require 'td/command/options' module TreasureData module Command include Options def sched_list(op) require 'td/command/job' # job_priority_name_of set_render_format_option(op) op.cmd_parse client = get_client scheds = client.schedules rows = [] scheds.each {|sched| rows << {:Name =>, :Cron => sched.cron, :Timezone => sched.timezone, :Delay => sched.delay, :Priority => job_priority_name_of(sched.priority), :Result => sched.result_url, :Database => sched.database, :Query => sched.query, :"Next schedule" => sched.next_time ? sched.next_time.localtime : nil} } rows = rows.sort_by {|map| map[:Name] } $stdout.puts cmd_render_table(rows, :fields => [:Name, :Cron, :Timezone, :"Next schedule", :Delay, :Priority, :Result, :Database, :Query], :max_width=>500, :render_format => op.render_format) end def sched_create(op) require 'td/command/job' # job_priority_id_of db_name = nil timezone = nil delay = 0 result_url = nil result_user = nil result_ask_password = false priority = nil query = nil retry_limit = nil type = nil engine_version = nil op.on('-d', '--database DB_NAME', 'use the database (required)') {|s| db_name = s } op.on('-t', '--timezone TZ', "name of the timezone.", " Only extended timezones like 'Asia/Tokyo', 'America/Los_Angeles' are supported,", " (no 'PST', 'PDT', etc...).", " When a timezone is specified, the cron schedule is referred to that timezone.", " Otherwise, the cron schedule is referred to the UTC timezone.", " E.g. cron schedule '0 12 * * *' will execute daily at 5 AM without timezone option", " and at 12PM with the -t / --timezone 'America/Los_Angeles' timezone option") {|s| timezone = s } op.on('-D', '--delay SECONDS', 'delay time of the schedule', Integer) {|i| delay = i } op.on('-r', '--result RESULT_URL', 'write result to the URL (see also result:create subcommand)') {|s| result_url = s } op.on('-u', '--user NAME', 'set user name for the result URL') {|s| result_user = s } op.on('-p', '--password', 'ask password for the result URL') {|s| result_ask_password = true } op.on('-P', '--priority PRIORITY', 'set priority') {|s| priority = job_priority_id_of(s) unless priority raise "unknown priority #{s.inspect} should be -2 (very-low), -1 (low), 0 (normal), 1 (high) or 2 (very-high)" end } op.on('-q', '--query PATH', 'use file instead of inline query') {|s| query = { |f| } } op.on('-R', '--retry COUNT', 'automatic retrying count', Integer) {|i| retry_limit = i } op.on('-T', '--type TYPE', 'set query type (hive)') {|s| type = s } op.on('--engine-version ENGINE_VERSION', 'EXPERIMENTAL: specify query engine version by name') {|s| engine_version = s } name, cron, sql = op.cmd_parse unless db_name $stderr.puts "-d, --database DB_NAME option is required." exit 1 end if sql == '-' sql = elsif sql.nil? sql = query end unless sql $stderr.puts " argument or -q,--query PATH option is required." exit 1 end if result_url require 'td/command/result' result_url = build_result_url(result_url, result_user, result_ask_password) end client = get_client # local existence check get_database(client, db_name) begin first_time = client.create_schedule(name, :cron=>cron, :query=>sql, :database=>db_name, :result=>result_url, :timezone=>timezone, :delay=>delay, :priority=>priority, :retry_limit=>retry_limit, :type=>type, :engine_version=>engine_version) rescue AlreadyExistsError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{name}' already exists." exit 1 end if first_time $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{name}' is created. It starts at #{first_time.localtime}." else $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{name}' is created, which never runs." end end def sched_delete(op) name = op.cmd_parse client = get_client begin client.delete_schedule(name) rescue NotFoundError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} " + Config.cl_options_string + "sched:list' to show list of the schedules." exit 1 end $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{name}' is deleted." end def sched_update(op) require 'td/command/job' # job_priority_id_of newname = nil cron = nil sql = nil db_name = nil result = nil timezone = nil delay = nil priority = nil retry_limit = nil type = nil engine_version = nil op.on('-n', '--newname NAME', 'change the schedule\'s name') {|n| newname = n } op.on('-s', '--schedule CRON', 'change the schedule') {|s| cron = s } op.on('-q', '--query SQL', 'change the query') {|s| sql = s } op.on('-d', '--database DB_NAME', 'change the database') {|s| db_name = s } op.on('-r', '--result RESULT_URL', 'change the result target (see also result:create subcommand)') {|s| result = s } op.on('-t', '--timezone TZ', "name of the timezone.", " Only extended timezones like 'Asia/Tokyo', 'America/Los_Angeles' are supported,", " (no 'PST', 'PDT', etc...).", " When a timezone is specified, the cron schedule is referred to that timezone.", " Otherwise, the cron schedule is referred to the UTC timezone.", " E.g. cron schedule '0 12 * * *' will execute daily at 5 AM without timezone option", " and at 12PM with the -t / --timezone 'America/Los_Angeles' timezone option") {|s| timezone = s } op.on('-D', '--delay SECONDS', 'change the delay time of the schedule', Integer) {|i| delay = i } op.on('-P', '--priority PRIORITY', 'set priority') {|s| priority = job_priority_id_of(s) unless priority raise "unknown priority #{s.inspect} should be -2 (very-low), -1 (low), 0 (normal), 1 (high) or 2 (very-high)" end } op.on('-R', '--retry COUNT', 