# Underground Weather

## Usage

Implemented Endpoints

*  conditions	- Returns the current temperature, weather condition, humidity, wind, 'feels like' temperature, barometric pressure, and visibility.
*  forecast	- Returns a summary of the weather for the next 3 days. This includes high and low temperatures, a string text forecast and the conditions.
*  astronomy	- Returns The moon phase, sunrise and sunset times.
*  radar - Returns a URL link to the .gif radar image.
*  satellite - Returns a URL link to .gif visual and infrared satellite images.
*  webcams - Returns locations of nearby Personal Weather Stations and URL's for images from their web cams.

gem install undergroundweather
api_key = 'xxxxxxxx' # Your WU API Key
uw = UndergroundWeather.new(api_key)

zip_code = 19106
uw.<endpoint>(zip_code) # conditions, forecast, astronomy, etc...

## Development

### ToDo

### Testing
Using minitest/spec

rake test