module Spree class ContentController < Spree::StoreController # Don't serve local files or static assets before_action { render_404 if params[:path] =~ /(\.|\\)/ } after_action :fire_visited_path, only: :show rescue_from ActionView::MissingTemplate, with: :render_404 respond_to :html def show ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-EOS, caller) ContentController#show is deprecated and will be removed in Spree 3.5 Please don't use dynamic render paths and just declare your actions in ContentController decorator, eg. routes.rb: get '/content/custom_page', to: 'content#custom_page', as: :custom_page controllers/spree/content_controller_decorator.rb: Spree::ContentController.class_eval do def custom_page end end change links from: spree.content_path('custom_page') to: spree.custom_page EOS render action: params[:path] end def cvv render layout: false end def fire_visited_path, params[:path]).activate end end end