// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore Costello - Property Observing Library // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('mixins/enumerable') ; sc_require('mixins/array') ; sc_require('mixins/observable') ; sc_require('mixins/delegate_support') ; /** @class A dynamically filled array. A SparseArray makes it easy for you to create very large arrays of data but then to defer actually populating that array until it is actually needed. This is often much faster than generating an array up front and paying the cost to load your data then. Although technically all arrays in JavaScript are "sparse" (in the sense that you can read and write properties are arbitrary indexes), this array keeps track of which elements in the array have been populated already and which ones have not. If you try to get a value at an index that has not yet been populated, the SparseArray will notify a delegate object first giving the delegate a chance to populate the component. Most of the time, you will use a SparseArray to incrementally load data from the server. For example, if you have a contact list with 3,000 contacts in it, you may create a SparseArray with a length of 3,000 and set that as the content for a ListView. As the ListView tries to display the visible contacts, it will request them from the SparseArray, which will in turn notify your delegate, giving you a chance to load the contact data from the server. @extends SC.Enumerable @extends SC.Array @extends SC.Observable @extends SC.DelegateSupport @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.SparseArray = SC.Object.extend(SC.Observable, SC.Enumerable, SC.Array, SC.DelegateSupport, /** @scope SC.SparseArray.prototype */ { // .......................................................... // LENGTH SUPPORT // _requestingLength: 0, _requestingIndex: 0, /** The length of the sparse array. The delegate for the array should set this length. @property {Number} */ length: function() { var del = this.delegate ; if (del && SC.none(this._length) && del.sparseArrayDidRequestLength) { this._requestingLength++ ; del.sparseArrayDidRequestLength(this); this._requestingLength-- ; } return this._length || 0 ; }.property().cacheable(), /** Call this method from a delegate to provide a length for the sparse array. If you pass null for this property, it will essentially "reset" the array causing your delegate to be called again the next time another object requests the array length. @param {Number} length the length or null @returns {SC.SparseArray} receiver */ provideLength: function(length) { if (SC.none(length)) this._sa_content = null ; if (length !== this._length) { this._length = length ; if (this._requestingLength <= 0) this.enumerableContentDidChange() ; } return this ; }, // .......................................................... // READING CONTENT // /** The minimum range of elements that should be requested from the delegate. If this value is set to larger than 1, then the sparse array will always fit a requested index into a range of this size and request it. @property {Number} */ rangeWindowSize: 1, /* This array contains all the start_indexes of ranges requested. This is to avoid calling sparseArrayDidRequestRange to often. Indexes are removed and added as range requests are completed. */ requestedRangeIndex: [], /** Returns the object at the specified index. If the value for the index is currently undefined, invokes the didRequestIndex() method to notify the delegate. @param {Number} idx the index to get @return {Object} the object */ objectAt: function(idx) { var content = this._sa_content, ret ; if (!content) content = this._sa_content = [] ; if ((ret = content[idx]) === undefined) { this.requestIndex(idx); ret = content[idx]; // just in case the delegate provided immediately } return ret ; }, /** Returns the set of indexes that are currently defined on the sparse array. If you pass an optional index set, the search will be limited to only those indexes. Otherwise this method will return an index set containing all of the defined indexes. Currently this can be quite expensive if you have a lot of indexes defined. @param {SC.IndexSet} indexes optional from indexes @returns {SC.IndexSet} defined indexes */ definedIndexes: function(indexes) { var ret = SC.IndexSet.create(), content = this._sa_content, idx, len; if (!content) return ret.freeze(); // nothing to do if (indexes) { indexes.forEach(function(idx) { if (content[idx] !