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"20MAY1998": 1, "27MAY1998": 1, "03JUN1998": 1, "10JUN1998": 1, "17JUN1998": 1, "24JUN1998": 1, "01JUL1998": 1, "08JUL1998": 1, "15JUL1998": 1, "22JUL1998": 1, "29JUL1998": 1, "05AUG1998": 1, "12AUG1998": 1, "19AUG1998": 1, "26AUG1998": 1, "02SEP1998": 1, "09SEP1998": 1, "16SEP1998": 1, "23SEP1998": 1, "30SEP1998": 1, "07OCT1998": 1, "14OCT1998": 1, "21OCT1998": 1, "28OCT1998": 1, "04NOV1998": 1, "11NOV1998": 1, "18NOV1998": 1, "25NOV1998": 1, "02DEC1998": 1, "09DEC1998": 1, "16DEC1998": 1, "23DEC1998": 1, "30DEC1998": 1, "06JAN1999": 1, "13JAN1999": 1, "20JAN1999": 1, "27JAN1999": 1, "03FEB1999": 1, "10FEB1999": 1, "17FEB1999": 1, "24FEB1999": 1, "03MAR1999": 1, "10MAR1999": 1, "17MAR1999": 1, "24MAR1999": 1, "31MAR1999": 1, "07APR1999": 1, "14APR1999": 1, "21APR1999": 1, "28APR1999": 1, "05MAY1999": 1, "12MAY1999": 1, "19MAY1999": 1, "26MAY1999": 1, "02JUN1999": 1, "09JUN1999": 1, "16JUN1999": 1, "23JUN1999": 1, "30JUN1999": 1, "07JUL1999": 1, "14JUL1999": 1, "21JUL1999": 1, "28JUL1999": 1, "04AUG1999": 1, "11AUG1999": 1, "18AUG1999": 1, "25AUG1999": 1, "01SEP1999": 1, "08SEP1999": 1, "15SEP1999": 1, "22SEP1999": 1, "29SEP1999": 1, "06OCT1999": 1, "13OCT1999": 1, "20OCT1999": 1, "27OCT1999": 1, "03NOV1999": 1, "10NOV1999": 1, "17NOV1999": 1, "24NOV1999": 1, "01DEC1999": 1, "08DEC1999": 1, "15DEC1999": 1, "22DEC1999": 1, "29DEC1999": 1, "05JAN2000": 1, "12JAN2000": 1, "19JAN2000": 1, "26JAN2000": 1, "02FEB2000": 1, "09FEB2000": 1, "16FEB2000": 1, "23FEB2000": 1, "01MAR2000": 1, "08MAR2000": 1, "15MAR2000": 1, "22MAR2000": 1, "29MAR2000": 1, "05APR2000": 1, "12APR2000": 1, "19APR2000": 1, "26APR2000": 1, "03MAY2000": 1, "10MAY2000": 1, "17MAY2000": 1, "24MAY2000": 1, "31MAY2000": 1, "07JUN2000": 1, "14JUN2000": 1, "21JUN2000": 1, "28JUN2000": 1, "05JUL2000": 1, "12JUL2000": 1, "19JUL2000": 1, "26JUL2000": 1, "02AUG2000": 1, "09AUG2000": 1, "16AUG2000": 1, "23AUG2000": 1, "30AUG2000": 1, "06SEP2000": 1, "13SEP2000": 1, "20SEP2000": 1, "27SEP2000": 1, "04OCT2000": 1, "11OCT2000": 1, "18OCT2000": 1, "25OCT2000": 1, "01NOV2000": 1, "08NOV2000": 1, "15NOV2000": 1, "22NOV2000": 1, "29NOV2000": 1, "06DEC2000": 1, "13DEC2000": 1, "20DEC2000": 1, "27DEC2000": 1, "03JAN2001": 1, "10JAN2001": 1, "17JAN2001": 1, "24JAN2001": 1, "31JAN2001": 1, "07FEB2001": 1, "14FEB2001": 1, "21FEB2001": 1, "28FEB2001": 1, "07MAR2001": 