module Pantograph module Actions module SharedValues end # Raises an exception and stop the lane execution if the repo is not on a specific branch class EnsureGitBranchAction < Action def branch = params[:branch] branch_expr = /#{branch}/ if Actions.git_branch =~ branch_expr UI.success("Git branch matches `#{branch}`, all good! 💪") else UI.user_error!("Git is not on a branch matching `#{branch}`. Current branch is `#{Actions.git_branch}`! Please ensure the repo is checked out to the correct branch.") end end ##################################################### # @!group Documentation ##################################################### def self.description "Raises an exception if not on a specific git branch" end def self.details [ "This action will check if your git repo is checked out to a specific branch.", "You may only want to make releases from a specific branch, so `ensure_git_branch` will stop a lane if it was accidentally executed on an incorrect branch." ].join("\n") end def self.available_options [ :branch, env_name: "FL_ENSURE_GIT_BRANCH_NAME", description: "The branch that should be checked for. String that can be either the full name of the branch or a regex to match", type: String, default_value: 'master') ] end def self.output [] end def ['dbachrach', 'Liquidsoul'] end def self.example_code [ "ensure_git_branch # defaults to `master` branch", "ensure_git_branch( branch: 'develop' )" ] end def self.category :source_control end def self.is_supported?(platform) true end end end end