module Parliament module NTriple # Namespace for helper methods used with parliament-ruby. # # @since 0.6.0 module Utils # Sort an Array of Objects in ascending order. The major difference between this implementation of sort_by and the # standard one is that our implementation includes objects that return nil for our parameter values. # # @see Parliament::NTriple::Utils.reverse_sort_by # # @example Sorting a list of objects by date # response = parliament.people('123').get.filter('') # # objects = response.first.incumbencies # # args = { # list: objects, # parameters: [:endDate], # prepend_rejected: false # } # # sorted_list = Parliament::NTriple::Util.sort_by(args) # # sorted_list.each { |incumbency| puts incumbency.respond_to?(:endDate) ? incumbency.endDate : 'Current' } # # - 1981-07-31 # # - 1991-03-15 # # - 1997-01-01 # # - 2011-09-04 # # - Current # # @param [Hash] args a hash of arguments. # @option args [Array<Object>] :list the 'list' which we are sorting. # @option args [Array<Symbol>] :parameters an array of parameters we are sorting by. # @option args [Boolean] :prepend_rejected (true) should objects that do not respond to our parameters be prepended? # # @return [Array<Object>] a sorted array of objects using the args passed in. def self.sort_by(args) rejected = [] args = sort_defaults.merge(args) list = args[:list].dup parameters = args[:parameters] list, rejected = prune_list(list, rejected, parameters) list = sort_list(list, parameters) # Any rejected (nil) values will be added to the start of the result unless specified otherwise args[:prepend_rejected] ? rejected.concat(list) : list.concat(rejected) end # Sort an Array of Objects in descending order. Largely, this implementation runs Parliament::NTriple::Utils.sort_by and # calls reverse! on the result. # # @see Parliament::NTriple::Utils.sort_by # # @example Sorting a list of objects by date # response = parliament.people('123').get.filter('') # # objects = response.first.incumbencies # # args = { # list: objects, # parameters: [:endDate], # prepend_rejected: false # } # # sorted_list = Parliament::NTriple::Util.reverse_sort_by(args) # # sorted_list.each { |incumbency| puts incumbency.respond_to?(:endDate) ? incumbency.endDate : 'Current' } # # - Current # # - 2011-09-04 # # - 1997-01-01 # # - 1991-03-15 # # - 1981-07-31 # # @param [Hash] args a hash of arguments. # @option args [Array<Object>] :list the 'list' which we are sorting. # @option args [Array<Symbol>] :parameters an array of parameters we are sorting by. # @option args [Boolean] :prepend_rejected (true) should objects that do not respond to our parameters be prepended? # # @return [Array<Object>] a sorted array of objects using the args passed in. def self.reverse_sort_by(args) Parliament::NTriple::Utils.sort_by(args).reverse! end # Default arguments hash for #sort_by and #reverse_sort_by. # # @see Parliament::NTriple::Utils.sort_by # @see Parliament::NTriple::Utils.reverse_sort_by # # @return [Hash] default arguments used in sorting methods. def self.sort_defaults { prepend_rejected: true } end # Sort an array of objects in ascending or descending order. # # @example Sorting a list objects by count (descending) and name (ascending) # response = parliament.houses('123').parties.current.get.filter('') # # args = { # list: response.nodes, # parameters: { count: :desc, name: :asc } # } # # sorted_list = Parliament::NTriple::Util.multi_direction_sort(args) # # sorted_list.each{ |party| p "#{} - #{party.count}" } # # - Conservative - 220 # # - Labour - 220 # # - Green Party - 1 # # - Independent Liberal Democrat - 1 # # - Plaid Cymru - 1 # # @param [Hash] args a hash of arguments. # @option args [Array<Object>] :list the 'list' which we are sorting. # @option args [Hash<Symbol>,<Symbol>] :parameters a hash of parameters to sort by as keys and the sort direction as values. # @option args [Boolean] :prepend_rejected (true) should objects that do not respond to our parameters be prepended? # # @return [Array<Object>] a sorted array of objects using the args passed in. def self.multi_direction_sort(args) rejected = [] args = sort_defaults.merge(args) list = args[:list].dup sort_directions = args[:parameters] list, rejected = prune_list(list, rejected, sort_directions.keys) list = multi_sort_list(list, sort_directions) # Any rejected (nil) values will be added to the start of the result unless specified otherwise args[:prepend_rejected] ? rejected.concat(list) : list.concat(rejected) end # @!method self.prune_list(list, rejected, parameters) # Prune all objects that do not respond to a given array of parameters. # # @private # @!scope class # @!visibility private # # @param [Array<Object>] list the 'list' of objects we are pruning from. # @param [Array<Object>] rejected the objects we have pruned from list. # @param [Array<Symbol>] parameters an array of parameters we are checking. # # @return [Array<Array<Object>, Array<Object>>] an array containing first, the pruned list and secondly, the rejected list. private_class_method def self.prune_list(list, rejected, parameters) list.delete_if do |object| rejected << object unless parameters.all? { |param| !object.send(param).nil? if object.respond_to?(param) } end [list, rejected] end # @!method self.sort_list(list, parameters) # Sort a given list of objects by a list of parameters. # # @private # @!scope class # @!visibility private # # @param [Array<Object>] list the 'list' of objects we are pruning from. # @param [Array<Symbol>] parameters a hash of parameters to sort by as keys and the sort direction as values. # # @return [Array<Object>] our sorted list. private_class_method def self.sort_list(list, parameters) list.sort_by! do |object| do |param| object.send(param).is_a?(String) ? I18n.transliterate(object.send(param)).downcase : object.send(param) end end end # @!method self.multi_sort_list(list, sort_directions) # Sort a given list of objects by a list of parameters and their sort directions. # # @private # @!scope class # @!visibility private # # @param [Array<Object>] list the 'list' of objects we are pruning from. # @param [Hash<Symbol>,<Symbol>] parameters an array of parameters we are checking. # # @return [Array<Object>] our sorted list. private_class_method def self.multi_sort_list(list, sort_directions) directions_hash = { asc: 1, desc: -1 } list.sort do |obj1, obj2| sort_values = do |method_name, direction| directions_hash[direction] * (obj1.send(method_name) <=> obj2.send(method_name)) end sort_values.find { |value| value != 0 } || 0 end end end end end