1, "14MAR2001": 1, "21MAR2001": 1, "28MAR2001": 1, "04APR2001": 1, "11APR2001": 1, "18APR2001": 1, "25APR2001": 1, "02MAY2001": 1, "09MAY2001": 1, "16MAY2001": 1, "23MAY2001": 1, "30MAY2001": 1, "06JUN2001": 1, "13JUN2001": 1, "20JUN2001": 1, "27JUN2001": 1, "04JUL2001": 1, "11JUL2001": 1, "18JUL2001": 1, "25JUL2001": 1, "01AUG2001": 1, "08AUG2001": 1, "15AUG2001": 1, "22AUG2001": 1, "29AUG2001": 1, "05SEP2001": 1, "12SEP2001": 1, "19SEP2001": 1, "26SEP2001": 1, "03OCT2001": 1, "10OCT2001": 1, "17OCT2001": 1, "24OCT2001": 1, "31OCT2001": 1, "07NOV2001": 1, "14NOV2001": 1, "21NOV2001": 1, "28NOV2001": 1, "05DEC2001": 1, "12DEC2001": 1, "19DEC2001": 1, "26DEC2001": 1, "02JAN2002": 1, "09JAN2002": 1, "16JAN2002": 1, "23JAN2002": 1, "30JAN2002": 1, "06FEB2002": 1, "13FEB2002": 1, "20FEB2002": 1, "27FEB2002": 1, "06MAR2002": 1, "13MAR2002": 1, "20MAR2002": 1, "27MAR2002": 1, "03APR2002": 1, "10APR2002": 1, "17APR2002": 1, "24APR2002": 1, "01MAY2002": 1, "08MAY2002": 1, "15MAY2002": 1, "22MAY2002": 1, "29MAY2002": 1, "05JUN2002": 1, "12JUN2002": 1, "19JUN2002": 1, "26JUN2002": 1, "03JUL2002": 1, "10JUL2002": 1, "17JUL2002": 1, "24JUL2002": 1, "31JUL2002": 1, "07AUG2002": 1, "14AUG2002": 1, "21AUG2002": 1, "28AUG2002": 1, "04SEP2002": 1, "11SEP2002": 1, "18SEP2002": 1, "25SEP2002": 1, "02OCT2002": 1, "09OCT2002": 1, "16OCT2002": 1, "23OCT2002": 1, "30OCT2002": 1, "06NOV2002": 1, "13NOV2002": 1, "20NOV2002": 1, "27NOV2002": 1, "04DEC2002": 1, "11DEC2002": 1, "18DEC2002": 1, "25DEC2002": 1, "01JAN2003": 1, "08JAN2003": 1, "15JAN2003": 1, "22JAN2003": 1, "29JAN2003": 1, "05FEB2003": 1, "12FEB2003": 1, "19FEB2003": 1, "26FEB2003": 1, "05MAR2003": 1, "12MAR2003": 1, "19MAR2003": 1, "26MAR2003": 1, "02APR2003": 1, "09APR2003": 1, "16APR2003": 1, "23APR2003": 1, "30APR2003": 1, "07MAY2003": 1, "14MAY2003": 1, "21MAY2003": 1, "28MAY2003": 1, "04JUN2003": 1, "11JUN2003": 1, "18JUN2003": 1, "25JUN2003": 1, "02JUL2003": 1, "09JUL2003": 1, "16JUL2003": 1, "23JUL2003": 1, "30JUL2003": 1, "06AUG2003": 1, "13AUG2003": 1, "20AUG2003": 1, "27AUG2003": 1, "03SEP2003": 1, "10SEP2003": 1, "17SEP2003": 1, "24SEP2003": 1, "01OCT2003": 1, "08OCT2003": 1, "15OCT2003": 1, "22OCT2003": 1, "29OCT2003": 1, "05NOV2003": 1, "12NOV2003": 1, "19NOV2003": 1, "26NOV2003": 1, "03DEC2003": 1, "10DEC2003": 1, "17DEC2003": 1, "24DEC2003": 1, "31DEC2003": 1, "07JAN2004": 1, "14JAN2004": 1, "21JAN2004": 