/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 NEC Corporation * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trema.h" #include "daemon.h" #include "doubly_linked_list.h" #include "log.h" #include "management_interface.h" #include "messenger.h" #include "openflow_application_interface.h" #include "packetin_filter_interface.h" #include "timer.h" #include "trema_private.h" #include "utility.h" #include "wrapper.h" #ifdef UNIT_TESTING #ifdef init_log #undef init_log #endif #define init_log mock_init_log bool mock_init_log( const char *ident, const char *log_directory, logging_type type ); #ifdef error #undef error #endif #define error mock_error void mock_error( const char *format, ... ); #ifdef set_logging_level #undef set_logging_level #endif #define set_logging_level mock_set_logging_level bool mock_set_logging_level( const char *level ); #ifdef daemonize #undef daemonize #endif #define daemonize mock_daemonize void mock_daemonize( const char *home ); #ifdef write_pid #undef write_pid #endif #define write_pid mock_write_pid void mock_write_pid( const char *directory, const char *name ); #ifdef unlink_pid #undef unlink_pid #endif #define unlink_pid mock_unlink_pid void mock_unlink_pid( const char *directory, const char *name ); #ifdef rename_pid #undef rename_pid #endif #define rename_pid mock_rename_pid void mock_rename_pid( const char *directory, const char *old, const char *new ); #ifdef read_pid #undef read_pid #endif #define read_pid mock_read_pid pid_t mock_read_pid( const char *directory, const char *name ); #ifdef kill #undef kill #endif #define kill mock_kill int mock_kill( pid_t pid, int sig ); #ifdef clock_nanosleep #undef clock_nanosleep #endif #define clock_nanosleep mock_clock_nanosleep unsigned int mock_clock_nanosleep( clockid_t clock_id, int flags, const struct timespec *request, struct timespec *remain); #ifdef init_event_handler #undef init_event_handler #endif #define init_event_handler mock_init_event_handler void mock_init_event_handler( void ); #ifdef start_event_handler #undef start_event_handler #endif #define start_event_handler mock_start_event_handler void mock_start_event_handler( void ); #ifdef stop_event_handler #undef stop_event_handler #endif #define stop_event_handler mock_stop_event_handler void mock_stop_event_handler( void ); #ifdef init_messenger #undef init_messenger #endif #define init_messenger mock_init_messenger void mock_init_messenger( const char *working_directory ); #ifdef start_messenger #undef start_messenger #endif #define start_messenger mock_start_messenger void mock_start_messenger( void ); #ifdef flush_messenger #undef flush_messenger #endif #define flush_messenger mock_flush_messenger void mock_flush_messenger( void ); #ifdef stop_messenger #undef stop_messenger #endif #define stop_messenger mock_stop_messenger void mock_stop_messenger( void ); #ifdef finalize_messenger #undef finalize_messenger #endif #define finalize_messenger mock_finalize_messenger void mock_finalize_messenger( void ); #ifdef start_messenger_dump #undef start_messenger_dump #endif #define start_messenger_dump mock_start_messenger_dump void mock_start_messenger_dump( const char *dump_app_name, const char *dump_service_name ); #ifdef stop_messenger_dump #undef stop_messenger_dump #endif #define stop_messenger_dump mock_stop_messenger_dump void mock_stop_messenger_dump(); #ifdef messenger_dump_enabled #undef messenger_dump_enabled #endif #define messenger_dump_enabled mock_messenger_dump_enabled bool mock_messenger_dump_enabled(); #ifdef die #undef die #endif #define die mock_die void mock_die( const char *format, ... ); #ifdef exit #undef exit #endif #define exit mock_exit void mock_exit( int status ); #ifdef openflow_application_interface_is_initialized #undef