require 'cucumber/messages.dtos' require 'json' # The code was auto-generated by {this script}[] # module Cucumber module Messages class Attachment ## # Returns a new Attachment from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Attachment.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? body: hash[:body], content_encoding: hash[:contentEncoding], file_name: hash[:fileName], media_type: hash[:mediaType], source: Source.from_h(hash[:source]), test_case_started_id: hash[:testCaseStartedId], test_step_id: hash[:testStepId], url: hash[:url], ) end end class Duration ## # Returns a new Duration from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Duration.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? seconds: hash[:seconds], nanos: hash[:nanos], ) end end class Envelope ## # Returns a new Envelope from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Envelope.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? attachment: Attachment.from_h(hash[:attachment]), gherkin_document: GherkinDocument.from_h(hash[:gherkinDocument]), hook: Hook.from_h(hash[:hook]), meta: Meta.from_h(hash[:meta]), parameter_type: ParameterType.from_h(hash[:parameterType]), parse_error: ParseError.from_h(hash[:parseError]), pickle: Pickle.from_h(hash[:pickle]), source: Source.from_h(hash[:source]), step_definition: StepDefinition.from_h(hash[:stepDefinition]), test_case: TestCase.from_h(hash[:testCase]), test_case_finished: TestCaseFinished.from_h(hash[:testCaseFinished]), test_case_started: TestCaseStarted.from_h(hash[:testCaseStarted]), test_run_finished: TestRunFinished.from_h(hash[:testRunFinished]), test_run_started: TestRunStarted.from_h(hash[:testRunStarted]), test_step_finished: TestStepFinished.from_h(hash[:testStepFinished]), test_step_started: TestStepStarted.from_h(hash[:testStepStarted]), undefined_parameter_type: UndefinedParameterType.from_h(hash[:undefinedParameterType]), ) end end class Exception ## # Returns a new Exception from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Exception.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? type: hash[:type], message: hash[:message], ) end end class GherkinDocument ## # Returns a new GherkinDocument from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::GherkinDocument.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? uri: hash[:uri], feature: Feature.from_h(hash[:feature]), comments: hash[:comments]&.map { |item| Comment.from_h(item) }, ) end end class Background ## # Returns a new Background from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Background.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), keyword: hash[:keyword], name: hash[:name], description: hash[:description], steps: hash[:steps]&.map { |item| Step.from_h(item) }, id: hash[:id], ) end end class Comment ## # Returns a new Comment from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Comment.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), text: hash[:text], ) end end class DataTable ## # Returns a new DataTable from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::DataTable.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), rows: hash[:rows]&.map { |item| TableRow.from_h(item) }, ) end end class DocString ## # Returns a new DocString from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::DocString.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), media_type: hash[:mediaType], content: hash[:content], delimiter: hash[:delimiter], ) end end class Examples ## # Returns a new Examples from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Examples.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), tags: hash[:tags]&.map { |item| Tag.from_h(item) }, keyword: hash[:keyword], name: hash[:name], description: hash[:description], table_header: TableRow.from_h(hash[:tableHeader]), table_body: hash[:tableBody]&.map { |item| TableRow.from_h(item) }, id: hash[:id], ) end end class Feature ## # Returns a new Feature from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Feature.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), tags: hash[:tags]&.map { |item| Tag.from_h(item) }, language: hash[:language], keyword: hash[:keyword], name: hash[:name], description: hash[:description], children: hash[:children]&.map { |item| FeatureChild.from_h(item) }, ) end end class FeatureChild ## # Returns a new FeatureChild from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::FeatureChild.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? rule: Rule.from_h(hash[:rule]), background: Background.from_h(hash[:background]), scenario: Scenario.from_h(hash[:scenario]), ) end end class Rule ## # Returns a new Rule from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Rule.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), tags: hash[:tags]&.map { |item| Tag.from_h(item) }, keyword: hash[:keyword], name: hash[:name], description: hash[:description], children: hash[:children]&.map { |item| RuleChild.from_h(item) }, id: hash[:id], ) end end class RuleChild ## # Returns a new RuleChild from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::RuleChild.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? background: Background.from_h(hash[:background]), scenario: Scenario.from_h(hash[:scenario]), ) end end class Scenario ## # Returns a new Scenario from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Scenario.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), tags: hash[:tags]&.map { |item| Tag.from_h(item) }, keyword: hash[:keyword], name: hash[:name], description: hash[:description], steps: hash[:steps]&.map { |item| Step.from_h(item) }, examples: hash[:examples]&.map { |item| Examples.from_h(item) }, id: hash[:id], ) end end class Step ## # Returns a new Step from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Step.