1, "28JAN2004": 1, "04FEB2004": 1, "11FEB2004": 1, "18FEB2004": 1, "25FEB2004": 1, "03MAR2004": 1, "10MAR2004": 1, "17MAR2004": 1, "24MAR2004": 1, "31MAR2004": 1, "07APR2004": 1, "14APR2004": 1, "21APR2004": 1, "28APR2004": 1, "05MAY2004": 1, "12MAY2004": 1, "19MAY2004": 1, "26MAY2004": 1, "02JUN2004": 1, "09JUN2004": 1, "16JUN2004": 1, "23JUN2004": 1, "30JUN2004": 1, "07JUL2004": 1, "14JUL2004": 1, "21JUL2004": 1, "28JUL2004": 1, "04AUG2004": 1, "11AUG2004": 1, "18AUG2004": 1, "25AUG2004": 1, "01SEP2004": 1, "08SEP2004": 1, "15SEP2004": 1, "22SEP2004": 1, "29SEP2004": 1, "06OCT2004": 1, "13OCT2004": 1, "20OCT2004": 1, "27OCT2004": 1, "03NOV2004": 1, "10NOV2004": 1, "17NOV2004": 1, "24NOV2004": 1, "01DEC2004": 1, "08DEC2004": 1, "15DEC2004": 1, "22DEC2004": 1, "29DEC2004": 1, "05JAN2005": 1, "12JAN2005": 1, "19JAN2005": 1, "26JAN2005": 1, "02FEB2005": 1, "09FEB2005": 1, "16FEB2005": 1, "23FEB2005": 1, "02MAR2005": 1, "09MAR2005": 1, "16MAR2005": 1, "23MAR2005": 1, "30MAR2005": 1, "06APR2005": 1, "13APR2005": 1, "20APR2005": 1, "27APR2005": 1, "04MAY2005": 1, "11MAY2005": 1, "18MAY2005": 1, "25MAY2005": 1, "01JUN2005": 1, "08JUN2005": 1, "15JUN2005": 1, "22JUN2005": 1, "29JUN2005": 1, "06JUL2005": 1, "13JUL2005": 1, "20JUL2005": 1, "27JUL2005": 1, "03AUG2005": 1, "10AUG2005": 1, "17AUG2005": 1, "24AUG2005": 1, "31AUG2005": 1, "07SEP2005": 1, "14SEP2005": 1, "21SEP2005": 1, "28SEP2005": 1, "05OCT2005": 1, "12OCT2005": 1, "19OCT2005": 1, "26OCT2005": 1, "02NOV2005": 1, "09NOV2005": 1, "16NOV2005": 1, "23NOV2005": 1, "30NOV2005": 1, "07DEC2005": 1, "14DEC2005": 1, "21DEC2005": 1, "28DEC2005": 1, "04JAN2006": 1, "11JAN2006": 1, "18JAN2006": 1, "25JAN2006": 1, "01FEB2006": 1, "08FEB2006": 1, "15FEB2006": 1, "22FEB2006": 1, "01MAR2006": 1, "08MAR2006": 1, "15MAR2006": 1, "22MAR2006": 1, "29MAR2006": 1, "05APR2006": 1, "12APR2006": 1, "19APR2006": 1, "26APR2006": 1, "03MAY2006": 1, "10MAY2006": 1, "17MAY2006": 1, "24MAY2006": 1, "31MAY2006": 1, "07JUN2006": 1, "14JUN2006": 1, "21JUN2006": 1, "28JUN2006": 1, "05JUL2006": 1, "12JUL2006": 1, "19JUL2006": 1, "26JUL2006": 1, "02AUG2006": 1, "09AUG2006": 1, "16AUG2006": 1, "23AUG2006": 1, "30AUG2006": 1, "06SEP2006": 1, "13SEP2006": 1, "20SEP2006": 1, "27SEP2006": 1, "04OCT2006": 1, "11OCT2006": 1, "18OCT2006": 1, "25OCT2006": 1, "01NOV2006": 1, "08NOV2006": 1, "15NOV2006": 1, "22NOV2006": 1, "29NOV2006": 1, "06DEC2006": 