openflow_application_interface_is_initialized #endif #define openflow_application_interface_is_initialized mock_openflow_application_interface_is_initialized bool mock_openflow_application_interface_is_initialized( void ); #ifdef finalize_openflow_application_interface #undef finalize_openflow_application_interface #endif #define finalize_openflow_application_interface mock_finalize_openflow_application_interface bool mock_finalize_openflow_application_interface( void ); #ifdef printf #undef printf #endif #define printf mock_printf int mock_printf( const char *format, ...); typedef struct stat _stat; #ifdef stat #undef stat #endif #define stat mock_stat int mock_stat( const char *path, _stat *buf ); #ifdef debug #undef debug #endif #define debug mock_debug void mock_debug( const char *format, ... ); #ifdef init_stat #undef init_stat #endif #define init_stat mock_init_stat bool mock_init_stat(); #ifdef finalize_stat #undef finalize_stat #endif #define finalize_stat mock_finalize_stat bool mock_finalize_stat(); #ifdef init_timer #undef init_timer #endif #define init_timer mock_init_timer bool mock_init_timer(); #ifdef finalize_timer #undef finalize_timer #endif #define finalize_timer mock_finalize_timer bool mock_finalize_timer(); #ifdef set_external_callback #undef set_external_callback #endif #define set_external_callback mock_set_external_callback bool mock_set_external_callback( void ( *callback )( void ) ); #ifdef dump_stats #undef dump_stats #endif #define dump_stats mock_dump_stats void mock_dump_stats(); #ifdef finalize_packetin_filter_interface #undef finalize_packetin_filter_interface #endif #define finalize_packetin_filter_interface mock_finalize_packetin_filter_interface bool mock_finalize_packetin_filter_interface(); #ifdef init_management_interface #undef init_management_interface #endif #define init_management_interface mock_init_management_interface bool mock_init_management_interface(); #ifdef finalize_management_interface #undef finalize_management_interface #endif #define finalize_management_interface mock_finalize_management_interface bool mock_finalize_management_interface(); #define static #endif // UNIT_TESTING #ifndef UNIT_TESTING #define _stat struct stat #endif // not UNIT_TESTING static bool initialized = false; static bool trema_started = false; static bool run_as_daemon = false; static char *trema_name = NULL; static char *executable_name = NULL; static char *trema_log = NULL; static char *trema_pid = NULL; static char *trema_sock = NULL; static logging_type log_output_type = LOGGING_TYPE_FILE; static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_RECURSIVE_MUTEX_INITIALIZER_NP; static struct option long_options[] = { { "name", 1, NULL, 'n' }, { "daemonize", 0, NULL, 'd' }, { "logging_level", 1, NULL, 'l' }, { "syslog", 0, NULL, 'g' }, { "logging_facility", 1, NULL, 'f' }, { "help", 0, NULL, 'h' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; static char short_options[] = "n:dl:gf:h"; /** * Default usage function shown on -h or --help. * * This can be overridden by defining your own void usage( void ) * in your Trema application. */ void usage() { printf( "Usage: %s [OPTION]...\n" "\n" " -n, --name=SERVICE_NAME service name\n" " -d, --daemonize run in the background\n" " -l, --logging_level=LEVEL set logging level\n" " -g, --syslog output log messages to syslog\n" " -f, --logging_facility=FACILITY set syslog facility\n" " -h, --help display this help and exit\n", executable_name ); } static const char * get_trema_log() { if ( trema_log == NULL ) { char path[ PATH_MAX ]; sprintf( path, "%s/log", get_trema_tmp() ); trema_log = xstrdup( path ); } return trema_log; } static const char * get_trema_pid() { if ( trema_pid == NULL ) { char path[ PATH_MAX ]; sprintf( path, "%s/pid", get_trema_tmp() ); trema_pid = xstrdup( path ); } return trema_pid; } static const char * get_trema_sock() { if ( trema_sock == NULL ) { char path[ PATH_MAX ]; sprintf( path, "%s/sock", get_trema_tmp() ); trema_sock = xstrdup( path ); } return trema_sock; } static void maybe_finalize_openflow_application_interface() { if ( openflow_application_interface_is_initialized() ) { finalize_openflow_application_interface(); } } static void die_unless_initialized() { if ( !initialized ) { die( "Trema is not initialized. Call init_trema() first." ); } } void finalize_trema() { die_unless_initialized(); debug( "Terminating %s...", get_trema_name() ); maybe_finalize_openflow_application_interface(); finalize_management_interface(); finalize_packetin_filter_interface(); finalize_messenger(); finalize_stat(); finalize_timer(); trema_started = false; unlink_pid( get_trema_pid(), get_trema_name() ); xfree( trema_name ); trema_name = NULL; xfree( executable_name ); executable_name = NULL; unset_trema_home(); unset_trema_tmp(); xfree( trema_log ); trema_log = NULL; initialized = false; } static void check_trema_tmp() { _stat st; int ret = stat( get_trema_tmp(), &st ); if ( ( ret != 0 ) && ( errno == ENOENT ) ) { die( "Trema temporary directory does not exist: %s", get_trema_tmp() ); } } static void reset_getopt() { optind = 0; opterr = 1; } static void parse_argv( int *argc, char ***argv ) { assert( argc != NULL ); assert( argv != NULL ); int argc_tmp = *argc; char *new_argv[ *argc ]; run_as_daemon = false; set_trema_name( basename( ( *argv )[ 0 ] ) ); executable_name = xstrdup( get_trema_name() ); for ( int i = 0; i < *argc; ++i ) { new_argv[ i ] = ( *argv )[ i ]; } for ( ;; ) { opterr = 0; int c = getopt_long( *argc, *argv, short_options, long_options, NULL ); if ( c == -1 ) { break; } switch ( c ) { case 'n': set_trema_name( optarg ); break; case 'd': run_as_daemon = true; break; case 'l': set_logging_level( optarg ); break; case 'g': log_output_type = LOGGING_TYPE_SYSLOG; break; case 'f': set_syslog_facility( optarg ); break; case 'h': usage(); xfree( trema_name ); xfree( executable_name ); exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); break; default: continue; } if ( optarg == NULL || strchr( new_argv[ optind - 1 ], '=' ) != NULL ) { argc_tmp -= 1; new_argv[ optind - 1 ] = NULL; } else { argc_tmp -= 2; new_argv[ optind - 1 ] = NULL; new_argv[ optind - 2 ] = NULL; } } for ( int i = 0, j = 0; i < *argc; ++i ) { if ( new_argv[ i ] != NULL ) { ( *argv )[ j ] = new_argv[ i ]; j++; } } if ( argc_tmp < *argc ) { ( *argv )[ argc_tmp ] = NULL; } *argc = argc_tmp; reset_getopt(); } static void ignore_sigpipe() { struct sigaction sigpipe_ignore; memset( &sigpipe_ignore, 0, sizeof( struct sigaction ) ); sigpipe_ignore.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; sigaction( SIGPIPE, &sigpipe_ignore, NULL ); } static void set_exit_handler() { struct sigaction signal_exit; memset( &signal_exit, 0, sizeof( struct sigaction ) ); signal_exit.sa_handler = ( void * ) stop_trema; sigaction( SIGINT, &signal_exit, NULL ); sigaction( SIGTERM, &signal_exit, NULL ); } static void do_restart_log() { restart_log( NULL ); } static void set_do_restart_log_as_external_callback() { set_external_callback( do_restart_log ); } static void set_hup_handler() { struct sigaction signal_hup; memset( &signal_hup, 0, sizeof( struct sigaction ) ); signal_hup.sa_handler = ( void * ) set_do_restart_log_as_external_callback; sigaction( SIGHUP, &signal_hup, NULL ); } static void set_dump_stats_as_external_callback() { set_external_callback( dump_stats ); } static void set_usr1_handler() { struct sigaction signal_usr1; memset( &signal_usr1, 0, sizeof( struct sigaction ) ); signal_usr1.sa_handler = ( void * ) set_dump_stats_as_external_callback; sigaction( SIGUSR1, &signal_usr1, NULL ); } static void toggle_messenger_dump() { if ( messenger_dump_enabled() ) { stop_messenger_dump(); } else { start_messenger_dump( get_trema_name(), DEFAULT_DUMP_SERVICE_NAME ); } } static void set_usr2_handler() { struct sigaction signal_usr2; memset( &signal_usr2, 0, sizeof( struct sigaction ) ); signal_usr2.sa_handler = ( void * ) toggle_messenger_dump; sigaction( SIGUSR2, &signal_usr2, NULL ); } static void maybe_daemonize() { if ( run_as_daemon ) { daemonize( get_trema_home() ); } } /** * Call this function before using any other Trema functions in your * applications. * * It will initialize everything needed to handle OpenFlow events and * parses some standard command line options. argc and * argv are adjusted accordingly so your own code will never * see those standard arguments. */ void init_trema( int *argc, char ***argv ) { assert( argc != NULL ); assert( argv != NULL ); pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex ); trema_name = NULL; trema_log = NULL; executable_name = NULL; initialized = false; trema_started = false; run_as_daemon = false; log_output_type = LOGGING_TYPE_FILE; parse_argv( argc, argv ); set_trema_home(); set_trema_tmp(); check_trema_tmp(); if ( !run_as_daemon ) { log_output_type |= LOGGING_TYPE_STDOUT; } init_log( get_trema_name(), get_trema_log(), log_output_type ); ignore_sigpipe(); set_exit_handler(); set_hup_handler(); set_usr1_handler(); set_usr2_handler(); init_messenger( get_trema_sock() ); init_stat(); init_timer(); init_management_interface(); initialized = true; pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex ); } static void create_pid_file() { write_pid( get_trema_pid(), get_trema_name() ); } /** * Runs the main loop. */ void start_trema() { pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex ); die_unless_initialized(); debug( "Starting %s ... (TREMA_HOME = %s)", get_trema_name(), get_trema_home() ); maybe_daemonize(); create_pid_file(); trema_started = true; start_messenger(); start_event_handler(); finalize_trema(); pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex ); } void flush() { flush_messenger(); } /** * Exits from the main loop. */ void stop_trema() { stop_event_handler(); stop_messenger(); } void set_trema_name( const char *name ) { assert( name != NULL ); if ( trema_name != NULL ) { if ( trema_started ) { rename_pid( get_trema_pid(), trema_name, name ); rename_log( name ); } xfree( trema_name ); } trema_name = xstrdup( name ); if ( initialized ) { restart_log( trema_name ); } } /** * Returns the ID of your Trema application. */ const char * get_trema_name() { assert( trema_name != NULL ); return trema_name; } /** * Returns the basename of argv[ 0 ]. This function is useful * for your application's usage() function. */ const char * get_executable_name() { assert( executable_name != NULL ); return executable_name; } pid_t get_pid_by_trema_name( const char *name ) { return read_pid( get_trema_pid(), name ); } pid_t get_trema_process_from_name( const char *name ) { return get_pid_by_trema_name( name ); } bool terminate_trema_process( pid_t pid ) { assert( pid > 0 ); int res = kill( pid, SIGTERM ); if ( res < 0 ) { if ( errno == ESRCH ) { return true; } error( "Failed to kill %d ( %s [%d] ).", pid, strerror( errno ), errno ); return false; } int try = 0; const int max_try = 10; struct timespec tv = { 0, 500000000 }; while ( kill( pid, 0 ) == 0 && ++try <= max_try ) { clock_nanosleep( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0, &tv, NULL ); } if ( try > max_try ) { error( "Failed to terminate %d.", pid ); return false; } return true; } void _free_trema_name() { if ( trema_name != NULL ) { xfree( trema_name ); trema_name = NULL; } } /* * Local variables: * c-basic-offset: 2 * indent-tabs-mode: nil * End: */