After do |s| begin @connection && @connection.stop rescue Exception => ex end begin @broker && @broker.force_stop rescue Exception => ex end end Given /^a (\d+\.\d+)?\s*connection between client and broker$/ do |version| version ||= '1.0' @broker_uri_string = "stomp:///" @broker_uri = URI.parse(@broker_uri_string) @broker = @broker.start @connection = @received_frames = [] @sent_frames = [] @connection.before_transmitting do |f, c| @sent_frames << f end @connection.after_receiving do |f, c| @received_frames << f end @connection.start end When /^the frame exchange is completed$/ do @connection.disconnect(:receipt => 'TERMINATE_POLITELY_12345') @connection.stop @broker.stop end When /^the frame exchange is completed without client disconnect$/ do @connection.stop @broker.stop end When /^a connection is created from the broker's URI$/ do #@connection = end When /^a connection is created from the broker's URI string$/ do @connection = end When /^the connection is told to connect$/ do @connection.connect end When /^the client protocol version is "([^"]*)"$/ do |arg1| @connection.versions = arg1.split(",") end Then /^the connection should be connected$/ do @connection.connected?.should be_true end Then /^the connection should be using the (\d+\.\d+) protocol$/ do |version| @connection.version.should == version end Then /^connecting should raise an unsupported protocol version error$/ do lambda { @connection.connect }.should raise_error(Stomper::Errors::UnsupportedProtocolVersionError) end Then /^the (connection|client) should not be connected$/ do |arbitrary_name| @connection.connected?.should be_false end Then /^connecting should raise an connect failed error$/ do lambda { @connection.connect }.should raise_error(Stomper::Errors::ConnectFailedError) end Then /^the client should have received an? "([^"]*)" frame with headers$/ do |command, table| headers = table_to_headers table @received_frames.any? do |f| f.command == command && headers.all? { |(k,v)| headers[k] == f[k] } end.should be_true end When /^the client waits for (\d+) "([^"]*)" frames?$/ do |count, command| count = count.to_i Thread.pass while { |f| f.command == command }.size < count end Given /^an established connection$/ do @connection.connect end When /^the client disconnects$/ do @connection.disconnect @broker.stop end Then /^after (\d+\.\d+) seconds, the receiver should no longer be running$/ do |sleep_for| sleep sleep_for.to_f @connection.running?.should be_false end When /^a connection is created for the SSL broker$/ do @connection ="stomp+ssl:///") end When /^the broker's host is "([^"]*)"$/ do |hostname| = hostname end When /^no SSL verification is performed$/ do @connection.ssl[:verify_mode] = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end When /^SSL verification is performed$/ do @connection.ssl[:verify_mode] = ::OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER | ::OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT end When /^an SSL post connection check is performed on "([^"]*)"$/ do |host| @connection.ssl[:post_connection_check] = host end Then /^connecting should raise an openssl error$/ do lambda { @connection.connect }.should raise_error(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) # It is problematic that this is needed... @broker.stop end When /^an SSL post connection check is not performed$/ do @connection.ssl[:post_connection_check] = false end When /^the broker's certificate is verified by CA$/ do @connection.ssl[:ca_file] = File.expand_path('../../support/ssl/demoCA/cacert.pem', __FILE__) end When /^the client's certificate and key are specified$/ do @connection.ssl[:cert] ='../../support/ssl/client_cert.pem', __FILE__))) @connection.ssl[:key] ='../../support/ssl/client_key.pem', __FILE__))) end