module ActsAsSolr #:nodoc: # TODO: Possibly looking into hooking it up with Solr::Response::Standard # # Class that returns the search results with four methods. # # books = Book.find_by_solr 'ruby' # # the above will return a SearchResults class with 4 methods: # # docs|results|records: will return an array of records found # # books.records.empty? # => false # # total|num_found|total_hits: will return the total number of records found # # # => 2 # # facets: will return the facets when doing a faceted search # # max_score|highest_score: returns the highest score found # # books.max_score # => 1.3213213 # # class SearchResults def initialize(solr_data={}) @solr_data = solr_data # $log.debug "sd:#{solr_data.inspect}" end # Returns an array with the instances. This method # is also aliased as docs and records def results @solr_data[:docs] end # Returns the total records found. This method is # also aliased as num_found and total_hits def total @solr_data[:total] end # Returns the facets when doing a faceted search def facets @solr_data[:facets] end # Returns the highest score found. This method is # also aliased as highest_score def max_score @solr_data[:max_score] end def query_time @solr_data[:query_time] end alias docs results alias records results alias num_found total alias total_hits total alias highest_score max_score end end