module Ruby2JS class Converter # (class # (const nil :A) # (const nil :B) # (...) # NOTE: :prop and :method macros are defined at the bottom of this file handle :class do |name, inheritance, *body| if inheritance init = s(:def, :initialize, s(:args), s(:super)) else init = s(:def, :initialize, s(:args)) end body.compact! if body.length == 1 and body.first.type == :begin body = body.first.children.dup end body.compact!! do |m| if m.type == :def if m.children.first == :initialize # constructor: remove from body and overwrite init function init = m nil elsif m.children.first =~ /=/ # property setter sym = :"#{m.children.first.to_s[0..-2]}" s(:prop, s(:attr, name, :prototype), sym => {enumerable: s(:true), configurable: s(:true), set: s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), *m.children[1..-1])}) else if not m.is_method? # property getter s(:prop, s(:attr, name, :prototype), m.children.first => {enumerable: s(:true), configurable: s(:true), get: s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), m.children[1], s(:autoreturn, *m.children[2..-1]))}) else # method: add to prototype s(:method, s(:attr, name, :prototype), :"#{m.children[0].to_s.chomp('!')}=", s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), *m.children[1..-1])) end end elsif m.type == :defs and m.children.first == s(:self) if m.children[1] =~ /=$/ # class property setter s(:prop, name, m.children[1].to_s[0..-2] => {enumerable: s(:true), configurable: s(:true), set: s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), *m.children[2..-1])}) elsif m.children[2].children.length == 0 and m.children[1] !~ /!/ and m.loc and and[] != '(' # class property getter s(:prop, name, m.children[1].to_s => {enumerable: s(:true), configurable: s(:true), get: s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), m.children[2], s(:autoreturn, *m.children[3..-1]))}) else # class method definition: add to prototype s(:prototype, s(:send, name, "#{m.children[1]}=", s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), *m.children[2..-1]))) end elsif m.type == :send and m.children.first == nil if m.children[1] == :attr_accessor m.children[2..-1].map do |sym| var = sym.children.first s(:prop, s(:attr, name, :prototype), var => {enumerable: s(:true), configurable: s(:true), get: s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), s(:args), s(:return, s(:ivar, :"@#{var}"))), set: s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), s(:args, s(:arg, var)), s(:ivasgn, :"@#{var}", s(:lvar, var)))}) end elsif m.children[1] == :attr_reader m.children[2..-1].map do |sym| var = sym.children.first s(:prop, s(:attr, name, :prototype), var => {get: s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), s(:args), s(:return, s(:ivar, :"@#{var}"))), enumerable: s(:true), configurable: s(:true)}) end elsif m.children[1] == :attr_writer m.children[2..-1].map do |sym| var = sym.children.first s(:prop, s(:attr, name, :prototype), var => {set: s(:block, s(:send, nil, :proc), s(:args, s(:arg, var)), s(:ivasgn, :"@#{var}", s(:lvar, var))), enumerable: s(:true), configurable: s(:true)}) end else # class method call s(:send, name, *m.children[1..-1]) end elsif m.type == :block and m.children.first.children.first == nil # class method calls passing a block s(:block, s(:send, name, *m.children.first.children[1..-1]), *m.children[1..-1]) elsif [:send, :block].include? m.type # pass through method calls with non-nil targets m elsif m.type == :lvasgn # class variable s(:send, name, "#{m.children[0]}=", *m.children[1..-1]) elsif m.type == :cvasgn # class variable s(:send, name, "_#{m.children[0][2..-1]}=", *m.children[1..-1]) elsif m.type == :send and m.children[0].type == :cvar s(:send, s(:attr, name, "_#{m.children[0].children[0][2..-1]}"), *m.children[1..-1]) elsif m.type == :casgn and m.children[0] == nil # class constant s(:send, name, "#{m.children[1]}=", *m.children[2..-1]) else raise NotImplementedError, "class #{ m.type }" end end body.flatten! # merge property definitions combine_properties(body) if inheritance body.unshift s(:send, name, :prototype=, s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Object), :create, inheritance)), s(:send, s(:attr, name, :prototype), :constructor=, name) else body.compact! # look for first sequence of instance methods and properties methods = 0 start = 0 body.each do |node| if [:method, :prop].include? node.type and node.children[0].type == :attr and node.children[0].children[1] == :prototype methods += 1 elsif methods == 0 start += 1 else break end end # collapse sequence to a single assignment if methods > 1 or (methods == 1 and body[start].type == :prop) pairs = body[start...start+methods].map do |node| if node.type == :method s(:pair, s(:str, node.children[1].to_s.chomp('=')), node.children[2]) else node.children[1].map {|prop, descriptor| s(:pair, s(:prop, prop), descriptor)} end end body[start...start+methods] = s(:send, name, :prototype=, s(:hash, *pairs.flatten)) end end # prepend constructor body.unshift s(:constructor, parse(name), *init.children[1..-1]) begin # save class name class_name, @class_name = @class_name, name class_parent, @class_parent = @class_parent, inheritance # inhibit ivar substitution within a class definition. See ivars.rb ivars, self.ivars = self.ivars, nil parse s(:begin, *body.compact) ensure self.ivars = ivars @class_name = class_name @class_parent = class_parent end end # handle properties, methods, and constructors # @block_this and @block_depth are used by self # @instance_method is used by super and self handle :prop, :method, :constructor do |*args| begin instance_method, @instance_method = @instance_method, @ast @block_this, @block_depth = false, 0 if @ast.type == :prop obj, props = *args if props.length == 1 prop, descriptor = props.flatten parse s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Object), :defineProperty, obj, s(:sym, prop), s(:hash, * { |key, value| s(:pair, s(:sym, key), value) })) else parse s(:send, s(:const, nil, :Object), :defineProperties, obj, s(:hash, * {|prop, descriptor| s(:pair, s(:sym, prop), s(:hash, * {|key, value| s(:pair, s(:sym, key), value) }))})) end elsif @ast.type == :method parse s(:send, *args) else parse s(:def, *args) end ensure @instance_method = instance_method @block_this, @block_depth = nil, nil end end end end