module Railsthemes class Ensurer extend Railsthemes::Logging @@already_checked = false # checks if we can cleanly install into the current working directory def self.ensure_clean_install_possible options = {} return if @@already_checked unless options[:force] ensure_in_rails_root ensure_bundle_is_up_to_date ensure_railsthemes_is_not_in_gemfile ensure_vcs_is_clean ensure_rails_version_is_valid ensure_installer_is_up_to_date(options[:server]) if options[:server] @@already_checked = true end def self.ensure_in_rails_root unless'app') &&'public') Safe.log_and_abort 'Must be in the Rails root directory to use this gem.' end end def self.ensure_vcs_is_clean logger.warn "Checking version control..." result = '' variety = '' if'.git') variety = 'Git' result = Safe.system_call('git status -s') elsif'.hg') variety = 'Mercurial' result = Safe.system_call('hg status') elsif'.svn') variety = 'Subversion' result = Safe.system_call('svn status') end unless result.size == 0 Safe.log_and_abort <<-EOS #{variety} reports that you have the following pending changes: #{result} Please roll back or commit the changes before proceeding to ensure that you can roll back after installing if you want. EOS end logger.warn "Done checking version control." end def self.ensure_rails_version_is_valid unless File.exists?('Gemfile.lock') &&'3.1') <= Railsthemes::GemfileUtils.rails_version ask_to_install_unsupported end end def self.ensure_installer_is_up_to_date server logger.warn "Checking installer version..." url = server + '/installer/version' logger.debug "installer version url: #{url}" begin response = Utils.get_url url rescue SocketError => e logger.debug e.message logger.debug e.backtrace * "\n" Safe.log_and_abort 'We could not reach the RailsThemes server to download the theme. Please check your internet connection and try again.' rescue Exception => e logger.debug e.message logger.debug e.backtrace * "\n" end if response && response.code.to_s == '200' server_recommended_version_string = response.body server_recommended_version = local_installer_version = if server_recommended_version > local_installer_version Safe.log_and_abort <<-EOS Your version is older than the recommended version. Your version: #{Railsthemes::VERSION} Recommended version: #{server_recommended_version_string} EOS else logger.debug "server recommended version: #{server_recommended_version_string}" end else logger.debug 'Got an error' logger.debug response Safe.log_and_abort 'There was an issue checking your installer version.' end logger.warn "Done checking installer version." end def self.ask_to_install_unsupported logger.warn "WARNING\n" if File.exists?('Gemfile.lock') logger.warn <<-EOS Your Gemfile.lock file indicates that you are using a version of Rails that is not officially supported by RailsThemes. EOS else logger.warn <<-EOS We could not find a Gemfile.lock file in this directory. This could indicate that you are not in a Rails application, or that you are not using Bundler (which probably means that you are using a version of Rails that is not officially supported by RailsThemes.) EOS end logger.warn <<-EOS While Rails applications that are less than version 3.1 are not officially supported, you can try installing anyway, or can stop. If you cancel the install before downloading, we can refund your purchase. If you install, we cannot guarantee that RailsThemes will work for your app. You may have to do some custom changes, which might be as easy as copying files, but which may be more complicated. EOS unless Safe.yes? 'Do you still wish to install the theme? [y/N]' Safe.log_and_abort 'Halting.' end end def self.ensure_bundle_is_up_to_date logger.warn "Checking bundle..." result = Safe.system_call('bundle check') if result !~ /The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied/ Safe.log_and_abort <<-EOS Running `bundle check` resulted in the following issues: #{result} Please run `bundle` and try installing again. EOS end logger.warn "Done checking bundle." end def self.ensure_railsthemes_is_not_in_gemfile gemfile_contents = nil gemfile_contents ||= Utils.read_file('Gemfile.lock') specs = Utils.gemspecs(gemfile_contents) if specs.any? { |x| == 'railsthemes' } Safe.log_and_abort "You should not install the railsthemes installer in your Gemfile.\nPlease remove and try again." end end end end