# Replicator Ruby on Rails application generator used by the [Teleporter](http://teleporter.io) team, based on [thoughtbot/suspenders](https://github.com/thoughtbot/suspenders) ## Installation Installation is simple, just install the `replicator` gem: ```bash gem install replicator ``` ## Usage ```bash replicator appname ``` To get a list of options, type `replicator -h` ## Dependencies Depends on: - Ruby 2.0.0 or greater ## Issues If you have issues using Replicator, please create an [issue on Github](https://github.com/teleporter/replicator/issues). ## Credits Based heavily on [Thoughtbot's](http://thoughtbot.com) [suspenders gem](https://github.com/thoughtbot/suspenders). Modified to fit within [Teleporter](http://teleporter.io)'s workflow. ![Teleporter](http://f.cl.ly/items/2c0j3A311n1T3b201e0V/teleporter-400px-padded.png) ## License Licensed under the MIT license (see the `LICENSE` file).