SQLite format 3 @ c L c -æ T C ńÄL Ț T =//indexunique_schema_migrationsschema_migrationsCREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version")l//tableschema_migrationsschema_migrationsCREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar NOT NULL)v=!indexindex_fuel_posts_on_slugfuel_postsCREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_fuel_posts_on_slug" ON "fuel_posts" ("slug")*!!tablefuel_postsfuel_postsCREATE TABLE "fuel_posts" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "tag" varchar, "author" varchar, "content" text, "title" varchar, "slug" varchar, "published" boolean DEFAULT 't', "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "featured_image_url" varchar, "teaser" text, "featured_image_file_name" varchar, "featured_image_content_type" varchar, "featured_image_file_size" integer, "featured_image_updated_at" datetime, "seo_title" varchar, "seo_description" text, "author_id" integer, "published_at" datetime)P++Ytablesqlite_sequencesqlite_sequenceCREATE TABLE sqlite_sequence(name,seq):%%7tablefuel_authorsfuel_authorsCREATE TABLE "fuel_authors" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "first_name" varchar, "last_name" varchar, "title" varchar, "bio" text, "avatar_file_name" varchar, "avatar_content_type" varchar, "avatar_file_size" integer, "avatar_updated_at" datetime, "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime, "email" varchar, "twitter" varchar, "github" varchar, "dribbble" varchar, "start_date" date) û ûk € D ] !S!AAA9+ KatieAstrauskasDeveloperKatie is a former actress who loves to make all kinds of things, including but not limited to: web applications, paintings, and elaborate cosplay outfits. She took to web development after graduating college, and fell in love with all things code and design. Katie dreams of becoming a whiskey sommelier and of using her experience in web development to create useful applications that change the way we live our lives.katie.jpgimage/jpegșŽ2015-06-30 18:56:01.8840342015-06-30 18:56:02.0326462015-06-30 18:56:02.032646katie@launchpadlab.comkatieastrauskaskt32291Y m!AAA7% DaveCorwinDeveloperA problem solver at heart, Dave has created software solutions for electricity pricing and brokerage clearing operations to modelling and simulation of brain tumors. He uses his background in software engineering, mathematics, and research to generate transformative applications with an emphasis on medical research. His passion for science, technology, and developing tools is surpassed only by his dog's passion for disobedience.dave.jpgimage/jpegæ2015-06-30 18:56:01.1759472015-06-30 18:56:01.3340372015-06-30 18:56:01.334037dave@launchpadlab.comdavidmcorwinh !S/!AAA7) ) KurtCunninghamDirector of Design & ExperienceKurt is a design and type freak. His passion for molding great user interfaces with the best experience, color, type and design is matched by only his love for Iowa Hawkeye football. With a background in newspapers and package design, Kurt has developed a deep appreciation for all things visual. He approaches each assignment the same: Design with passion and reason and the rest will fill itself in.kurt.jpgimage/jpegÁ92015-06-30 18:56:00.3962332015-06-30 18:56:00.5551992015-06-30 18:56:00.555199kurt@launchpadlab.comkurtcunninghamcunninghamkurt A !AAA9% ScottWeismanCo-Founder & DeveloperCombining his 7 years of law experience and love for technology, Scott built WarRoom Law. By tapping into his creative streak, he has developed an intuitive sense of front end design and coding. Always current on the latest products in the tech world, Scott has an intimate understanding of product design and development.scott.jpgimage/jpeg2015-06-30 18:55:59.6394612015-06-30 18:55:59.7872892015-06-30 18:55:59.787289scott@launchpadlab.comscottweismanI 7!AAA7) RyanFrancisDeveloperAs ambitious as he is tall, Ryan has a passion for creation. In 2012, he created Francis Lofts & Bunks, a company in Western Ohio that manufactures aluminum loft beds and bunk beds. Equipped with a burning desire to build things that are useful to others, Ryan has come into his own in web development, combining creativity, logic, and an empathy for others to build outstanding, easy-to-use products.ryan.jpgimage/jpegÉ2015-06-30 18:55:58.9999262015-06-30 18:55:59.1500002015-06-30 18:55:59.150000ryan@launchpadlab.comryan_p_francisfrancirpQ !a!AAA5% TomCullenCo-FounderTom's biggest