module MotionPrime module ModelAssociationMixin extend ::MotionSupport::Concern def _bags @_bags ||= {} end def bags_attributes # retrieving has_one/has_many bag keys self.class._associations.keys.inject({}) do |result, association_name| key = :"#{association_name.pluralize}_bag" result[key] =[key] if[key].present? result end end def bag_key_for(bag_name)[bag_name] end # Saves model and all associations to store. # # @return [Prime::Model] model def save! _bags.values.each do |bag| = end super rescue StoreError => e raise e if Prime.env.development? end module ClassMethods # Defines bag associated with model, creates accessor for bag # # @param [String] name - the name of bag # @return [Nil] def bag(name) define_method(name) do |*args, &block| # use users_bag(true) to reload bag return _bags[name] if _bags[name] && args[0] != true bag_key = bag_key_for(name) if bag_key.present? bag =[bag_key]).first end unless bag bag = Bag.bag[name] = bag.key end _bags[name] = bag end define_method((name + "=").to_sym) do |*args, &block| bag = self.send(name) case args[0] when Bag bag.clear bag += args[0].saved.values when Array bag.clear bag += args[0] else raise StoreError, "Unexpected type assigned to bags, must be an Array or MotionPrime::Bag, now: #{args[0].class}" end bag end end # Defines has one association for model, creates accessor for association # # @param [String] name - the name of association # @return [Nil] def has_one(association_name, options = {}) bag_name = "#{association_name.pluralize}_bag" self.bag bag_name.to_sym self._associations ||= {} self._associations[association_name] = options.merge(type: :one) define_method("#{association_name}=") do |value| bag = self.send(bag_name) bag.clear bag << value value end define_method("#{association_name}_attributes=") do |value| bags_attributes = self.send(association_name).try(:bags_attributes) || {} self.send(bag_name).clear association = options.fetch(:class_name, association_name.classify)!(bags_attributes) association.fetch_with_attributes(value) self.send(:"#{bag_name}") << association association end define_method("#{association_name}") do self.send(:"#{bag_name}").to_a.first end end # Defines has many association for model, creates accessor for association # # @param [String] name - the name of association # @return [Nil] def has_many(association_name, options = {}) bag_name = "#{association_name}_bag" self.bag bag_name.to_sym self._associations ||= {} self._associations[association_name] = options.merge(type: :many) define_method("#{association_name}_attributes=") do |value| bags_attributes = self.send(bag_name).to_a.inject({}) do |result, item| result[] = item.bags_attributes if result end self.send(bag_name).clear pending_save_counter = 0 collection = value.inject({}) do |result, attrs| model = options.fetch(:class_name, association_name.classify)!(bags_attributes.fetch(attrs[:id], {})) model.fetch_with_attributes(attrs) unique_key = || "pending_#{pending_save_counter+=1}" result.merge(unique_key => model) end association_data = collection.values self.send(:"#{bag_name}=", association_data) association_data end define_method("#{association_name}=") do |value| self.send(bag_name).clear self.send(:"#{bag_name}=", value) end define_method("#{association_name}") do |*args| bag = self.send(:"#{bag_name}") collection_options = { association_name: association_name, class_name: options.fetch(:class_name, association_name.classify), inverse_relation: { type: :has_one, name: self.class_name_without_kvo.demodulize.underscore, instance: self } }, collection_options, *args) end end def belongs_to(association_name, options = {}) self._associations ||= {} self._associations[association_name] = { type: :belongs_to_one, class_name: options.fetch(:class_name, association_name.classify) }.merge(options) self.send(:attr_accessor, association_name) end end end end