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), keyword: hash[:keyword], keyword_type: hash[:keywordType], text: hash[:text], doc_string: DocString.from_h(hash[:docString]), data_table: DataTable.from_h(hash[:dataTable]), id: hash[:id], ) end end class TableCell ## # Returns a new TableCell from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TableCell.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), value: hash[:value], ) end end class TableRow ## # Returns a new TableRow from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TableRow.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), cells: hash[:cells]&.map { |item| TableCell.from_h(item) }, id: hash[:id], ) end end class Tag ## # Returns a new Tag from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Tag.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), name: hash[:name], id: hash[:id], ) end end class Hook ## # Returns a new Hook from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Hook.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? id: hash[:id], name: hash[:name], source_reference: SourceReference.from_h(hash[:sourceReference]), tag_expression: hash[:tagExpression], ) end end class Location ## # Returns a new Location from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Location.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? line: hash[:line], column: hash[:column], ) end end class Meta ## # Returns a new Meta from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Meta.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? protocol_version: hash[:protocolVersion], implementation: Product.from_h(hash[:implementation]), runtime: Product.from_h(hash[:runtime]), os: Product.from_h(hash[:os]), cpu: Product.from_h(hash[:cpu]), ci: Ci.from_h(hash[:ci]), ) end end class Ci ## # Returns a new Ci from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Ci.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? name: hash[:name], url: hash[:url], build_number: hash[:buildNumber], git: Git.from_h(hash[:git]), ) end end class Git ## # Returns a new Git from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Git.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? remote: hash[:remote], revision: hash[:revision], branch: hash[:branch], tag: hash[:tag], ) end end class Product ## # Returns a new Product from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Product.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? name: hash[:name], version: hash[:version], ) end end class ParameterType ## # Returns a new ParameterType from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::ParameterType.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? name: hash[:name], regular_expressions: hash[:regularExpressions], prefer_for_regular_expression_match: hash[:preferForRegularExpressionMatch], use_for_snippets: hash[:useForSnippets], id: hash[:id], source_reference: SourceReference.from_h(hash[:sourceReference]), ) end end class ParseError ## # Returns a new ParseError from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::ParseError.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? source: SourceReference.from_h(hash[:source]), message: hash[:message], ) end end class Pickle ## # Returns a new Pickle from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Pickle.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? id: hash[:id], uri: hash[:uri], name: hash[:name], language: hash[:language], steps: hash[:steps]&.map { |item| PickleStep.from_h(item) }, tags: hash[:tags]&.map { |item| PickleTag.from_h(item) }, ast_node_ids: hash[:astNodeIds], ) end end class PickleDocString ## # Returns a new PickleDocString from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::PickleDocString.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? media_type: hash[:mediaType], content: hash[:content], ) end end class PickleStep ## # Returns a new PickleStep from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::PickleStep.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? argument: PickleStepArgument.from_h(hash[:argument]), ast_node_ids: hash[:astNodeIds], id: hash[:id], type: hash[:type], text: hash[:text], ) end end class PickleStepArgument ## # Returns a new PickleStepArgument from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::PickleStepArgument.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? doc_string: PickleDocString.from_h(hash[:docString]), data_table: PickleTable.from_h(hash[:dataTable]), ) end end class PickleTable ## # Returns a new PickleTable from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::PickleTable.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? rows: hash[:rows]&.map { |item| PickleTableRow.from_h(item) }, ) end end class PickleTableCell ## # Returns a new PickleTableCell from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::PickleTableCell.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? value: hash[:value], ) end end class PickleTableRow ## # Returns a new PickleTableRow from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::PickleTableRow.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? cells: hash[:cells]&.map { |item| PickleTableCell.from_h(item) }, ) end end class PickleTag ## # Returns a new PickleTag from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::PickleTag.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? name: hash[:name], ast_node_id: hash[:astNodeId], ) end end class Source ## # Returns a new Source from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Source.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? uri: hash[:uri], data: hash[:data], media_type: hash[:mediaType], ) end end class SourceReference ## # Returns a new SourceReference from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::SourceReference.