'automatic retrying count', Integer) {|i| retry_limit = i } op.on('-T', '--type TYPE', 'set query type (hive)') {|s| type = s } op.on('--engine-version ENGINE_VERSION', 'EXPERIMENTAL: specify query engine version by name') {|s| engine_version = s } curname = op.cmd_parse params = {} params['name'] = newname if newname params['cron'] = cron if cron params['query'] = sql if sql params['database'] = db_name if db_name params['result'] = result if result params['timezone'] = timezone if timezone params['delay'] = delay.to_s if delay params['priority'] = priority.to_s if priority params['retry_limit'] = retry_limit.to_s if retry_limit params['type'] = type.to_s if type params['engine_version'] = engine_version if engine_version if params.empty? $stderr.puts op.to_s exit 1 end client = get_client begin client.update_schedule(curname, params) rescue NotFoundError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{curname}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} " + Config.cl_options_string + "sched:list' to show list of the schedules." exit 1 end if newname && curname != newname $stdout.puts "Schedule '#{curname}' is updated and its name changed to '#{newname}'." else $stdout.puts "Schedule '#{curname}' is updated." end end def sched_history(op) require 'td/command/job' # job_priority_name_of page = 0 skip = 0 op.on('-p', '--page PAGE', 'skip N pages', Integer) {|i| page = i } op.on('-s', '--skip N', 'skip N schedules', Integer) {|i| skip = i } set_render_format_option(op) name, max = op.cmd_parse max = (max || 20).to_i if page skip += max * page end client = get_client begin history = client.history(name, skip, skip+max) rescue NotFoundError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} " + Config.cl_options_string + "sched:list' to show list of the schedules." exit 1 end scheds = client.schedules if s = scheds.find {|s| == name } $stdout.puts "Name : #{}" $stdout.puts "Cron : #{s.cron}" $stdout.puts "Timezone : #{s.timezone}" $stdout.puts "Delay : #{s.delay} sec" $stdout.puts "Next : #{s.next_time}" $stdout.puts "Result : #{s.result_url}" $stdout.puts "Priority : #{job_priority_name_of(s.priority)}" $stdout.puts "Retry limit : #{s.retry_limit}" $stdout.puts "Database : #{s.database}" $stdout.puts "Query : #{s.query}" end rows = [] history.each {|j| scheduled_at = j.scheduled_at ? j.scheduled_at.localtime : nil rows << {:Time => scheduled_at, :JobID => j.job_id, :Status => j.status, :Priority => job_priority_name_of(j.priority), :Result=>j.result_url} } $stdout.puts cmd_render_table(rows, :fields => [:JobID, :Time, :Status, :Priority, :Result], :render_format => op.render_format) end def sched_run(op) num = 1 op.on('-n', '--num N', 'number of jobs to run', Integer) {|i| num = i } set_render_format_option(op) name, time = op.cmd_parse if time.to_i.to_s == time.to_s # UNIX time t = else require 'time' begin t = Time.parse(time) rescue $stderr.puts "invalid time format: #{time}" exit 1 end end client = get_client begin jobs = client.run_schedule(name, t.to_i, num) rescue NotFoundError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} " + Config.cl_options_string + "sched:list' to show list of the schedules." exit 1 end rows = [] jobs.each_with_index {|job,i| rows << {:JobID => job.job_id, :Time => job.scheduled_at ? job.scheduled_at.localtime : nil} } $stderr.puts "Scheduled #{num} jobs from #{t}." $stdout.puts cmd_render_table(rows, :fields => [:JobID, :Time], :max_width=>500, :render_format => op.render_format) end def sched_result(op) options = job_show_options(op) back_number = 1 op.on('--last [Number]', Integer, "show the result before N from the last. default: 1") do |n| back_number = n ? n : 1 end # save argv before calling cmd_parse, which removes flags from the argv array argv_saved = op.argv.dup name = op.cmd_parse verbose = options[:verbose] wait = options[:wait] output = options[:output] format = options[:format] render_opts = options[:render_opts] limit = options[:limit] exclude = options[:exclude] client = get_client history = get_history(client, name, (back_number - 1), back_number) job = history.first if job.nil? $stderr.puts "No jobs available for this query. Refer to 'sched:history'." exit 1 end # build the job:show command now argv = job_show_option_argv(argv_saved, name, back_number) argv << job.job_id end def job_show_option_argv(argv_saved, name, back_number) argv = ['job:show'] argv += (argv_saved - [name]) if argv_saved.length > 0 # there are three argvs parters for sched_result. # 1. without --last # 2. --last (without Num) # 3. --last Num # 'back_number' is value of Num which was parsed by OptionParser. # remove both "--last" and Num if they are. index_of_last = argv.index("--last") return argv unless index_of_last index_of_next_of_last = index_of_last + 1 # the arg value following to "--last" next_of_last = argv[index_of_next_of_last] indexes_of_options_for_sched_result = [index_of_last] indexes_of_options_for_sched_result << index_of_next_of_last if next_of_last == back_number.to_s indexes_of_options_for_sched_result.each do |index| argv[index] = nil end argv.compact end def get_history(client, name, from, to) begin history = client.history(name, from, to) rescue NotFoundError cmd_debug_error $! $stderr.puts "Schedule '#{name}' does not exist." $stderr.puts "Use '#{$prog} " + Config.cl_options_string + "sched:list' to show list of the schedules." exit 1 end history end end # module Command end # module TreasureData