module Locomotive module Wagon module Liquid module Tags module PathHelper def render_path(context, &block) site = context.registers[:site] if page = self.retrieve_page_from_handle(context) path = self.public_page_fullpath(context, page) if block_given? page, path else path end else raise{[link_to] Unable to find a page for the #{@handle}. Wrong handle or missing template for your content.}) end end protected def retrieve_page_from_handle(context) mounting_point = context.registers[:mounting_point] context.scopes.reverse_each do |scope| handle = scope[@handle] || @handle page = case handle when Locomotive::Mounter::Models::Page then handle when Liquid::Drops::Page then handle.instance_variable_get(:@_source) when String then fetch_page(mounting_point, handle) when Liquid::Drops::ContentEntry then fetch_page(mounting_point, handle.instance_variable_get(:@_source), true) when Locomotive::Mounter::Models::ContentEntry then fetch_page(mounting_point, handle, true) else nil end return page unless page.nil? end nil end def fetch_page(mounting_point, handle, templatized = false) ::Locomotive::Mounter.with_locale(@_options['locale']) do if templatized page = mounting_point.pages.values.find do |_page| _page.templatized? && !_page.templatized_from_parent && _page.content_type.slug == handle.content_type.slug && (@_options['with'].nil? || _page.handle == @_options['with']) end page.content_entry = handle if page page else mounting_point.pages.values.find { |_page| _page.handle == handle } end end end def public_page_fullpath(context, page) mounting_point = context.registers[:mounting_point] locale = @_options['locale'] || ::I18n.locale if !page.translated_in?(locale) title = page.title_translations.values.compact.first raise{the "#{title}" page is not translated in #{locale.upcase}}) end fullpath = ::Locomotive::Mounter.with_locale(locale) do page.fullpath.clone end fullpath = "#{::I18n.locale}/#{fullpath}" if ::I18n.locale.to_s != mounting_point.default_locale.to_s if page.templatized? if page.content_entry._slug.nil? title = %{#{} "#{page.content_entry.send(page.content_entry.content_type.label_field_name)}"} raise{the #{title} slug is not translated in #{locale.upcase}}) end fullpath.gsub!(/(content[_-]type[_-]template|template)/, page.content_entry._slug) end File.join('/', fullpath) end end end end end end