require 'ridley' require 'semverse' require 'minimart/web/markdown_parser' require 'minimart/web/template_helper' require 'minimart/utils/file_helper' module Minimart # An object wrapper to get information about a cookbook. class Cookbook include Web::TemplateHelper # Generate a new Minimart::Cookbook from a path # @param [String] path The path to the cookbook directory # @return [Minimart::Cookbook] def self.from_path(path) path = Minimart::Utils::FileHelper.cookbook_path_in_directory(path) new (Ridley::Chef::Cookbook.from_path(path)) end # @param [Ridley::Chef::Cookbook] raw_cookbook def initialize(raw_cookbook) @raw_cookbook = raw_cookbook end # Get the name of the cookbook # @return [String] def name raw_cookbook.cookbook_name end # Get the version of the cookbook # @return [String] def version raw_cookbook.version end # Return a the cookbook name, and version number separated by a dash # @return [String] def to_s end # Get a short description of the cookbook. # @return [String] def description metadata.description end # Get the maintainer of the cookbook # @return [String] def maintainer metadata.maintainer end # Get the source url of the cookbook # @return [String] def source_url metadata.source_url end # Get the issues url of the cookbook # @return [String] def issues_url metadata.issues_url end # Get the path to the cookbook on the file system # @return [String] def path raw_cookbook.path end # Get a URL friendly version of the cookbook version # @return [String] def web_friendly_version version.gsub('.', '_') end # Get any dependencies that this cookbook may have # @return [Hash] cookbook_name => version_requirement def dependencies metadata.dependencies end # Get a list of platforms this cookbook can run on # @return [Array<String>] def platforms metadata.platforms.keys end # Get the path to the README file if one is available # @return [String] def readme_file @readme_file ||= find_file('readme') end # Get the path to the CHANGELOG file if one is available # @return [String] def changelog_file @changelog_file ||= find_file('changelog') end # Get the parsed Markdown content of the README # @return [String] def readme_content @readme_content ||= Web::MarkdownParser.parse(readme_file) if readme_file end # Get the parsed Markdown content of the CHANGELOG # @return [String] def changelog_content @changelog_content ||= Web::MarkdownParser.parse(changelog_file) if changelog_file end def to_hash { name: name, version: version, description: description, maintainer: maintainer, download_url: cookbook_download_path(self), url: cookbook_path(self), downloaded_at: downloaded_at, download_date: download_date, platforms: normalized_platforms, source_url: source_url, issues_url: issues_url } end def to_json(opts = {}) to_hash.to_json end # Get the time at which this cookbook was downloaded by Minimart. # @return [Time] def downloaded_at download_metadata.downloaded_at end # Get a human friendly downlaod date of this cookbook (ex. January 1st, 2015) # @return [String] def download_date return unless downloaded_at downloaded_at.strftime('%B %d, %Y') end def <=>(other) <=> end def satisfies_requirement?(constraint) end def normalized_platforms return {'question' => 'Not Specified'} if platforms.nil? || platforms.empty? platforms.inject({}) do |memo, platform| memo[platform_icon(platform)] = platform.capitalize memo end end # Get any metadata about how this cookbook was downloaded. # @return [Minimart::Mirror::DownloadMetadata] def download_metadata @download_metadata ||= end protected attr_reader :raw_cookbook def metadata raw_cookbook.metadata end def find_file(name) Dir.glob(File.join(path, '*')).find do |file| File.basename(file, File.extname(file)) =~ /\A#{name}\z/i end end end end