# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*- class Card; module Set; class All # Set: All cards (History) # module History; extend Card::Set def self.source_location; "/Users/ezl5238/dev/decko/gem/mod/history/set/all/history.rb"; end event :update_ancestor_timestamps, :integrate do ids = history_ancestor_ids return unless ids.present? Card.where(id: ids).update_all(updater_id: Auth.current_id, updated_at: Time.now) ids.map { |anc_id| Card.expire anc_id.cardname } end # track history (acts, actions, changes) on this card def history? true end # all cards whose acts are considered part of this card's history def history_card_ids nestee_ids << id end # all cards who are considered updated if this card's was updated def history_parent_ids nester_ids end def history_ancestor_ids recursion_level=0 return [] if recursion_level > 5 ids = history_parent_ids + history_parent_ids.map { |id| Card[id].history_ancestor_ids(recursion_level + 1) } ids.flatten end # ~~FIXME~~: optimize (no need to instantiate all actions and changes!) # Nothing is instantiated here. ActiveRecord is much smarter than you think. # Methods like #empty? and #size make sql queries if their receivers are not already # loaded -pk def first_change? # = update or delete @current_action.action_type != :create && action_count == 2 && create_action.card_changes.empty? end def first_create? @current_action.action_type == :create && action_count == 1 end def action_count Card::Action.where(card_id: @current_action.card_id).count end # card has account that is responsible for prior acts def has_edits? Card::Act.where(actor_id: id).where("card_id IS NOT NULL").present? end def changed_fields Card::Change::TRACKED_FIELDS & (changed_attribute_names_to_save | saved_changes.keys) end def nestee_ids requiring_id { @nestee_ids ||= nesting_ids(:referee_id, :referer_id) } end def nester_ids requiring_id { @nester_ids ||= nesting_ids(:referer_id, :referee_id) } end def diff_args { diff_format: :text } end # Delete all changes and old actions and make the last action the create action # (that way the changes for that action will be created with the first update) def make_last_action_the_initial_action delete_all_changes old_actions.delete_all last_action.update! action_type: :create end def clear_history delete_all_changes delete_old_actions end def delete_old_actions old_actions.delete_all end def delete_all_changes Card::Change.where(card_action_id: all_action_ids).delete_all end def save_content_draft content super acts.create do |act| act.ar_actions.build(draft: true, card_id: id, action_type: :update) .card_changes.build(field: :db_content, value: content) end end private def nesting_ids return_field, where_field Card::Reference.select(return_field).distinct.where( ref_type: "I", where_field => id ).pluck(return_field).compact end def requiring_id id ? yield : (return []) end end;end;end;end; # ~~ generated from /Users/ezl5238/dev/decko/gem/mod/history/set/all/history.rb ~~