Jekyll `flexible_include` Plugin [![Gem Version](]( =========== `Flexible_include` is a Jekyll plugin that includes the contents of a file or the result of a process into a generated page. `Flexible_include` is useful because Jekyll's built-in `include` tag only supports the including of files residing within the `_includes/` subfolder of a Jekyll project, and because `flexible_include` offers additional ways of including content. Originally called `include_absolute`, this plugin has been renamed to `flexible_include` because it no longer just includes absolute file names. This plugin is available as a [Ruby gem]( More information is available on my website about [my Jekyll plugins]( This plugin supports 4 types of includes: ### Include Types 1. Absolute filenames (recognized by filename paths that start with `/`). 2. Filenames relative to the top-level directory of the Jekyll web site (relative paths **do not** start with `.` or `/`). 3. Filenames relative to the user home directory (recognized by filename paths starting with `~/`). 4. Executable filenames on the `PATH` (recognized by filename paths that begin with `!`). In addition, filenames that require environment expansion because they contain a $ character are expanded according to the environment variables defined when jekyll build executes. ### Syntax: ``` {% flexible_include path [ do_not_escape='true' ] %} ``` The included file will escape characters <, { and } unless do_not_escape is specified with a value other than false. Note that the [square brackets] merely indicate an optional parameter and are not intended to be literally written. ### Additional Information More information is available on my web site about [my Jekyll plugins]( ## Installation Add the following to `Gemfile`, inside the `jekyll_plugins` group: ``` group :jekyll_plugins do gem 'jekyll_flexible_include', '~> 2.0.0' end ``` Also add it to `_config.yml`: ```yaml plugins: - flexible_include ``` And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install jekyll_flexible_include ## Examples 1. Include files without parameters; all four types of includes are shown. ``` {% flexible_include '../../folder/outside/jekyll/site/foo.html' %} {% flexible_include 'folder/within/jekyll/site/bar.js' %} {% flexible_include '/etc/passwd' %} {% flexible_include '~/.ssh/config' %} {% flexible_include '!jekyll' %} {% flexible_include '$HOME/.bash_aliases' %} ``` 2. Include a JSON file (without escaping characters). ``` {% flexible_include '~/folder/under/home/directory/foo.html' do_not_escape='true' %} ``` ## Additional Information More information is available on [Mike Slinn’s website]( ## GitHub Pages GitHub Pages only allows [these plugins]( That means `flexible_include` will not work on GitHub Pages. Following is a workaround. 1. Let's assume your git repository that you want to publish as GitHub Pages is called `mysite`. This repository cannot be the source of your GitHub Pages because you are using the `flexible_include` plugin. 2. Make a new git repository to hold the generated website. Let's call this git repository `generated_site`. 3. Generate `mysite` locally as usual. 4. Copy the generated HTML in the `mysite/_site/` directory to `generated_site`. 5. Run `git commit` on `generated_site`. 6. Tell GitHub that you want the `generated_site` repository to hold your GitHub pages. 7. A moment later, your website will now be visible as GitHub Pages, with the included content, just as you saw it locally. ## Known Issues If the plugin does not work: 1. Ensure `_config.yml` doesn't have `safe: true`. That prevents all plugins from working. 2. If you have version older than v2.x.x, delete the file `_plugins/flexible_include.rb` or you will have version conflicts. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. ### Build and Install Locally To build and install this gem onto your local machine, run: ```shell $ rake install:local ``` The following also does the same thing: ```shell $ bundle exec rake install ``` Examine the newly built gem: ```shell $ gem info jekyll_flexible_include *** LOCAL GEMS *** jekyll_flexible_include (1.0.0) Author: Mike Slinn Homepage: License: MIT Installed at: /home/mslinn/.gems Generates Jekyll logger with colored output. ``` ### Build and Push to RubyGems To release a new version, 1. Update the version number in `version.rb`. 2. Commit all changes to git; if you don't the next step might fail with an unexplainable error message. 3. Run the following: ```shell $ bundle exec rake release ``` The above creates a git tag for the version, commits the created tag, and pushes the new `.gem` file to []( ## Contributing 1. Fork the project 2. Create a descriptively named feature branch 3. Add your feature 4. Submit a pull request ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](