4.7.0 ----- Reduced the RSpec dependencies to rspec-core and rspec-expectations. 4.6.0 ----- Added `# frozen_string_literal: true` to all ruby files using `rubocop -a`, in order to prepare for Ruby 3, and to reduce memory use. 4.5.0 ----- Removed the Excon dependency entirely. 4.4.3 ----- Changed the Google PageSpeed Insights threshold to 85, the value for "performing well": https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/about 4.4.2 ----- Bug fix for `http://cars.com`. Using net-http now for most operations. Excon would return a redirect to `https://cars.com:80`, which would lock up and never return. Not sure what exactly triggered this, but switching adapters solved it. 4.4.1 ----- Reduced the timeouts to 5 seconds. 4.4.0 ----- Support for hosts which don't allow the `HEAD` method. This seems to be the case with some Google App Engine apps.