== undefined) ret.add(idx); }); } else { len = content.length; for(idx=0;idx 1) start = start - Math.floor(start % len); if (len < 1) len = 1 ; // invoke appropriate callback this._requestingIndex++; if (del.sparseArrayDidRequestRange) { var range = this._TMP_RANGE; if(this.wasRangeRequested(start)===-1){ range.start = start; range.length = len; del.sparseArrayDidRequestRange(this, range); this.requestedRangeIndex.push(start); } } else if (del.sparseArrayDidRequestIndex) { while(--len >= 0) del.sparseArrayDidRequestIndex(this, start + len); } this._requestingIndex--; return this ; }, /* This method is called by requestIndex to check if the range has already been requested. We assume that rangeWindowSize is not changed often. @param {Number} startIndex @return {Number} index in requestRangeIndex */ wasRangeRequested: function(rangeStart) { var i, ilen; for(i=0, ilen=this.requestedRangeIndex.length; i=0) { this.requestedRangeIndex.removeAt(i,1); return YES; } return NO; }, /** This method sets the content for the specified to the objects in the passed array. If you change the way SparseArray implements its internal tracking of objects, you should override this method along with objectAt(). @param {Range} range the range to apply to @param {Array} array the array of objects to insert @returns {SC.SparseArray} reciever */ provideObjectsInRange: function(range, array) { var content = this._sa_content ; if (!content) content = this._sa_content = [] ; var start = range.start, len = range.length; while(--len >= 0) content[start+len] = array[len]; if (this._requestingIndex <= 0) this.enumerableContentDidChange() ; return this ; }, _TMP_PROVIDE_ARRAY: [], _TMP_PROVIDE_RANGE: { length: 1 }, /** Convenience method to provide a single object at a specified index. Under the covers this calls provideObjectsInRange() so you can override only that method and this one will still work. @param {Number} index the index to insert @param {Object} the object to insert @return {SC.SparseArray} receiver */ provideObjectAtIndex: function(index, object) { var array = this._TMP_PROVIDE_ARRAY, range = this._TMP_PROVIDE_RANGE; array[0] = object; range.start = index; return this.provideObjectsInRange(range, array); }, /** Invalidates the array content in the specified range. This is not the same as editing an array. Rather it will cause the array to reload the content from the delegate again when it is requested. @param {Range} the range @returns {SC.SparseArray} receiver */ objectsDidChangeInRange: function(range) { // delete cached content var content = this._sa_content ; if (content) { // if range covers entire length of cached content, just reset array if (range.start === 0 && SC.maxRange(range)>=content.length) { this._sa_content = null ; // otherwise, step through the changed parts and delete them. } else { var start = range.start, loc = Math.min(start + range.length, content.length); while (--loc>=start) content[loc] = undefined; } } this.enumerableContentDidChange(range) ; // notify return this ; }, /** Optimized version of indexOf(). Asks the delegate to provide the index of the specified object. If the delegate does not implement this method then it will search the internal array directly. @param {Object} obj the object to search for @returns {Number} the discovered index or -1 if not found */ indexOf: function(obj) { var del = this.delegate ; if (del && del.sparseArrayDidRequestIndexOf) { return del.sparseArrayDidRequestIndexOf(this, obj); } else { var content = this._sa_content ; if (!content) content = this._sa_content = [] ; return content.indexOf(obj) ; } }, // .......................................................... // EDITING // /** Array primitive edits the objects at the specified index unless the delegate rejects the change. @param {Number} idx the index to begin to replace @param {Number} amt the number of items to replace @param {Array} objects the new objects to set instead @returns {SC.SparseArray} receiver */ replace: function(idx, amt, objects) { objects = objects || [] ; // if we have a delegate, get permission to make the replacement. var del = this.delegate ; if (del) { if (!del.sparseArrayShouldReplace || !del.sparseArrayShouldReplace(this, idx, amt, objects)) { return this; } } // go ahead and apply to local content. var content = this._sa_content ; if (!content) content = this._sa_content = [] ; content.replace(idx, amt, objects) ; // update length var len = objects ? (objects.get ? objects.get('length') : objects.length) : 0; var delta = len - amt ; if (!SC.none(this._length)) { this.propertyWillChange('length'); this._length += delta; this.propertyDidChange('length'); } this.enumerableContentDidChange(idx, amt, delta) ; return this ; }, /** Resets the SparseArray, causing it to reload its content from the delegate again. */ reset: function() { this._sa_content = null ; this._length = null ; this.enumerableContentDidChange() ; this.invokeDelegateMethod(this.delegate, 'sparseArrayDidReset', this); return this ; } }) ; SC.SparseArray.array = function(len) { return this.create({ _length: len||0 }); };