require 'generators/extjs_scaffold' require 'rails/generators/resource_helpers' module ExtjsScaffold module Generators class ScaffoldControllerGenerator < Base include Rails::Generators::ResourceHelpers argument :attributes, :type => :array, :default => [], :banner => "field:type field:type" class_option :file_name, :desc => "Name of file used to hold Ext.application", :aliases => '-n', :default =>ExtjsScaffold::Generators::Base.rails_app_name class_option :app_name, :desc => "Name of app used in Ext.application", :aliases => '-a', :default => ExtjsScaffold::Generators::Base.rails_app_name class_option :orm, :desc => "ORM used to generate the controller" class_option :template_engine, :desc => "Template engine to generate view files" class_option :views, :type => :boolean, :default => true class_option :routes, :type => :boolean, :default => true class_option :pagination, :desc => "Rails pagination gem 'kaminari' or 'will_paginate'", :default => 'kaminari' class_option :reference_fields, :type => :hash, :desc => "Collection of fields to use for one table lookup: --reference_fields parent_table:field_name # Default: parent_table:name" class_option :test_framework, :desc => "Test framework to be invoked" # add class method 'search' to model def create_model_methods @pagination = options.pagination if File.exists?("#{destination_root}/app/models/#{singular_table_name}.rb") template "model.rb", "app/models/#{controller_file_name}_tmp.rb" f = "#{destination_root}/app/models/#{controller_file_name}_tmp.rb", "r" model_methods = # insert after belongs_to or inject refs ={|attr| attr.reference? }.collect{|a|} if refs.size > 0 insert_into_file "app/models/#{singular_table_name}.rb", model_methods, :after => "belongs_to :#{refs.last}" else inject_into_class "app/models/#{singular_table_name}.rb", singular_table_name.capitalize, model_methods end remove_file "app/models/#{controller_file_name}_tmp.rb" end end check_class_collision :suffix => "Controller" def create_controller_files template 'controller.rb', File.join('app/controllers', class_path, "#{controller_file_name}_controller.rb") end # create Extjs MVC structure def create_js_root_folder empty_directory File.join("app/assets/javascripts", "controller") empty_directory File.join("app/assets/javascripts", "model") empty_directory File.join("app/assets/javascripts", "store") empty_directory File.join("app/assets/javascripts", "view") # create Extjs controller view folder empty_directory File.join("app/assets/javascripts/view", singular_table_name) end # copy over controller js files def copy_js_files available_js.each do |name| filename = [name, :js].compact.join(".") case name when 'Controller' template "js/#{filename}", File.join("app/assets/javascripts/controller", "#{plural_table_name.capitalize}.js") when 'Model' template "js/#{filename}", File.join("app/assets/javascripts/model", "#{singular_table_name.capitalize}.js") when 'Store' template "js/#{filename}", File.join("app/assets/javascripts/store", "#{plural_table_name.capitalize}.js") else template "js/#{filename}", File.join("app/assets/javascripts/view", singular_table_name, filename) end end end # create stores for any reference lookup combos def create_reference_stores {|attr| attr.reference? }.each do |attribute| @reference_attribute = attribute filename = [reference_store, :js].compact.join(".") template "js/#{filename}", File.join("app/assets/javascripts/store", "#{singular_table_name.capitalize}#{}.js") end end def update_application_js app_init = "\n" app_init << " // #{plural_table_name.capitalize}: Initialize controller and create list grid \n" app_init << " if (undefined != Ext.get('#{plural_table_name}_list')) { \n" app_init << " var controller = this.getController('#{plural_table_name.capitalize}');\n" app_init << " controller.init();\n" app_init << " Ext.create('#{app_name}.view.#{singular_table_name}.Grid',{renderTo: Ext.getBody() });\n" app_init << " }\n" insert_into_file "app/assets/javascripts/#{app_file_name}", app_init, :after => "launch: function() {" end def add_resource_route return unless options[:routes] route_config = class_path.collect{|namespace| "namespace :#{namespace} do " }.join(" ") route_config << "resources :#{file_name.pluralize} do \n" route_config << " collection do \n" route_config << " post :destroy_all \n" route_config << " post :update_all \n" route_config << " end\n" route_config << " end" route_config << " end" * class_path.size route route_config end # copy view templates or hook to :template_engine def copy_view_files return unless options[:views] empty_directory File.join("app/views", controller_file_path) # accept haml or default to erb template = options[:template_engine] == 'haml' ? options[:template_engine] : 'erb' available_views.each do |view| filename = filename_with_extensions(view, :html, template) template "views/#{template}/#{filename}", File.join("app/views", controller_file_path, filename) end end def copy_test_files case options[:test_framework] when :rspec, 'rspec' template "tests/controller_spec.rb", File.join("spec/controllers", "#{controller_file_name}_controller_spec.rb") when :test_unit, 'test_unit' template "tests/controller_test.rb", File.join("test/functional", "#{controller_file_name}_controller_test.rb") end end protected def app_file_name [options.file_name, :js].compact.join(".") end def app_name options.app_name end def available_views %w(index) end def filename_with_extensions(name, prefix, suffix) [name, prefix, suffix].compact.join(".") end def available_js %w(Controller Model Store Grid EditForm EditWindow UpdateForm UpdateWindow) end def reference_store return 'ReferenceStore' end def reference_model return 'ReferenceModel' end def reference_field(attribute) if options.reference_fields && options.reference_fields[] options.reference_fields[] else 'name' end end def create_controller_model_list list = [] {|attr| attr.reference? }.each do |attribute| list << "'#{}'" end return list.join(',') end def create_controller_store_list list = [] {|attr| attr.reference? }.each do |attribute| list << "'#{singular_table_name.capitalize}#{}'" end return list.join(',') end def create_ext_record(attribute) if attribute.reference? return "name: '#{}_#{reference_field(attribute)}'" else case attribute.type.to_s when 'boolean' return "name: '#{}', type: 'bool'" when 'datetime', 'date' return "type: 'date', sortType: 'asDate', name: '#{}', dateFormat: 'c'" else return "name: '#{}'" end end end def create_ext_column(attribute) if attribute.reference? return "dataIndex: '#{}_#{reference_field(attribute)}', header: '#{}', width: 120, sortable: true" else case attribute.type.to_s when 'boolean' return "dataIndex: '#{}', header: '#{}', width: 80, renderer: #{app_name}.util.Format.booleanRenderer(), sortable: true" when 'datetime', 'date' return "dataIndex: '#{}', header: '#{}', width: 100, renderer: #{app_name}.util.Format.dateRenderer(), sortable: true" else return "dataIndex: '#{}', header: '#{}', width: 120, sortable: true" end end end def create_ext_formfield(attribute) if attribute.reference? return "{ id: '#{}_#{reference_field(attribute)}', fieldLabel: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}_id', store: #{app_name}.store.#{singular_table_name.capitalize}#{}, displayField:'#{reference_field(attribute)}', emptyText: 'type at least 2 characters from #{reference_field(attribute)}', xtype: 'parentcombo'}" else case attribute.type.to_s when 'boolean' return "{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', fieldLabel: '#{}?', width: 120, xtype: 'checkbox'}" when 'date' return "{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', fieldLabel: '#{}', width: 250, xtype: 'datefield'}" when 'text' return "{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', fieldLabel: '#{}', width: 500, height: 200, xtype: 'textarea'}" when 'integer' return "{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', fieldLabel: '#{}', width: 250, xtype: 'numberfield', allowDecimals: false}" when 'decimal' return "{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', fieldLabel: '#{}', width: 250, xtype: 'numberfield', allowDecimals: true}" else return "{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', fieldLabel: '#{}', width: 500, xtype: 'textfield'}" end end end def create_ext_updateformfield(attribute) # build field container with disable checkbox field = "{ xtype: 'fieldcontainer', fieldLabel: '#{field_label(attribute)}', layout: 'hbox', width: #{updatefield_width(attribute)}, combineErrors: true, items:[ { xtype: 'displayfield', hideLabel: true, value: 'Enable'} ,{ xtype: 'checkboxfield', width: 20, hideLabel: true, style: 'margin-left: 5px'} " if attribute.reference? field += ",{ id: '#{}_#{reference_field(attribute)}', hideLabel: true, name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}_id', store: #{app_name}.store.#{singular_table_name.capitalize}#{}, displayField:'#{reference_field(attribute)}', emptyText: 'type at least 2 characters from #{reference_field(attribute)}', flex: 1, disabled: true, xtype: 'parentcombo'}" else case attribute.type.to_s when 'boolean' field += ",{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', hideLabel: true, width: 120, flex: 1, disabled: true, xtype: 'checkbox'}" when 'date' field += ",{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', hideLabel: true, width: 250, flex: 1, disabled: true, xtype: 'datefield'}" when 'text' field += ",{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', hideLabel: true, width: 500, height: 200, flex: 1, disabled: true, xtype: 'textarea'}" when 'integer' field += ",{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', hideLabel: true, width: 250, flex: 1, disabled: true, xtype: 'numberfield', allowDecimals: false}" when 'decimal' field += ",{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', hideLabel: true, width: 250, flex: 1, disabled: true, xtype: 'numberfield', allowDecimals: true}" else field += ",{id: '#{}', name: '[#{singular_table_name}]#{}', hideLabel: true, width: 500, flex: 1, disabled: true, xtype: 'textfield'}" end end field += " ] } " return field end def field_label(attribute) return attribute.type.to_s == 'boolean' ? "#{}?" : end def updatefield_width(attribute) return %w(boolean date integer).include?(attribute.type.to_s) ? 275 : 575 end end end end