1, "13DEC2006": 1, "20DEC2006": 1, "27DEC2006": 1, "03JAN2007": 1, "10JAN2007": 1, "17JAN2007": 1, "24JAN2007": 1, "31JAN2007": 1, "07FEB2007": 1, "14FEB2007": 1, "21FEB2007": 1, "28FEB2007": 1, "07MAR2007": 1, "14MAR2007": 1, "21MAR2007": 1, "28MAR2007": 1, "04APR2007": 1, "11APR2007": 1, "18APR2007": 1, "25APR2007": 1, "02MAY2007": 1, "09MAY2007": 1, "16MAY2007": 1, "23MAY2007": 1, "30MAY2007": 1, "06JUN2007": 1, "13JUN2007": 1, "20JUN2007": 1, "27JUN2007": 1, "04JUL2007": 1, "11JUL2007": 1, "18JUL2007": 1, "25JUL2007": 1, "01AUG2007": 1, "08AUG2007": 1, "15AUG2007": 1, "22AUG2007": 1, "29AUG2007": 1, "05SEP2007": 1, "12SEP2007": 1, "19SEP2007": 1, "26SEP2007": 1, "03OCT2007": 1, "10OCT2007": 1, "17OCT2007": 1, "24OCT2007": 1, "31OCT2007": 1, "07NOV2007": 1, "14NOV2007": 1, "21NOV2007": 1, "28NOV2007": 1, "05DEC2007": 1, "12DEC2007": 1, "19DEC2007": 1, "26DEC2007": 1, "02JAN2008": 1, "09JAN2008": 1, "16JAN2008": 1, "23JAN2008": 1, "30JAN2008": 1, "06FEB2008": 1, "13FEB2008": 1, "20FEB2008": 1, "27FEB2008": 1, "05MAR2008": 1, "12MAR2008": 1, "19MAR2008": 1, "26MAR2008": 1, "02APR2008": 1, "09APR2008": 1, "16APR2008": 1, "23APR2008": 1, "30APR2008": 1, "07MAY2008": 1, "14MAY2008": 1, "21MAY2008": 1, "28MAY2008": 1, "04JUN2008": 1, "11JUN2008": 1, "18JUN2008": 1, "25JUN2008": 1, "02JUL2008": 1, "09JUL2008": 1, "16JUL2008": 1, "23JUL2008": 1, "30JUL2008": 1, "06AUG2008": 1, "13AUG2008": 1, "20AUG2008": 1, "27AUG2008": 1, "03SEP2008": 1, "10SEP2008": 1, "17SEP2008": 1, "24SEP2008": 1, "01OCT2008": 1, "08OCT2008": 1, "15OCT2008": 1, "22OCT2008": 1, "29OCT2008": 1, "05NOV2008": 1, "12NOV2008": 1, "19NOV2008": 1, "26NOV2008": 1, "03DEC2008": 1, "10DEC2008": 1, "17DEC2008": 1, "24DEC2008": 1, "31DEC2008": 1, "07JAN2009": 1, "14JAN2009": 1, "21JAN2009": 1, "28JAN2009": 1, "04FEB2009": 1, "11FEB2009": 1, "18FEB2009": 1, "25FEB2009": 1, "04MAR2009": 1, "11MAR2009": 1, "18MAR2009": 1, "25MAR2009": 1, "01APR2009": 1, "08APR2009": 1, "15APR2009": 1, "22APR2009": 1, "29APR2009": 1, "06MAY2009": 1, "13MAY2009": 1, "20MAY2009": 1, "27MAY2009": 1, "03JUN2009": 1, "10JUN2009": 1, "17JUN2009": 1, "24JUN2009": 1, "01JUL2009": 1, "08JUL2009": 1, "15JUL2009": 1, "22JUL2009": 1, "29JUL2009": 1, "05AUG2009": 1, "12AUG2009": 1, "19AUG2009": 1, "26AUG2009": 1, "02SEP2009": 1, "09SEP2009": 1, "16SEP2009": 1, "23SEP2009": 1, "30SEP2009": 1, "07OCT2009": 1, "14OCT2009": 1, "21OCT2009": 