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Trustworthy information offered in a spirit of companionship. “This is the best source for readable, up-to-date information—from the world’s experts.” —Dr. Thomas J. Smith, Johns Hopkins Hospital “If you’re looking for a comprehensive, easy-to-read book about an often confusing topic, The Mayo Clinic Breast Cancer Book is for you.” —Henry M. Kuerer, M.D., Ph.D., FACS, Professor and Director, Breast Surgical Oncology Training Program, MD Anderson Cancer Center “Readers will likely return again and again to this book as a convenient source of knowledge, insight, and reassurance as they confront the many decisions required in the treatment of breast cancer.” —Clifford A. Hudis, M.D., Chief, Breast Cancer Medicine Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Mayo Clinic Cancer Center is dedicated to understanding and discovering new ways to predict, prevent, diagnose and treat cancer, transforming the quality of life for cancer patients today and into the future. With a multisite national presence, its three campuses—in Pheonix/Scottsdale, Ariz.; Jacksonville, Fla.; and Rochester, Minn.—offer a broad geographic reach to serve patients. Designated as a Comprehensive Cancer Center by the National Cancer Institute, Mayo Clinic Cancer Center is a leader in translating discoveries into effective improvements in patient care. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mayo Clinic took root in farm fields near Rochester, Minn., in the late 1800s. It grew from the medical practice of a country doctor, William Worrall Mayo, and the partnership of his two sons, William J. and Charles H. Mayo—affectionately known as Dr. Will and Dr. Charlie. The brothers' innovative ideas and tireless work in learning and creating new surgical techniques attracted international attention. Physicians from around the world came to watch the Mayo brothers perform surgery. The Mayo brothers invited other doctors to join them, forming teams of medical experts. 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