class Shortener module Server class Brief class << self def all $redis.keys('data:*').map do |key| short = $redis.hgetall(key) puts " url for #{key[-5..-1]} => #{short['url']}" short['expire'] = $redis.ttl(short['expire']) if short.has_key?('expire') short end end def find(id, params) sha = $redis.get(id) if sha.nil? # => Short Not Found if (params[:captures].last == '.json') nope! "Short not found: #{id}" else puts "redirecting #{params[:captures].inspect} to default url" return $conf.default_url, :url end else # => Short Found key = "data:#{sha}:#{id}" short = $redis.hgetall(key) not_expired = short.has_key?('expire') ? $redis.get(short['expire']) : true not_maxed = !(short['click_count'].to_i >= short['max_clicks'].to_i) short.has_key?('max_clicks') ? not_maxed : not_maxed = true if params[:captures].last == '.json' # => We just want JSON ret = short.merge({expired: not_expired.nil? , maxed: !not_maxed}) return ret.to_json, :json else # => Redirect Me! $redis.hincrby(key, 'click_count', 1) if not_expired && not_maxed if not_expired unless short['s3'] == 'true' && !(short['type'] == 'download') if not_maxed puts "redirecting found short #{id} to #{short['url']}" return short['url'], :url end # => max clicks check else # => This is S3 content puts "rendering view for s3 content. #{id} => #{short['url']}" return short, :s3 end # => it's S3 and needs displaying. end # => expired check end # => format end # => short was maxed or expired & not a JSON request return $conf.default_url, :url end def shorten(params) bad! 'Missing url.' unless url = params['url'] bad! 'Bad URL' unless params['url'] =~ /(^http|^www)/ url = "http://#{url}" unless /^http/i =~ url bad! 'Bad URL' unless (url = URI.parse(url)) && /^http/ =~ url.scheme %w(max_clicks expire desired_short allow_override).each do |k| params[k] = false if params[k].nil? || params[k].empty? end unless params['max_clicks'] || params['expire'] || params['desired_short'] data = check_cache(url) end data ||= get_short_key(url, params) data end def delete(id) sha = $redis.get(id) unless sha.nil? $redis.multi do $redis.del "data:#{sha}:#{id}" $redis.del "expire:#{sha}:#{id}" $redis.del id end true else false end end def upload(params) bad! 'Missing content type.' unless type = params['type'] fname = params['file_name'].gsub(' ', '+') url = "{$conf.s3_bucket}/#{$conf.s3_key_prefix}/#{fname}" data = {'s3' => true, 'extension' => File.extname(fname)[1..-1], 'description' => params.delete('description'), 'name' => params.delete('name'), 'type' => params.delete('type')} get_short_key(url, params, data) end private def get_short_key(url, options = {}, data = {}) hsh_data = catch :stop_setting_up do unless options['desired_short'] puts " just generating a short" key = generate_short else do_check = $redis.get(options['desired_short']) key = if do_check.nil? || passes_desired_short_check(url, do_check, options) options['desired_short'] else bad! 'Name is already taken. Use Allow override' unless options['allow_override'] == 'true' generate_short end end sha = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(url.to_s) $redis.set(key, sha) hsh_data = data.merge('shortened' => key, 'url' => url, 'set_count' => 1) hsh_data['max_clicks'] = options['max_clicks'].to_i if options['max_clicks'] if options['expire'] # set expire time if specified ttl = options['expire'].to_i ttl_key = "expire:#{sha}:#{key}" $redis.set(ttl_key, "#{sha}:#{key}") $redis.expire(ttl_key, ttl) hsh_data[:expire] = ttl_key end $redis.hmset("data:#{sha}:#{key}", *arrayify_hash(hsh_data)) hsh_data end end def bad! message throw :halt, [412, {}, message] end def nope!(message = 'No luck.') throw :halt, [404, {}, message] end def generate_short begin o = [('a'..'z'),('A'..'Z'),(0..9)].map{|i| i.to_a}.flatten; key = (0..4).map{ o[rand(o.length)] }.join; puts "testing #{key}" end while !$redis.get(key).nil? key end def passes_desired_short_check(url, check, options) check_key = "data:#{check}:#{options['desired_short']}" prev_set = $redis.hgetall(check_key) return false if prev_set['expire'] # if we don't expire or have max clicks and previously set key # doesn't expire or have max clicks we can go ahead and use it # without any further setup. unless options['expire'] || options['max_clicks'] if (!prev_set['max_clicks'] && !prev_set['expire'] && (prev_set['url'] == url.to_s)) $redis.hincrby(check_key, 'set_count', 1) throw :stop_setting_up, prev_set end end return (prev_set['clicks'].to_i > prev_set['max_clicks'].to_i) end def check_cache(url) sha = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(url.to_s) $redis.keys("data:#{sha}:*").each do |key| short = $redis.hgetall(key) unless short == {} || short['expire'] || short['max_clicks'] $redis.hincrby(key, 'set_count', 1) return short end end nil end def arrayify_hash(hsh) {|k| [k, hsh[k]] }.flatten end end # => class << self end # => Shirt end # => Server end # => Shortener