require 'spec_helper' require 'launchy' require 'applescript' require 'redpomo/cli' require 'fileutils' describe Redpomo::CLI do let(:todo_path) { file ='tasks.txt'), 'w') file.write read_fixture("tasks.txt") file.close file.path } let(:config_path) { config = YAML::load_file fixture("config.yml") config["todo"] = todo_path file ='config.yml'), 'w') file.write config.to_yaml file.close file.path } describe "push LOG" do it "pushes the specified timelog to remote trackers" do VCR.use_cassette('cli_push') do cli_redpomo "push #{fixture("timelog.csv")}" out.strip.should == "Pushed 2 time entries" end end end describe "push -n LOG" do it "pushes the specified timelog to remote trackers" do VCR.use_cassette('cli_push') do cli_redpomo "push -n #{fixture("timelog.csv")}" out.should == read_fixture("printer_output.txt") end end end describe "start ISSUE" do it "starts the specified issue on" do AppleScript.expects(:execute).with('tell application "Pomodoro" to start "Make screenshot #838 @cantiere"') cli_redpomo "start 1" end end describe "open ISSUE" do it "shows the specified issue on the browser" do Launchy.expects(:open).with('') cli_redpomo "open 1" end end describe "close ISSUE" do it "closes issue on remote tracker and marks current task as done" do VCR.use_cassette('cli_close') do cli_redpomo "close 2 -m bar" == read_fixture("close_results.txt") out.strip.should == 'Issue updated, see it at' end end end describe "pull" do it "fetches all the trackers and converts the issues in todo tasks" do VCR.use_cassette('cli_pull') do cli_redpomo "pull" == read_fixture("pull_results.txt") end end end describe "add" do it "creates a new task, adds it the list, and pushes it to the tracker" do VCR.use_cassette('cli_add') do cli_redpomo ["add", "foobar +olasagasti @welaika"] == read_fixture("add_results.txt") out.strip.should == 'Issue created, see it at' end end end after(:each) do File.unlink(todo_path) File.unlink(config_path) end end