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Text designers would put here to test their layout
Ruhl (Ruby Hypertext Language) This project is here to flesh out an idea. What I want is to have developers work with HTML and with the simple addition of a 'data-ruhl' attribute, convert it to a dynamic page. At no time in the dev process would the view be unviewable in a browser. The view could actually retain the original template data the designer used because this replaces the content. I think this is a nice plus. Notes (use cases) for me to remember: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: Basic Use :: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
John Doe | |
Rupert Boy | |
Kaylee Girl | |
Monty Man | |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
To use:, :layout => path_to_layout).render(self) Returns the expected result of parsed Layout w/ parsed Fragment. Note the use of the _render_ method. This is a 'special' method that Ruhl uses to inject the results of the parsed fragment into the layout. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :: Using a Partial :: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Main:Text designers would put here to test their layout
First Name | Last Name | |
Andrew | Stone | |
First Name | Last Name | |
Andrew | Stone | |