1, "28OCT2009": 1, "04NOV2009": 1, "11NOV2009": 1, "18NOV2009": 1, "25NOV2009": 1, "02DEC2009": 1, "09DEC2009": 1, "16DEC2009": 1, "23DEC2009": 1, "30DEC2009": 1, "06JAN2010": 1, "13JAN2010": 1, "20JAN2010": 1, "27JAN2010": 1, "03FEB2010": 1, "10FEB2010": 1, "17FEB2010": 1, "24FEB2010": 1, "03MAR2010": 1, "10MAR2010": 1, "17MAR2010": 1, "24MAR2010": 1, "31MAR2010": 1, "07APR2010": 1, "14APR2010": 1, "21APR2010": 1, "28APR2010": 1, "05MAY2010": 1, "12MAY2010": 1, "19MAY2010": 1, "26MAY2010": 1, "02JUN2010": 1, "09JUN2010": 1, "16JUN2010": 1, "23JUN2010": 1, "30JUN2010": 1, "07JUL2010": 1, "14JUL2010": 1, "21JUL2010": 1, "28JUL2010": 1, "04AUG2010": 1, "11AUG2010": 1, "18AUG2010": 1, "25AUG2010": 1, "01SEP2010": 1, "08SEP2010": 1, "15SEP2010": 1, "22SEP2010": 1, "29SEP2010": 1, "06OCT2010": 1, "13OCT2010": 1, "20OCT2010": 1, "27OCT2010": 1, "03NOV2010": 1, "10NOV2010": 1, "17NOV2010": 1, "24NOV2010": 1, "01DEC2010": 1, "08DEC2010": 1, "15DEC2010": 1, "22DEC2010": 1, "29DEC2010": 1, "05JAN2011": 1, "12JAN2011": 1, "19JAN2011": 1, "26JAN2011": 1, "02FEB2011": 1, "09FEB2011": 1, "16FEB2011": 1, "23FEB2011": 1, "02MAR2011": 1, "09MAR2011": 1, "16MAR2011": 1, "23MAR2011": 1, "30MAR2011": 1, "06APR2011": 1, "13APR2011": 1, "20APR2011": 1, "27APR2011": 1, "04MAY2011": 1, "11MAY2011": 1, "18MAY2011": 1, "25MAY2011": 1, "01JUN2011": 1, "08JUN2011": 1, "15JUN2011": 1, "22JUN2011": 1, "29JUN2011": 1, "06JUL2011": 1, "13JUL2011": 1, "20JUL2011": 1, "27JUL2011": 1, "03AUG2011": 1, "10AUG2011": 1, "17AUG2011": 1, "24AUG2011": 1, "31AUG2011": 1, "07SEP2011": 1, "14SEP2011": 1, "21SEP2011": 1, "28SEP2011": 1, "05OCT2011": 1, "12OCT2011": 1, "19OCT2011": 1, "26OCT2011": 1, "02NOV2011": 1, "09NOV2011": 1, "16NOV2011": 1, "23NOV2011": 1, "30NOV2011": 1, "07DEC2011": 1, "14DEC2011": 1, "21DEC2011": 1, "28DEC2011": 1, "04JAN2012": 1, "11JAN2012": 1, "18JAN2012": 1, "25JAN2012": 1, "01FEB2012": 1, "08FEB2012": 1, "15FEB2012": 1, "22FEB2012": 1, "29FEB2012": 1, "07MAR2012": 1, "14MAR2012": 1, "21MAR2012": 1, "28MAR2012": 1, "04APR2012": 1, "11APR2012": 1, "18APR2012": 1, "25APR2012": 1, "02MAY2012": 1, "09MAY2012": 1, "16MAY2012": 1, "23MAY2012": 1, "30MAY2012": 1, "06JUN2012": 1, "13JUN2012": 1, "20JUN2012": 1, "27JUN2012": 1, "04JUL2012": 1, "11JUL2012": 1, "18JUL2012": 1, "25JUL2012": 1, "01AUG2012": 1, "08AUG2012": 1, "15AUG2012": 1, 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