to a function.
# The function group defines the general category for the function.
# This attribute is used when there is an add-in or other code project associated with the file.
# See Open Office XML Part 1 for more info.
# @option [String] short_cut_key - Specifies the keyboard shortcut for the defined name.
# @option [Boolean] publish_to_server - Specifies a boolean value that indicates whether the defined name is included in the
# version of the workbook that is published to or rendered on a Web or application server.
# @option [Boolean] workbook_parameter - Specifies a boolean value that indicates that the name is used as a workbook parameter on a
# version of the workbook that is published to or rendered on a Web or application server.
def initialize(formula, options = {})
@formula = formula
parse_options options
attr_reader :local_sheet_id
# The local sheet index (0-based)
# @param [Integer] value the unsigned integer index of the sheet this defined_name applies to.
def local_sheet_id=(value)
@local_sheet_id = value
string_attr_accessor :short_cut_key, :status_bar, :help, :description, :custom_menu, :comment, :name, :formula
boolean_attr_accessor :workbook_parameter, :publish_to_server, :xlm, :vb_proceedure, :function, :hidden
serializable_attributes :short_cut_key, :status_bar, :help, :description, :custom_menu, :comment,
:workbook_parameter, :publish_to_server, :xlm, :vb_proceedure, :function, :hidden, :local_sheet_id
def to_xml_string(str = +'')
raise ArgumentError, 'you must specify the name for this defined name. Please read the documentation for Axlsx::DefinedName for more details' unless name
str << '' << @formula << ''