require_relative '../shared/io_helpers' require 'paint' module TTT class IOHelpers < Shared::IOHelpers def initial_instructions io.present_with_new_line(Paint["-" * 60 + "TIC TAC TOE" + "-" * 60, :blue, :bold, :bright, :underline]) io.present_with_new_line(Paint["INSTRUCTIONS: ", :green] + "Try to fill a row, a column, or a diagonal with only your token value.") io.present_with_new_line("-" * 131) io.present_with_new_line(Paint["Type ",:red] + Paint["\"Exit\" ", :red, :bold] + Paint["to quit the game.", :red]) io.present_with_new_line("_" * 131) end def no_winner_prompt(game) io.present_with_new_line(Paint["Draw! Please try again.", :red, :bold]) end def get_number_of_rows_cols_max_3 get_user_input("Please choose how many squares you would like in each row.", "Please choose number between 2 and 3.") do |input| input.to_i >=2 && input.to_i <=3 end end def get_number_of_rows_cols_max_9 get_user_input("Please choose how many squares you would like in each row.", "Please choose number between 2 and 3.") do |input| input.to_i >=2 && input.to_i <=9 end end def get_player_2_name user_choice = get_user_input("Player 2, please enter your name:", "Please re-enter your name, using only letters") do |input| input =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ end user_choice.capitalize end def get_player_value(player_name = "Player 1", taken_value = "") user_choice = get_user_input("#{player_name}, please enter your preferred token value, consisting of one letter only. For example, " + Paint["\"X\" ", :blue, :bold] + "and " + Paint["\"O\" ", :blue, :bold] + " are the most common token values in Tic Tac Toe.", "Invalid entry. Must be one letter. Please re-enter.") do |input| (input =~ /^[a-zA-Z]$/ && input.upcase != taken_value.upcase) end user_choice.upcase end # def get_player_2_name # user_choice = get_user_input("Player 2, please enter your name", "Please re-enter your name, using only letters") do |input| # input =~ /^[a-zA-Z]+$/ # end # user_choice.capitalize # end def get_player_2_type user_choice = get_user_input("Please enter " + Paint["\"C\" ", :blue, :bold] + "if you would like to play the Computer. Enter " + Paint["\"H\" ", :blue, :bold] + "if you would like to play the human sitting next to you:", "Invalid character. Please enter either C(Computer) or H(Human).") do |input| input == 'c' || input == 'C' || input == 'h' || input == 'H' end user_choice = user_choice.upcase if user_choice == "C" :computer elsif user_choice == "H" :human end end def get_computer_knowledge_level user_choice = get_user_input("Please enter " + Paint["\"E\" ", :blue, :bold] + "if you would like to play an easy Computer. Enter " + Paint["\"D\" ", :blue, :bold] +"if you would like to play an extremely difficult computer.", "Invalid character. Please enter either E (Easy) or D (Difficult).") do |input| input == 'd' || input == 'D' || input == 'e' || input == 'E' end user_choice = user_choice.upcase if user_choice == "D" :expert elsif user_choice == "E" :novice end end def get_player_choice(current_player_name, available_choices) get_user_input("#{current_player_name}, please enter the number of the square that you would like to change.", "Invalid entry. Please try again.") do |input| available_choices.include?(input) end end end end