accomplishment is winning uncle of the year...8 years running. Aside from that amazing stat, he has always had a passion for working with and helping people. He loves programming and creating solutions through technology for people and their businesses to realize success. Tom draws on his experience starting two high frequency trading firms to tackle many of the business and technical challenges clients face.tom.jpgimage/jpegč"2015-06-30 18:55:58.2728232015-06-30 18:55:58.4185922015-06-30 18:55:58.418592tom@launchpadlab.comthomasculleno A[#!AAA= BrendanHennessyCo-Founder & DeveloperNever stop building. Brendan manifests this passion, first seen in his love for Legos, by creating and building web products. He relies upon his formal background as an engineer to solve problems. His experience in both front- and back-end development is invaluable to making ideas come to life.brendan.jpgimage/jpegĄÆ2015-06-30 18:55:56.7935552015-06-30 18:55:57.0098192015-06-30 18:55:57.009819brendan@launchpadlab.combhenneybhe Ț îȚ !fuel_posts=%fuel_authors e LûöńìçâĘŰÓÎÉÄżș”°«ŠĄ~ytoje sMMAAy!A Abusiness
As developers we get excited for new technology and the news out of Apple a good example. As Apple was holding its Worldwide Developers Conference, we had the keynote streaming in our conference room. Since much of our design and development happens on Mac computers we are always looking to see what new technology is coming out. As we were working away, we could hear the Apple executives talking about what was new. Toward the end of the presentation Senior VP Craig Federighi said that "Objective-C has served us well for 20 years, But...â. But? What? Without even a word, our whole office was in the conference to see what came next.
Apple introduced Swift a new language that is simpler than Objective-C but as powerful or even more powerful. The best part of our job is that we get to learn new technologies all the time. Swift is the newest example of that. As the language gets better and better over the next few years, we expect more and more developers to use it. There are still other great options for developers building phone apps including Phonegap, RubyMotion, and more. When you are building an application, its important to look at all the options and make an educated decision as to the one that will best help your business grow. Apple is betting that the simpler Swift will help drive even more developers to build apps for their platform. As developers, we think its a good bet and canât wait to see where it goes.
Apple's New Programming Languageapple-s-new-programming-languaget2014-06-03 19:33:33.0000002015-06-05 20:39:35.691000https://s3.amazonaws.com/lpl_general/blog_images/swift.jpgAs developers we get excited for new technology and the news out of Apple a good example. As Apple was holding its Worldwide Developers Conference, we had the keynote streaming in our conference room. Since much of our design and development happens on Mac computers we are always looking to see what new technology is coming out. As we were working away, we could hear the Apple executives talking about what was new. Toward the end of the presentation Senior VP Craig Federighi said that "Objective-C has served us well for 20 years, But...â. But? What? Without even a word, our whole office was in the conference to see what came next.
Apple introduced Swift a new language that is simpler than Objective-C but as powerful or even more powerful. The best part of our job is that we get to learn new technologies all the time. Swift is the newest example of that. As the language gets better and better over the next few years, we expect more and more developers to use it. There are still other great options for developers building phone apps including Phonegap, RubyMotion, and more. When you are building an application, its important to look at all the options and make an educated decision as to the one that will best help your business grow. Apple is betting that the simpler Swift will help drive even more developers to build apps for their platform. As developers, we think its a good bet and canât wait to see where it goes.
swift.jpgimage/jpeg22015-06-30 18:56:05.7587252014-06-03 19:33:33.000000À| úu }AA a?A AwebWe try all of the latest tools and apps that can help startups get users and build traction. Hereâs our list of the top tools we recommend to the startups we work with.