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? uri: hash[:uri], java_method: JavaMethod.from_h(hash[:javaMethod]), java_stack_trace_element: JavaStackTraceElement.from_h(hash[:javaStackTraceElement]), location: Location.from_h(hash[:location]), ) end end class JavaMethod ## # Returns a new JavaMethod from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::JavaMethod.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? class_name: hash[:className], method_name: hash[:methodName], method_parameter_types: hash[:methodParameterTypes], ) end end class JavaStackTraceElement ## # Returns a new JavaStackTraceElement from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::JavaStackTraceElement.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? class_name: hash[:className], file_name: hash[:fileName], method_name: hash[:methodName], ) end end class StepDefinition ## # Returns a new StepDefinition from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::StepDefinition.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? id: hash[:id], pattern: StepDefinitionPattern.from_h(hash[:pattern]), source_reference: SourceReference.from_h(hash[:sourceReference]), ) end end class StepDefinitionPattern ## # Returns a new StepDefinitionPattern from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::StepDefinitionPattern.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? source: hash[:source], type: hash[:type], ) end end class TestCase ## # Returns a new TestCase from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestCase.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? id: hash[:id], pickle_id: hash[:pickleId], test_steps: hash[:testSteps]&.map { |item| TestStep.from_h(item) }, ) end end class Group ## # Returns a new Group from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Group.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? children: hash[:children]&.map { |item| Group.from_h(item) }, start: hash[:start], value: hash[:value], ) end end class StepMatchArgument ## # Returns a new StepMatchArgument from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::StepMatchArgument.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? group: Group.from_h(hash[:group]), parameter_type_name: hash[:parameterTypeName], ) end end class StepMatchArgumentsList ## # Returns a new StepMatchArgumentsList from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::StepMatchArgumentsList.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? step_match_arguments: hash[:stepMatchArguments]&.map { |item| StepMatchArgument.from_h(item) }, ) end end class TestStep ## # Returns a new TestStep from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestStep.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? hook_id: hash[:hookId], id: hash[:id], pickle_step_id: hash[:pickleStepId], step_definition_ids: hash[:stepDefinitionIds], step_match_arguments_lists: hash[:stepMatchArgumentsLists]&.map { |item| StepMatchArgumentsList.from_h(item) }, ) end end class TestCaseFinished ## # Returns a new TestCaseFinished from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestCaseFinished.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? test_case_started_id: hash[:testCaseStartedId], timestamp: Timestamp.from_h(hash[:timestamp]), will_be_retried: hash[:willBeRetried], ) end end class TestCaseStarted ## # Returns a new TestCaseStarted from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestCaseStarted.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? attempt: hash[:attempt], id: hash[:id], test_case_id: hash[:testCaseId], worker_id: hash[:workerId], timestamp: Timestamp.from_h(hash[:timestamp]), ) end end class TestRunFinished ## # Returns a new TestRunFinished from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestRunFinished.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? message: hash[:message], success: hash[:success], timestamp: Timestamp.from_h(hash[:timestamp]), exception: Exception.from_h(hash[:exception]), ) end end class TestRunStarted ## # Returns a new TestRunStarted from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestRunStarted.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? timestamp: Timestamp.from_h(hash[:timestamp]), ) end end class TestStepFinished ## # Returns a new TestStepFinished from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestStepFinished.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? test_case_started_id: hash[:testCaseStartedId], test_step_id: hash[:testStepId], test_step_result: TestStepResult.from_h(hash[:testStepResult]), timestamp: Timestamp.from_h(hash[:timestamp]), ) end end class TestStepResult ## # Returns a new TestStepResult from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestStepResult.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? duration: Duration.from_h(hash[:duration]), message: hash[:message], status: hash[:status], exception: Exception.from_h(hash[:exception]), ) end end class TestStepStarted ## # Returns a new TestStepStarted from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::TestStepStarted.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? test_case_started_id: hash[:testCaseStartedId], test_step_id: hash[:testStepId], timestamp: Timestamp.from_h(hash[:timestamp]), ) end end class Timestamp ## # Returns a new Timestamp from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::Timestamp.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? seconds: hash[:seconds], nanos: hash[:nanos], ) end end class UndefinedParameterType ## # Returns a new UndefinedParameterType from the given hash. # If the hash keys are camelCased, they are properly assigned to the # corresponding snake_cased attributes. # # Cucumber::Messages::UndefinedParameterType.from_h(some_hash) # => # # def self.from_h(hash) return nil if hash.nil? expression: hash[:expression], name: hash[:name], ) end end end end