require 'net/http' require 'rubygems' require 'json' namespace :rollbar do desc 'Send the deployment notification to Rollbar.' task :deploy do on primary fetch(:rollbar_role) do warn("You need to upgrade capistrano to '>= 3.1' version in order to correctly report deploys to Rollbar. (On 3.0, the reported revision will be incorrect.)") if Capistrano::VERSION =~ /^3\.0/ uri = URI.parse '' params = { :local_username => fetch(:rollbar_user), :access_token => fetch(:rollbar_token), :environment => fetch(:rollbar_env), :revision => fetch(:rollbar_revision) } debug "Building Rollbar POST to #{uri} with #{params.inspect}" request = request.body = ::JSON.dump(params) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, :use_ssl => true) do |http| http.request(request) end info 'Rollbar notification complete.' end end desc 'Upload sourcemaps to Rollbar.' task :sourcemap do on primary fetch(:rollbar_role) do info "Uploading source maps from #{fetch(:rollbar_sourcemaps_target_dir)}" warn("You need to upgrade capistrano to '>= 3.1' version in order to correctly upload sourcemaps to Rollbar. (On 3.0, the reported revision will be incorrect.)") if Capistrano::VERSION =~ /^3\.0/ url_base = fetch(:rollbar_sourcemaps_minified_url_base) unless url_base warn "No #{rollbar_sourcemaps_minified_url_base} was specified. Sourcemaps won't be uploaded." return end url_base = "http://#{url_base}" unless url_base.index(/https?:\/\//) within release_path do within 'public' do source_maps = capture(:find, '-name', "'*'").split("\n") source_maps = { |file| file.gsub(/^\.\//, '') } source_maps.each do |source_map| minified_url = File.join(url_base, source_map) execute(:curl, *%W( -F access_token=#{fetch(:rollbar_token)} -F version=#{fetch(:rollbar_revision)} -F minified_url=#{minified_url} -F source_map=@./#{source_map})) end end end end end end namespace :deploy do after 'deploy:compile_assets', 'rollbar:sourcemap' after 'deploy:finished', 'rollbar:deploy' end namespace :load do task :defaults do set :rollbar_user, { fetch :local_user, ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'] } set :rollbar_env, { fetch :rails_env, 'production' } set :rollbar_token, { abort "Please specify the Rollbar access token, set :rollbar_token, 'your token'" } set :rollbar_role, { :app } set :rollbar_revision, { fetch :current_revision } end end